
#头等旺事#今天在栈桥附近赶海, I went a little late, and when I saw it, the beach was full of people catching the sea, and there were really more people than crabs

author:Circumnavigating the Hop Valley

#头等旺事#今天在栈桥附近赶海, I went a little late, and when I saw it at a glance, the beach was full of people catching the sea, and there were really more people than crabs.

I didn't have much hope, but I walked slowly to the water's edge, and there was really a surprise.

What kind of fairy place is this, there are little starfish everywhere, so cute starfish crawling around, it's so healing. In a moment it was a small bucket full.

Even though the road was full of mud, I was still very happy.

It's really a first-class event, send a big star to [呲tooth][呲tooth][呲tooth]

#上热门赶海喽# #头条创作挑战赛#

#头等旺事#今天在栈桥附近赶海, I went a little late, and when I saw it, the beach was full of people catching the sea, and there were really more people than crabs
#头等旺事#今天在栈桥附近赶海, I went a little late, and when I saw it, the beach was full of people catching the sea, and there were really more people than crabs
#头等旺事#今天在栈桥附近赶海, I went a little late, and when I saw it, the beach was full of people catching the sea, and there were really more people than crabs

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