
Today, May 26 is the "Cheng Day" to remind everyone not to cut, 2 not to na, and 3 not to say

author:Lemon tea

Today is May 26th, and we have ushered in a special moment - "Chengri". It is a festival with a long history, and it is said that the activities that are carried out on this day help to promote the smooth completion of things, bringing good luck and success. Therefore, on this day, we should follow some specific customs and rules. Blessed people leave a sentence in the comment area: "One Shun and One Baishun Bodhisattva bless", for the children, for themselves, for the whole family, to receive blessings.

Today, May 26 is the "Cheng Day" to remind everyone not to cut, 2 not to na, and 3 not to say


Don't cut down trees: Today is a day when everything grows and is full of life, and success means completion and maturity. So on this day, we want to do not cut down any trees. This is not only a respect for the natural environment, but also a kind of expectation and protection for future life.

Don't cut off relationships: On this day, people should also be careful not to cut off relationships. Whether it is at work, study or in life, we should maintain harmonious interpersonal relationships and not easily cut off contact with others.

Today, May 26 is the "Cheng Day" to remind everyone not to cut, 2 not to na, and 3 not to say

No, I don't

Do not accept bad things: On this day, we should avoid receiving or buying bad things. This is to maintain a good mindset and a positive attitude towards life for good luck and success in the future.

Don't overdo it: While it's reasonable to enjoy spending during the holidays, we should also keep our spending in check and not overspend. This is a day to know moderation and accumulate wealth for the future.

Today, May 26 is the "Cheng Day" to remind everyone not to cut, 2 not to na, and 3 not to say

Don't say

Don't talk about taboos: On this special day, we try to avoid talking about topics that can bring negative energy. Maintain a positive, optimistic mindset and bring positive energy to those around you.

Don't talk about others' shortcomings: On this day, we should respect others and not talk about their shortcomings or shortcomings. This is a kind of respect and care for others, and it is also a manifestation of personal cultivation.

Today, May 26 is the "Cheng Day" to remind everyone not to cut, 2 not to na, and 3 not to say

In short, "Chengri" is a special festival that reminds us to cherish everything in front of us and face life positively. By following the principle of "don't cut, don't take, don't talk", we can create a more harmonious and positive social environment. Let's work hard for the future together!

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