
4-1! 2-1! Four places have been decided in the last eight of the European Championship: Spain won against Germany, England reversed

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4-1! 2-1! Four places have been decided in the last eight of the European Championship: Spain won against Germany, England reversed
4-1! 2-1! Four places have been decided in the last eight of the European Championship: Spain won against Germany, England reversed
4-1! 2-1! Four places have been decided in the last eight of the European Championship: Spain won against Germany, England reversed
4-1! 2-1! Four places have been decided in the last eight of the European Championship: Spain won against Germany, England reversed
4-1! 2-1! Four places have been decided in the last eight of the European Championship: Spain won against Germany, England reversed
4-1! 2-1! Four places have been decided in the last eight of the European Championship: Spain won against Germany, England reversed
4-1! 2-1! Four places have been decided in the last eight of the European Championship: Spain won against Germany, England reversed
4-1! 2-1! Four places have been decided in the last eight of the European Championship: Spain won against Germany, England reversed

The quarter-finals of the European Championship are on fire: Spain beat Georgia and England made a thrilling comeback

Spain: Solid strength shows big win over Georgia

As the knockout stages of the European Championship progress, the heartstrings of fans are getting tighter. In a high-profile battle last night, the Spanish team announced their determination to return to the ranks of world football powerhouses with a hearty victory. Against Georgia, Spain won comfortably 4-1, showing not only their attacking firepower, but also their consistency in defence.

From the start of the game, the Spanish team showed absolute control of the game. Although in the 18th minute of the match, Spain were unexpectedly 1-0 down thanks to an own goal from Lenorl, the episode did not disrupt their rhythm of the game. Instead, they quickly adjusted their mentality and equalised with a brilliant combination. Rodri sent the ball into the corner of the Georgian goal with a brilliant long-range strike to make it 1-1.

In the second half, the Spanish team was even more firepower. The goals of Fabian and Williams allowed the Spanish team to gradually extend the score advantage. Williams' counter-attacking goal, in particular, not only showed his excellent individual ability, but also showed the tacit understanding of the Spanish team's teamwork. In the end, Olmo's goal set the score at 4-1 and the Spanish team advanced to the quarterfinals with a big victory.

England: Thrilling reversal to advance

Compared with the steady and steady performance of the Spanish team, the road to qualification for the English team can be described as twists and turns. Against Slovakia, England struggled in the first half. They conceded the ball early and the fans sweated for them. However, in the final moments of the game, England staged a thrilling comeback.

In the 95th minute, Bellingham's brilliant barb equalised the score and dragged the game into extra-time. At this moment, the players of the England team seemed to regain the rhythm and confidence of the game. Just one minute into extra-time, Kane scored the game-winning goal for England with a header. This goal was not only worth a thousand dollars, but also allowed England to advance to the quarter-finals.

England's comeback victory, although thrilling, also showed their tenacity and never-say-die spirit. Despite their ups and downs in form, they have always been able to step up and fight for the team in key moments. Next, they will face a strong Swiss team, and I believe they will be able to continue this form and bring more surprises to the fans.

The quarter-finals of the European Championship are emerging: Spain vs Germany, England vs Switzerland

With Spain and England qualifying, the pattern of the quarter-finals of the European Championship is gradually becoming clear. At the moment, the four places that have been confirmed are Spain, England, Switzerland and Germany. All four teams are among the best in world football, and their matchup will undoubtedly be the highlight of this tournament.

In the next match, Spain will take on Germany, and the matchup between these two traditional giants of European football will undoubtedly be a feast for the eyes. England, on the other hand, will face a strong Switzerland side in a game that will also test their form and quality. Neither Spain nor England will have a better chance of reaching the last four of this tournament if they can win this crucial battle.

Title clash between Germany and Spain?

In this European Championship, Germany and Spain are undoubtedly the two best teams. They showed their strength and consistency in the group stage and have now progressed to the quarter-finals, and their clash will undoubtedly be one of the most high-profile matches of the tournament.

Germany and Spain are both traditional giants of world football, and the matchup between them is always full of suspense and highlights. Whether in terms of player quality, tactical system or game experience, both teams have the quality to compete for the title. Therefore, whoever can win this crucial battle will have a better chance of winning this European Cup. Let's wait and see who of these two teams can emerge from this pinnacle matchup and emerge as the ultimate winner.

The Euro quarter-finals battle through the eyes of the fans: Spain and England's road to glory

As an avid football fan, when the flames of the European Championship were ignited again, my mood boiled over. With the arrival of the knockout stage, every game seems to be a life-and-death battle, which makes people's hearts surge. Among them, Spain and England were particularly eye-catching in their path to qualification, and the quality and tenacity they showed gave me a lot of respect for these two teams.

Spain: Steady as a rock, the king is back

The Spanish team's game always gives people a sense of calm and sharpness. Their attacks are well-organised and their passes are accurate, as if every player understands exactly what their teammates are trying to do and get the ball to the right place. In the match with the Georgian team, although there were some twists and turns in the beginning, the Spanish team quickly adjusted its form, and finally won 4-1 with strong strength and tacit cooperation.

