
Good women suffer from these

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these
Good women suffer from these

In the corner of a bustling city, there lives a woman named Zhang Wanru. She is beautiful and generous, kind-hearted, and always treats those around her with a tolerant heart. However, it is these seemingly beautiful qualities of her that have made her suffer a lot in some aspects of her life.

One day, an unexpected thing happened in Zhang Wanru's company. Her department wants to select an outstanding employee, with a generous bonus and a chance to be promoted. Zhang Wanru usually works hard and has outstanding performance, and is recognized as a good employee. However, at the critical moment of the selection, she chose to give up the opportunity to her new colleague Li Na.

Li Na said to Zhang Wanru gratefully: "Sister Wanru, you are so good!" I'm new to the city and I don't know anything, how can you trust me so much and give me such an important opportunity? ”

Zhang Wanru smiled and said, "It's nothing, I believe in your ability, and I also believe that our department needs fresh blood." Moreover, I feel that this opportunity is more meaningful to you. ”

However, Li Na did not cherish this opportunity as Zhang Wan imagined. She didn't focus on her work, but began to show off her "achievements" everywhere, and even became jealous of Zhang Wanru.

One day after work, Li Na deliberately said in front of her colleagues: "Sister Wanru is really a good person, she always gives opportunities to others." But then again, did she do this because she knew that her abilities were limited and she was afraid that she would not be able to compete with us? ”

When these words reached Zhang Wanru's ears, she felt very uncomfortable. She didn't expect that her kindness would be misunderstood and trampled on by others like this. However, instead of arguing and explaining, she endured it all in silence.

Such things are not uncommon in Zhang Wanru's life. She is always habitually thinking about others and putting the needs of others before her own. Whether it is a family friend, a stranger or a stranger, she will not hesitate to lend a helping hand as long as she has the ability to help. However, her kindness and tolerance were not appreciated and respected by all. On the contrary, some will take advantage of her kindness and even betray her.

Once, a friend of Ms. Zhang's had a large debt due to a failed business. She asked Zhang Wanru for help, hoping that she could lend her some money to tide over the difficulties. Zhang Wanru did not hesitate to take out all her savings and help her friend get through the difficulties. However, when Zhang Wanru needed money, her friend shirked and refused to pay back the money for various reasons. Although Zhang Wanru felt sad, she did not blame her friends, but chose to forgive and be tolerant.

Zhang Wanru's husband also suffered because of her kindness. Once, a distant relative came to their family and wanted to find a job in the city because of their financial difficulties. Zhang Wanru helped contact several companies without saying a word, and personally took relatives to the interview. Eventually, the relative found a good job, but it didn't take long for him to quit because of the hard work. Not only did he not thank Zhang Wanru for her help, but complained that the work she introduced was too tiring.

Zhang Wanru's husband couldn't help but say, "You are so stupid! You've done so much for her, and she doesn't appreciate it at all. Why do you have to be so wronged by yourself? ”

Zhang Wanru sighed and said, "I know that I may suffer a loss by doing this, but I feel that helping others is a kind act. I don't want to hurt others because of my kindness. ”

Zhang Wanru's words left her husband speechless. He understands that his wife's kindness and tolerance is in her nature and one of the reasons why he loves her so much. However, he also hopes that his wife can learn to protect herself and not always think about others and ignore her own feelings.

After a long time, Zhang Wanru gradually understood a truth: kindness and tolerance are virtues, but they also need to have a bottom line and principles. She began to learn to protect her own interests while helping others, and no longer blindly tolerated and sacrificed. Her life has become better and happier because of it.