
How did the ancients survive the winter before cotton was introduced? Bai Juyi's poems reveal the cold plight of the people at the bottom

author:Poetic sesame sauce XRN

In today's society, we can easily escape the wind and cold, enjoy hot food, and rely on air conditioning and various thermal facilities. So, how did ancient people survive in the cold winter? Next, we will explore how the ancients used their ingenuity to cope with cold weather and ensure stability in their daily lives.

Firewood and charcoal: the way the poor keep warm

In ancient societies, firewood was an important source of warmth. Poor families have no access to charcoal fire, and can only rely on ordinary firewood to survive. At the beginning of autumn, these families begin to collect dead branches and store them in dry areas for winter. Each match is of great value and holds the hope of a warm winter.

The heating rules of poor families are unusually simple, nothing more than lighting the firewood in the house, making it the only hope in the cold winter. Although this method does not provide long-term heating, at least in the middle of the night, this faint heat is precious. Although this warm strategy from life seems primitive, it contains the wisdom and tenacity of survival.

Cellar & Grain: Food Security in Winter

In ancient times, due to the lack of freezing and preservation methods, food sources were scarce in winter. In order to survive the long winter, the ancients would store grain in cellars such as basements after the autumn harvest for daily consumption.

The cellar is not only used as a place to store grain, but also directly affects the economic structure of the family. In winter, the cellar is opened to obtain grain, and the family is cautious and cherished. This is how the ancients survived in response to nature's challenges.

Linen and padding: Plain warm clothing

In ancient times, when supplies were scarce, people mainly relied on clothes sewn from linen to protect them from the cold. These garments were coarse, but because of the lack of better materials at the time, they became the first choice for the general public. Many households will stuff linen with usable materials such as straw to further improve their warmth.

How did the ancients survive the winter before cotton was introduced? Bai Juyi's poems reveal the cold plight of the people at the bottom

The rudimentary way of keeping warm shows the poor face of ancient society. Even in the midst of a harsh winter, many people have to rely on this simple measure to barely maintain their body temperature, underscoring the resilience and innovation of humanity in the face of difficult circumstances.

Adobe houses and thatched roofs: shelters for the poor

People with limited financial means can only choose adobe houses and thatched roofs as their homes, although their durability cannot be compared with modern buildings, but they can at least withstand wind and rain and provide a safer and more comfortable place to live.

How did the ancients survive the winter before cotton was introduced? Bai Juyi's poems reveal the cold plight of the people at the bottom

In such modest dwellings, the warmth function is enhanced by a variety of means, such as applying heavy soil to the walls or covering the roof with several layers of straw. These seemingly simple gestures actually show the ingenuity of the ancients and reveal their struggle against the natural environment.

The pepper wall and the heating secret recipe of the rich and noble

The ancient wealthy families had enough financial resources and skills to cope with the cold. Its unique heating methods include charcoal heating and pepper built into the walls to exert its warming properties to raise the temperature of the living room. This shows the quality of life of the wealthy and noble, and also shows the ingenuity of the ancients in the use of natural materials.

How did the ancients survive the winter before cotton was introduced? Bai Juyi's poems reveal the cold plight of the people at the bottom

The production of pepper walls must have corresponding skills and resources, and its threshold restrictions make it impossible to implement in ordinary families. As a result, this type of heating has become a symbol of the wealthy class, highlighting their prominent position in society.

Hand stove and hand warmer: the portable heating tools of the ancients

Since ancient times, hand stoves have been a popular portable thermal product, with a delicate and gorgeous appearance, similar to modern hand warmers. This object can not only bring instant warmth, but also show the social status and taste of the user.

Hand stoves are made of a variety of materials and decorations, ranging from simple models made of pure copper to luxurious models carved with precious stones.

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