
Ordinary people often say, "I married a daughter-in-law and forgot my mother", so what about a woman who got married? Listen to what the next sentence says

author:Good luck comes with you

In the mouths of our people, there is an old saying: "I forget my mother when I marry a daughter-in-law." This sentence may seem ridiculous, but it shows a common phenomenon that newlyweds may pay more attention to each other's family after the love period, especially the closeness to their spouse's family. However, in the game of marriage, every step touches people's hearts, so what will happen to a woman when she gets married? Next, let's listen to the second half of the sentence together and see the subtle changes in women in this relationship.

Ordinary people often say, "I married a daughter-in-law and forgot my mother", so what about a woman who got married? Listen to what the next sentence says

A married woman is like a busy little bee, not only to take care of family chores, but also to maintain the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Someone said, "If there is a good wife in the family, there is a treasure." "It is true that the role of a woman in the family often changes from daughter to wife and then mother, and between the role changes, she learns to tolerate, understand and give." Marriage is the grave of love", but for many women, it is also the beginning of growth and responsibility.

Ordinary people often say, "I married a daughter-in-law and forgot my mother", so what about a woman who got married? Listen to what the next sentence says

Of course, this does not mean that they will forget their mothers. On the contrary, the flesh and blood affection will only be deeper. Just like Ms. Bingxin once said: "Love is on the left, sympathy is on the right, walk on both sides of life, sow seeds at any time, and bloom at any time." "The longing and concern for my mother's family is like a wildflower in spring, although it is low-key but always exists.

Ordinary people often say, "I married a daughter-in-law and forgot my mother", so what about a woman who got married? Listen to what the next sentence says

However, as the pace of life increases, the pressures of reality leave some women with a choice between the two. "You can't have both fish and bear's paws", this sentence is especially appropriate in marriage. They may face a balance between family and family of origin, looking for their own "middle ground".

Ordinary people often say, "I married a daughter-in-law and forgot my mother", so what about a woman who got married? Listen to what the next sentence says

At the same time, marriage also teaches women how to deal with complex relationships. "To know how to love someone, you must first know how to respect and understand him", this is the wisdom of Fromm. In the same way, understanding and respecting mother-in-law has become a compulsory course for women in the new era.

Ordinary people often say, "I married a daughter-in-law and forgot my mother", so what about a woman who got married? Listen to what the next sentence says

Therefore, when we hear "marrying a daughter-in-law and forgetting her mother", we might as well look at it from another angle, which is more like a warm reminder: no matter when, family affection will not be weakened because of marriage, but will become deeper in mutual tolerance and understanding. When a woman gets married, she not only assumes the responsibility of the family, but also shows the softness and tenacity of human nature in the interweaving of emotions.

Ordinary people often say, "I married a daughter-in-law and forgot my mother", so what about a woman who got married? Listen to what the next sentence says

Marriage in this world has both a sweet honeymoon period and a run-in pain. But no matter what, we should remember that both men and women are in this marathon of life, striving to become a better version of themselves, and at the same time protecting that deep emotional bond.

Finally, let us praise those women who are comfortable in marriage and take care of family affection, who use their actions to interpret what is true home and what is the true meaning of love. Forward this article so that more people can feel this affection and understanding!

Ordinary people often say, "I married a daughter-in-law and forgot my mother", so what about a woman who got married? Listen to what the next sentence says

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