
As the old saying goes: "May is not on the twenty-sixth", tomorrow on May 26, what is the taboo? Listen to what the old man said

author:Lemon tea

As the old saying goes: "May is not on the twenty-sixth", tomorrow on May 26, what is the taboo?

Since ancient times, the fifth month of the lunar calendar has always been a mystery in traditional Chinese culture, especially when it comes to the 26th day of the month. An ancient saying that has been passed down by word of mouth: "May is not the twenty-sixth day", has attracted the attention of many curious people. What is the meaning behind this saying?

As the old saying goes: "May is not on the twenty-sixth", tomorrow on May 26, what is the taboo? Listen to what the old man said

In the fifth month of the lunar calendar, the first sight of summer, the weather gradually warms up, and everything is full of vitality. But at the same time, among them, "May 26" is a more eye-catching day.

As the old saying goes: "May is not on the twenty-sixth", tomorrow on May 26, what is the taboo? Listen to what the old man said

"Taboo" in traditional customs

Traditionally, the twenty-sixth day of May is considered an unlucky day. The old people often say that this day should be quiet and not moving, avoid traveling, avoid marriage, avoid traveling, avoid traveling, etc. This is because people believe that all kinds of bad things will happen on this day. So, what is the meaning of this?

As the old saying goes: "May is not on the twenty-sixth", tomorrow on May 26, what is the taboo? Listen to what the old man said

The old man's statement and explanation

According to the experience of the old people, they believe that the first rise of yin qi in the fifth month of the lunar calendar is the time when many demons and monsters are active. "May 26th" is a day that needs to be paid attention to because it is at the junction point between the middle and second half of the month. This is a time to cut back on activities, especially when traveling far or making important decisions. They believed that observing these customs would bring peace and good fortune.

As the old saying goes: "May is not on the twenty-sixth", tomorrow on May 26, what is the taboo? Listen to what the old man said

How modern society looks

In modern society, many young people no longer take such practices for granted. However, that doesn't mean they've lost their value. Whether they believe it or not, people's reverence for nature and life always has its deep meaning. We can see it as a respect for history and culture.

As the old saying goes: "May is not on the twenty-sixth", tomorrow on May 26, what is the taboo? Listen to what the old man said

Although the progress of modern society has led to a growing disregard for certain traditional practices, the moral behind these customs should not be forgotten. They are people's thinking and perception of life, and they are the inheritance and accumulation of culture. We may be able to maintain a sense of awe for the saying "May is not on the 26th", but more importantly, we can maintain a sense of awe, but more importantly, love and respect for life.

As the old saying goes: "May is not on the twenty-sixth", tomorrow on May 26, what is the taboo? Listen to what the old man said

In short, although the traditional custom of "May Twenty-six" has a certain mystery, the meaning and value behind it are worth pondering. No matter how times change, we should respect and pass on these cultural traditions.