
Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

author:Heavenly treasures

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Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

On June 30, at the Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, a fierce Sino-Japanese showdown was being staged.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

The atmosphere on the field was tense to the extreme, and every shot and every return defense tugged at the heartstrings of the audience.

In the third men's singles match, China's Zhang Zhijie faced Japan's Kawano Shoujin.

The two sides went back and forth, the scores rose alternately, and the battle situation was stalemate.

The audience stared intently at the court, and every heart beat to the flying of the shuttlecock.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

Just when the score came to 11 draws, an unexpected scene happened.

Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground without warning, and at that moment, time seemed to freeze.

The audience fell into a dead silence at first, and then there were exclamations one after another.

I saw Zhang Zhijie lying on the ground, his body convulsing constantly, and his violent trembling appearance made everyone present frightened.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

The doctors and medical team of the event reacted like lightning.

They rushed towards Zhang Zhijie as fast as they could, their eyes full of anxiety and concentration.

The doctors quickly crouched down and methodically carried out emergency treatment.

Their movements are skillful and decisive, as if every second is a race against death.

In less than two minutes, Zhang Zhijie was carefully carried onto a stretcher and quickly taken to the hospital.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

However, fate was so cruel.

Despite the best efforts of the medical staff, using all kinds of advanced medical methods, Zhang Zhijie still stopped breathing in the hospital at 23:20 local time and left this world forever.

This bad news was like a storm that swept the entire badminton world in an instant.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

The Asian Badminton Association and the Indonesian Badminton Association issued a painful announcement at the first time.

Every word on that announcement seemed to carry endless sadness and regret.

They expressed their deepest condolences for Zhang Zhijie's death, and their grief was beyond words.

They also sent their most sincere and warmest condolences to Zhang Zhijie's parents, family and the Chinese Badminton Association.

Every word is full of compassion and care, trying to give a little solace in this great grief.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old boy, is in the best years of his life.

His athletic career was just getting started, and there was supposed to be a bright future, full of possibilities and hope.

He is like a sprout that has just broken through the ground, ready to thrive, but is ruthlessly broken by fate in an instant.

The talent he has shown in badminton is simply amazing.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

Every swing, every step, is full of agility and power.

There is always a determined light in his eyes, which is the desire for victory and the persistent pursuit of dreams.

He sweated profusely on the training ground, no matter how hard it worked, and never complained.

Because he has a belief in his heart, that is, to carve out a sky of his own in the world of badminton.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

In the eyes of his coaches and teammates, he is a hardworking and passionate child.

He was always the first to arrive at the training ground and the last to leave.

He will listen carefully to every word of guidance from his coach and constantly improve his technical movements.

His love for badminton is in his blood.

His future was originally optimistic by everyone, and everyone was looking forward to him shining on the international stage and adding new glory to China's badminton career.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

However, this sudden tragedy has made all these beautiful hopes come to naught.

His unfulfilled dreams, his unfulfilled goals, became regrets forever with his departure.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

The loss of such a high-profile young player for the Chinese badminton team is undoubtedly a huge loss.

He was the team's star of hope and the backbone of the future.

His departure left the entire team immersed in grief.

At this sad moment, the global badminton community was shocked by this bad news.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

Fans around the world, both watching the game on television and witnessing the tragedy in person, are plunged into deep grief and regret.

Everyone expressed their condolences and nostalgia for Zhang Zhijie in various ways.

Recalling every moment of Zhang Zhijie on the field, his vigorous posture, agile movements, and the spirit of not admitting defeat are unforgettable.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

Every time he hits the ball, it seems to carry endless strength and determination.

Every time he shouted, he was filled with a desire for victory.

His family and friends are suffering unspeakably at the moment.

They couldn't have imagined that Zhang Zhijie, who was full of energy and dreams, would suddenly leave them like this.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

His parents, who worked hard to raise him, had high hopes for him, expecting him to achieve excellent results on the field and win glory for his family and country.

Now, all of this is in vain, and their hearts seem to be torn apart.

His friends used to fight side by side on the training ground together, sharing the joy of victory and suffering the pain of defeat together.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

Now, I can no longer see him, I can't hear his laughter, and the loss and pain cannot be described in words.

Zhang Zhijie's name will forever be engraved in the long history of badminton.

His spirit, his hard work, and his love for badminton will all become an eternal memory.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

He will be a role model for those who come after him, inspiring more young athletes to be brave enough to pursue their dreams

Difficult, courageous.

May Zhang Zhijie still be able to hold a racket in heaven and show his enthusiasm and talent to the fullest on the court where there is no pain and sorrow.

Bemoan! 17-year-old badminton player Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground and had convulsions in the Asian Youth Championships, and died after rescue efforts failed

May his family and friends come out of their grief as soon as possible and face their future life strongly.

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