
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her
When a woman is at home, she must understand who is the closest to her

In a quiet town, there lives a woman named Lin Yue. Lin Yue is a gentle and virtuous woman who always puts her family first and takes care of her husband and two children with all her heart. However, as the years passed, she gradually discovered that who was closest to her in this family and who was most worthy of her dependence was not what she thought at first.

One night, Lin Yue was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen. Suddenly, she heard her husband and children arguing in the living room. She hurriedly put down the work in her hand and walked out of the kitchen, only to see her husband Li Mingzheng harshly reprimanding her eldest son Xiaojie, while Xiaojie stubbornly lowered his head and tears rolled in his eyes.

"Why are you so ignorant? I failed the exam again this time, how disappointed you were for my mother! Li Ming said angrily.

Xiaojie defended: "I've tried very hard, but the topic is too difficult, I really can't do it." ”

Lin Yue looked at Xiao Jie distressedly, stepped forward and patted him lightly on the shoulder, and comforted: "Don't be sad, Xiao Jie." Exams are just a way to test your learning, and your grades don't tell you all. Let's take a look at what the problem is and work together to solve it. ”

Seeing this, Li Ming glared at Lin Yue dissatisfiedly and said, "You are always so used to him, so he will be so unproductive!" ”

Lin Yue's heart trembled, she knew that her husband had high expectations for his son, but her educational philosophy was different. She believes that what children need is understanding and support, not blaming and reprimanding.

After dinner, Lin Yue pulled Xiao Ming into the room and asked softly, "Xiao Ming, who do you think is the closest at home?" ”

Xiao Ming thought for a while and replied, "Mom is the dearest." ”

Lin Yue's heart warmed, and she asked again, "Then what do you think of Dad?" ”

Xiao Ming hesitated for a moment and said, "Dad is also very good, but he is always busy and rarely has time to spend with me." Also, he can be me sometimes. ”

Lin Yue listened, and her heart was mixed. She understands that her husband is successful in his career, but it also makes him ignore the importance of family. He cared little about the children's growth and feelings, and always held them to his own standards. And herself, although she has been trying to maintain family harmony, sometimes she also feels powerless.

That night, Lin Yue lay in bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. She began to reflect on her role and place in the family. She realized that as a woman, she should not only take care of her husband and children's daily life at home, but also pay attention to their emotional needs and growth and development. And in this process, who is the closest and who is most worthy of her dependence is actually not a fixed answer from the beginning.

The next morning, Lin Yue decided to communicate with her husband. She told Li Ming that she understood the pressure and hard work of his career, but also hoped that he would care more about his family and children. She suggested that they work together to develop a family plan, clarify their respective responsibilities and roles in the family, and work together for the happiness of the family.

Li Ming listened to Lin Yue's words and was silent for a while. He realized that he did have a lot of shortcomings in the family, and he also understood Lin Yue's good intentions. He apologized to Lin Yue and said that he would work hard to change himself and care more about his family and children.

Over time, Li Ming gradually changed his attitude and behavior. He began to be more involved in family affairs and the growth and education of children, and shared the responsibility of the family with Lin Yue. Together, they make a family plan, clarify their respective tasks and goals, and work together for the happiness of the family.

In this process, Lin Yue also deeply realized the meaning of who is the closest to him. She understands that in the family, the closest people are not only blood relatives, but also those who can understand, support and care for each other. Only when a deep emotional foundation is established between the husband and wife and they work together for the happiness of the family can the family become a warm harbor in the true sense of the word.