
Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

author:Red coffee meets vanilla

Zhang Ziyu, the 2.23-meter-tall rising star of the women's basketball team, is not only eye-catching with her amazing height, but her masters are also various heavyweights. Gong Xiaobin and Chen Nan, two legends in the Chinese basketball world, have injected strong impetus and support into Zhang Ziyu's growth. Let's explore Zhang Ziyu's growth process and the infinite possibilities of her future.

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

Gong Xiaobin, a legend of the Shandong men's basketball team, is known as the "Jordan" of Chinese basketball. Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot and taught him the practical experience and shooting skills accumulated over the years. Gong Xiaobin is not only Wang Zhizhi's master, but his basketball wisdom and tactical awareness have been widely recognized. Gong Xiaobin once proudly said that he felt hard to watch the Shandong men's basketball players play, which fully reflected his outstanding ability in the field of basketball.

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

Under the careful teaching of Gong Xiaobin, Zhang Ziyu's shooting skills have been significantly improved. Gong Xiaobin emphasized the stability and accuracy of shooting, which helped Zhang Ziyu achieve a good performance in the game. As a young center player, Zhang Ziyu not only needs to master offensive skills under the basket, but also needs to have the ability to shoot from medium to long distance. Gong Xiaobin's guidance has undoubtedly laid a solid foundation for Zhang Ziyu's all-round development.

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

Chen Nan, one of the most skilled centers in the history of the Chinese women's basketball team, is as agile as a forward, and her shooting accuracy is even more breathtaking. With a height of 1.97 meters, she has become a legend of a generation of women's basketball with her excellent basketball skills. Under the guidance of Chen Nan, Zhang Ziyu learned how to use flexible footwork and accurate shooting on the court to take the initiative in the game.

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

Chen Nan taught Zhang Ziyu how to use his height advantage while forming an effective offensive threat under the basket through flexible footwork and quick reflexes. Chen Nan emphasized that center players must not only have height, but also skills and intelligence. Under the careful guidance of Chen Nan, Zhang Ziyu gradually mastered these skills and became a well-rounded center player.

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

Zhang Ziyu's future is not only because of her height and talent, but also because she has been carefully taught by legends like Gong Xiaobin and Chen Nan. These valuable experiences and skills will help her achieve even more brilliant achievements in her future basketball career.

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

Although Zhang Ziyu has made significant progress, she still has a long way to go in her future. Netizens are full of expectations for her future, and some believe that she will become the next Yao Ming and lead the Chinese women's basketball team to the world stage. Some experts also suggested that Zhang Ziyu should continue to strengthen her personal skills training, especially difficult movements such as backward jumpers, in order to improve her versatility and threat in the game.

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

Some netizens said: "Zhang Ziyu is not only talented, but also has the guidance of the legendary master, and her future is bright." Experts also believe: "Zhang Ziyu needs to continue to work stable shooting and defensive skills, and the guidance of Gong Xiaobin and Chen Nan is a priceless asset for her." ”

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

However, there are also some controversial voices that believe that whether Zhang Ziyu can really become a top player still needs more practical tests and psychological quality improvement. Basketball is not only a contest of skills, but also a psychological game. Only by staying calm under pressure can you make the right judgments and choices at critical moments.

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

Overall, Zhang Ziyu is undoubtedly the hope for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team. Her height advantage and the guidance of her masters have given her great potential and room for development on the basketball court. The teachings of Gong Xiaobin and Chen Nan have provided her with a solid foundation and rich experience for her growth. In the future, we look forward to seeing Zhang Ziyu shine on the international stage and become a new generation legend of the Chinese women's basketball team.

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

Finally, you are welcome to share your views and expectations for Zhang Ziyu in the comment area. Do you think she can be the next Yao Ming? What else does she need to work on? Let's witness her growth and brilliance together!

Famous teachers make high apprentices! The famous Gong Xiaobin taught Zhang Ziyu to shoot, and the former center of the women's basketball team, Chen Nan, taught her steps!

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