
A five-character masterpiece in the early Tang Dynasty, the technique is exquisite, and it is full of rationality and fun, which is unforgettable

author:Talk about poetry and words

Life is short, and being able to meet a bosom friend in a limited life is a blessing in three lives, and I should cherish it more. However, the world is unpredictable, life is impermanent, as the so-called flowers are not red for a hundred days, people are not good for a thousand days, once the true love is no longer there, some people may cry all day long, and some people will face it calmly.

Life is full of ups and downs, and no one's life is always as calm as water. However, it is precisely because of the ill-fated fate that the world can gain more life experience, and it also makes the literati and writers have rich literary materials, so that they can create famous works that have been passed down for a long time. The following shares a five-character masterpiece of the early Tang Dynasty, with exquisite techniques, and full of rationality, which is unforgettable.

A five-character masterpiece in the early Tang Dynasty, the technique is exquisite, and it is full of rationality and fun, which is unforgettable

Nagato's resentment

Chu Tang • Xu Hui

The old love Bailiang Terrace, the new favorite Zhaoyang Palace.

Keep the words and cry with affection.

Once singing and dancing, the poetry and books of the past were cheap.

The decline and sincerity have been carried out, and it is difficult to re-recommend it.

A five-character masterpiece in the early Tang Dynasty, the technique is exquisite, and it is full of rationality and fun, which is unforgettable

Xu Hui is a talented and good-looking person, she often recited poetry when she was a girl, and her poetry works are simple and concise, and full of profound meaning. Tang Taizong also likes to chant poetry in his spare time, and he once read Xu Hui's poems by chance, and immediately felt that his eyes lit up, and he immediately named her a talent. Later, Li Shimin died, and Xu Hui became ill and died without medical treatment.

Changmen Palace, which refers to the place where Chen Ajiao, the empress of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, lived after falling out of favor; The grievances of the long door are the words of the Han Yue Mansion and the lyrics, which often express the grievances of the palace people. Xu Hui's poem is sad but not complaining, and it shows the strong and resolute quality of the protagonist.

A five-character masterpiece in the early Tang Dynasty, the technique is exquisite, and it is full of rationality and fun, which is unforgettable

The gist of the poem is: The old love is still imprisoned in the Bailiang Terrace, and the new people live in the Zhaoyang Palace. I didn't want to sit in the same incense cart with the king, but I sang a fan song sadly.

After the newcomer was favored, the poetry books that the king used to like suddenly seemed lowly. The sincere friendship of the past has long been severed, and the old love is like spilled water, and it is difficult to regain joy.

A five-character masterpiece in the early Tang Dynasty, the technique is exquisite, and it is full of rationality and fun, which is unforgettable

"Bailiangtai and Zhaoyang Palace" refer to the abandonment of Chen Ajiao by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and the allusion of Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty favoring Zhao Feiyan, which alludes to the difficulties he encountered after falling out of favor.

"Ci Fangyuan" also uses the allusion of Ban Jieyu, the concubine of Emperor Cheng of the Han Dynasty. Ban Jieyu knew that it would be extremely honorable for her to sit with the emperor, but she also learned that the monarch should be accompanied by virtuous ministers, and only the last lord of the faint monarch would sit in an incense car with the concubine.

It can be seen how much the poet admires Ban Jieyu's virtue and wisdom, and at the same time she is very sympathetic to Ban Jieyu's fall from grace, she cried in the autumn while holding the fan that was about to be abandoned, and at the same time sang "Song of Resentment" sadly.

A five-character masterpiece in the early Tang Dynasty, the technique is exquisite, and it is full of rationality and fun, which is unforgettable

The latter two couplets are intriguing, the newcomer is favored, the old favor is cut off, and the poems and books that were appreciated by the king in the past also seem humble. But instead of complaining, the psalmist appears to be extremely open-minded, and since the king no longer loves him as much as he once did, his feelings for him are like water.

The ending expresses the pride of the poet, since he has been abandoned, do not plead with sorrow and sorrow, even if he can win temporary sympathy, it is difficult to obtain eternal happiness. Re-recommendation means that it is difficult to re-recommend pillow seats.

A five-character masterpiece in the early Tang Dynasty, the technique is exquisite, and it is full of rationality and fun, which is unforgettable

The poet Cen Shen of the Tang Dynasty also recited that the king was jealous of his concubines, closed his concubines in Changmen, and the concubines who were left out were ashamed to be smiling and watching the spring alone, showing a kind of desolation and helplessness. And Xu Hui seems to have been prepared, she expected that she would fall out of favor one day, so once the other concubines danced their sleeves and became new favorites, she could also be calm, and she would not be sad and pink.

The first triptych of Xu Hui's five-character poem is neat and neat, and the ending is full of reason and unforgettable. I always feel sad after losing, but as long as I am willing to calm down and think, in fact, those things that do not belong to me, even if I barely keep them, will be in vain in the end. It's better to let go bravely, then calm down, start a new life, and maybe there will be more gains!