
The Legacy of the Center! The 1.97-meter coach Chen Nan became a "baby" in front of the new star Zhang Ziyu in seconds!

author:Red coffee meets vanilla

In the history of the Chinese women's basketball team, Chen Nan is a superstar who cannot be ignored. As a former center forward of the national team, she has become the mainstay of the team with her excellent footwork skills and delicate touch. However, as the years passed, the tall man who turned over the river and the sea on the inner line back then now stood in front of Zhang Ziyu, who was 2.23 meters, but he looked a lot shorter. This visual contrast makes people sigh at the intergenerational inheritance on the basketball court.

The Legacy of the Center! The 1.97-meter coach Chen Nan became a "baby" in front of the new star Zhang Ziyu in seconds!

Chen Nan's glorious era

Chen Nan is 1.97 meters tall, and with a height of nearly 2 meters, he is definitely a giant on the basketball court. At her peak, with her excellent basketball skills and deep understanding of the game, she repeatedly helped the Chinese women's basketball team achieve good results. Her footwork is exquisite, her turn is flexible, and her offensive means are diverse, and she is known as the "inner hegemon" of the Chinese women's basketball team. Chen Nan not only has a strong lethality under the basket, but her mid-range shooting is also quite stable, making the opponent unguardable.

The Legacy of the Center! The 1.97-meter coach Chen Nan became a "baby" in front of the new star Zhang Ziyu in seconds!

The rise of Zhang Ziyu

Zhang Ziyu is 2.23 meters tall, a number that can be called a "monster" on the basketball court. Her appearance not only refreshed people's perception in terms of height, but also injected new vitality into the Chinese women's basketball team. Compared with Chen Nan, Zhang Ziyu's height advantage is obvious, but her basketball skills are also improving. Being able to learn from a legendary center like Chen Nan is undoubtedly a great blessing in Zhang Ziyu's career.

The Legacy of the Center! The 1.97-meter coach Chen Nan became a "baby" in front of the new star Zhang Ziyu in seconds!

The importance of the center's legacy

From Chen Nan to Zhang Ziyu, it seems to be a good story of the inheritance of the center. Chen Nan's experience and technology have important guiding significance for Zhang Ziyu's growth. Chen Nan not only taught Zhang Ziyu the essence of technology, but also gave her great psychological support. On the basketball court, technical and psychological qualities are equally important, and these are the precious assets that Chen Nan left to Zhang Ziyu.

The Legacy of the Center! The 1.97-meter coach Chen Nan became a "baby" in front of the new star Zhang Ziyu in seconds!

Many netizens expressed optimism about the combination of master and apprentice. "Chen Nan's footwork skills and shooting feel are impeccable, and Zhang Ziyu can learn a lot from her!" A basketball fan said on social media. Some netizens also believe that if Zhang Ziyu wants to make a difference in the international arena, he also needs to further improve his physical confrontation and speed.

The Legacy of the Center! The 1.97-meter coach Chen Nan became a "baby" in front of the new star Zhang Ziyu in seconds!

Basketball experts believe that Zhang Ziyu's height is her huge advantage, but it can also become her shortcoming. "In modern basketball, height alone isn't enough," says one veteran coach, "and she needs to work more on flexibility and stamina so that she can be well-rounded." At the same time, experts also emphasized that Chen Nan, as a coach, should continue to give full play to her technical and tactical expertise to help Zhang Ziyu better use her physical advantages in the game.

The Legacy of the Center! The 1.97-meter coach Chen Nan became a "baby" in front of the new star Zhang Ziyu in seconds!

Challenges and opportunities for the future

Zhang Ziyu's future is full of endless possibilities, her height and talent are rare, but how to translate these advantages into actual competition ability will require the joint efforts of her and her coaches. With the changes of the times, basketball is also constantly evolving, and Zhang Ziyu must be the best in all aspects to stand out in the fierce competition.

The Legacy of the Center! The 1.97-meter coach Chen Nan became a "baby" in front of the new star Zhang Ziyu in seconds!

A beautiful story of master-apprentice love

The master-apprentice friendship between Chen Nan and Zhang Ziyu makes people see the most touching side on the basketball court. This is not only the inheritance of technology, but also the transmission of spirit. Chen Nan used her experience and wisdom to help Zhang Ziyu go further on the road of basketball. And Zhang Ziyu used her hard work and talent to show people the hope of a new generation of Chinese women's basketball team.

The Legacy of the Center! The 1.97-meter coach Chen Nan became a "baby" in front of the new star Zhang Ziyu in seconds!

What do you think of the master-apprentice combination of Chen Nan and Zhang Ziyu? Do you think Zhang Ziyu can take over the baton from Chen Nan and become a new generation of center for the Chinese women's basketball team? Welcome to share your views and insights in the comment area, and let's cheer for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team!

The Legacy of the Center! The 1.97-meter coach Chen Nan became a "baby" in front of the new star Zhang Ziyu in seconds!

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