
From July 1st, the good days of these "three types of people" will come to an end, see who they are

author:Sister Jin Ling talks about life
From July 1st, the good days of these "three types of people" will come to an end, see who they are

From July 1st, the good days of these three types of people are coming to an end, look at who they are. Time flies like flowing water, and time flies so fast! In the blink of an eye, the tail of June has slipped away.

From July 1st, the good days of these "three types of people" will come to an end, see who they are

Soon we ushered in a new month, July, some people know very well in their hearts, by July, some people may start to worry, why? Because July, but the hottest month of the year, July and August are for them to suffer and suffer.

Because July is the hottest and hottest month of the year, a large number of people have been greatly affected in order to live, travel and work. It is no exaggeration to say that the following three types of people may feel that life is difficult, and their good days are coming to an end.

From July 1st, the good days of these "three types of people" will come to an end, see who they are

The first group, peasant friends, all year round, winter is the most blessed time for farmers, but in July, it is the busiest time for them, no matter how hot it is in summer, they have to work in the fields.

You can't ignore the crops you have worked so hard to plant! The crops in the field have to be watered, weededed, and sprayed, all of which have to be done by yourself, and you can't be fooled.

In any case, the farmer friends regard farming as the top priority, and they still have to work in the field on such a hot day, so a persistence will make them suffer in July, and the sweat beads fall to the ground and fall eight petals! It's really not easy.

From July 1st, the good days of these "three types of people" will come to an end, see who they are

The second category is construction workers, who work in the open air to build bridges and roads. Our construction workers generally work outdoors, and it is common for them to be exposed to the wind and sun in summer, and they are exposed to the sun in the summer until they take off a layer of skin, especially in July, when the sun is hot, they have to be busy in the construction site.

So after July, it can be said that it is really a layer of skin for them! The good days are coming to an end.

From July 1st, the good days of these "three types of people" will come to an end, see who they are

The third category is those who do not have air conditioning at home. Now it can be said that 70% of people have air conditioning, but there are still a small number of people who do not have air conditioning at home, and some people may not be able to afford it because of economic conditions.

Some of them are the elderly, maybe because of the old concept of the elderly, they don't need to buy air conditioners, and they are hot for a few days, and they pass in a flash, and they also cost electricity, so the family is uneasy.

These people really don't know that the air conditioner will bring them cool July, and in July, the hot weather will come, but it will not be comfortable.

From July 1st, the good days of these "three types of people" will come to an end, see who they are

If possible, I still recommend that you try to install an air conditioner to avoid the sin of heat. Enjoy the coolness of the air conditioner. Don't be like a dog in the heat of July, why suffer that sin.

That's what I'm talking about! The main thing is to tell these three types of friends that from July 1, the hot weather is a natural phenomenon, and no one can change it, but we can prepare in advance, for example, drink more water, go out less, do a good job of sun protection measures, etc.

In this way, even if the weather is hot, we will not suffer from the heat, and I hope everyone can have a cool and comfortable July. If you are also one of the above three types of friends, prepare for the heatstroke in advance, so as not to be guilty on a hot day in July, thank you for your attention!