This victory is not only a victory in the score, but also a victory in the strength and confidence of the Spanish team. The steadiness and calmness they showed in the game made me see the momentum of the return of this team. They have great players such as Rodri, Fabian, etc., and their excellent performances have laid a solid foundation for the team's victory. At the same time, Spain's tactical system was impressive, creating chances and straining their opponents through precise passing and movement.

England: Rise in the face of adversity, the king of reversal

In contrast to the solidity of the Spanish team, England's road to qualification was full of thrills and excitement. They were on the back footing against Slovakia. However, in the final moments of the game, they staged a thrilling comeback thanks to the excellent performances of Bellingham and Kane.

This comeback victory is not only a victory, but also a victory for the spirit and fighting spirit of the England team. They do not give up in the face of adversity and always maintain their desire and pursuit of victory. This spirit gives me a lot of respect for this team. At the same time, the England players also showed great individual ability and teamwork. Bellingham's barb and Kane's header showed their quality and talent.

Team comparison: very different styles, each with its own characteristics

Spain and England are both powerhouses in European football, but their styles and characteristics are very different. Spain are known for their solidity and precision, and they continue to create chances through their delicate passing and movement. England, on the other hand, are more focused on physicality and speed, with players with excellent physicality and speed that can put their opponents under intense pressure during the game.

This difference in style is also reflected in their games. Spain tend to play more fluidly and orderly, controlling the pace of the game so that their opponents can't find a breakthrough. England, on the other hand, were more intense and exciting, constantly threatening their opponents through physical confrontation and speed impact. This difference in style also makes their games more enjoyable and suspenseful.

Looking to the future: who will dominate the battle for the championship?

With the quarterfinals of the European Championship being produced, fans are also full of expectations for the ownership of the championship. Spain and England are the best of the bunch, and will undoubtedly be strong contenders for the title. The quality and fighting spirit they showed in the game made people feel confident in them.

However, the battle for the title is never easy. In the next matches, Spain will take on Germany, while England will face Switzerland. Both games will be tough battles and the players will need to be at their best. Who can stand out in this fierce competition and emerge as the ultimate winner will be our primary concern.

In short, the field of the European Cup is full of passion and suspense, and every game makes our blood boil. Whether it's the solidity of the Spanish team or the tenacity of the England team, we have seen the charm and power of football. Let's look forward to the next games and witness the glorious moment of this football feast together!

Discussion: As a fan, who do you think has a better chance of winning the tournament, Spain or England? What can we learn from their style of play and tactical system? Come and share your thoughts in the comment section!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Heroic competition, prosperous chapter

The river is churning, and the heroes are chasing the deer.

The Spanish wore gold armor, and the English danced in sword clothes.

The wind and clouds rise on the green field, and the iron-blooded Dan heart reflects the sun.

The beacon fire is burning all day and night, and all eyes are on the drums of war.

Spain is like an iron wall, and the passing is as delicate as a flying silk.

Although Georgia is brave, how can the king return to the force.

The four-goal victory showed its prestige, and the road to the quarterfinals was paved.

England has many tribulations, and in adversity it shows real gold.

Slovakia took the lead, and the Three Lions were unsinkable.

Bellingham is shocking, Kane's header is the winner.

The reversal of the lore shocked the four, and the heroism shook the world.

The pride of the two teams is the same, and the football feast reflects the stars.

The skills are rare in the world, and the fighting spirit is high-spirited and shocks the world.

Spain is as steady as a rock, England is as brave as fire.

Who's in charge is waiting to be revealed, and fans are looking forward to the clouds.

The German chariot is majestic, and the Swiss Army knife is sharp.

The pattern of the top eight has begun to appear, and it is difficult to avoid the competition of heroes.

How wonderful the world of football is, who doesn't want to win the crown?

The tears and laughter of the heroes' sons and daughters are all paid to this green field.

Since ancient times, heroes have come out of youth, and today the stadium shows heroes.

The Spaniards were more strategic, and the English were brave.

The iron-blooded pill shines on the sun and the moon, and the pride and ambition soar into the sky.

The prosperous chapter is to be continued, and the fans congratulate this good night.

Let's look at the confrontation between the Spanish team and the German tank, and the glorious collision in the long river of history will surely stir up thousands of waves. Spain are known for their precise passing and tacit coordination, while the German Tank is known for its tenacity and fighting spirit. When the two teams meet, it will be a fierce battle, and it is still unknown who will be better.

Looking at the clash between England and the Swiss Army Knife, there are also sparks. England faced adversity, but with their tenacity and outstanding players, they managed to come back from the ground and qualify. The Swiss team is also a strong team, and their tenacity and consistency are not to be underestimated. The battle of this battle will be exciting, and the outcome is unpredictable.

The quarter-finals have begun, and every game will be a feast for the eyes. Regardless of the final result, these players show us the charm and power of football. Their sweat and tears, hard work and perseverance will become eternal memories in our hearts.

Let's look forward to the next games and cheer for these heroes. I hope they will continue to write their own legendary stories on the green field and bring us more surprises and touches. The prosperous chapter is to be continued, and the fans celebrate this good night!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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