
The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried, please refer to the 985 and 211 admission score lines!

author:Friendship Takayama 234

The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried, please refer to the 985 and 211 admission score lines!

The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried, please refer to the 985 and 211 admission score lines!
The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried, please refer to the 985 and 211 admission score lines!
The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried, please refer to the 985 and 211 admission score lines!
The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried, please refer to the 985 and 211 admission score lines!
The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried, please refer to the 985 and 211 admission score lines!
The results of the college entrance examination are out, some people are happy and some are worried, please refer to the 985 and 211 admission score lines!

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