
Our school held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference and Spring Semester Work Summary Meeting

author:Tao Li Nanyang

Nanyang Vocational College of Science and Technology

Our school held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference and Spring Semester Work Summary Meeting

On the morning of June 29, the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference and Spring Semester Work Summary Meeting were held in the academic lecture hall. School leaders Lu Mingcun, Guo Miao, Hei Xiaosen, Ding Guangxue, Cui Jidong, Yuan Jigan, Deng Nianling, Liu Yan attended, and all teachers attended the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Lu Mingcun, secretary of the party committee.

Our school held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference and Spring Semester Work Summary Meeting

The conference kicked off with the majestic national anthem

Looking back on the history of the party, a hundred years are sonorous; Looking back at the history of the school, work hard. In the critical period when the school has gathered a consensus on "double-high construction" and stood in the critical period of achieving the full standard of school-running conditions, Lu Mingcun asked all party members and cadres of the school to truly understand and believe, and promote cohesion and soul casting in unified thinking. Second, we must be loyal and wholeheartedly, and enhance political consciousness in the process of unifying our will. Third, we must benchmark against the table, demonstrate practical results in unified action, loyally defend the "two establishments" with practical actions, resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", hand over a new answer sheet for educating people for the party, and welcome the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with a high-spirited attitude and high-quality development results!

Our school held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference and Spring Semester Work Summary Meeting

Guo Miao, deputy secretary of the Party committee and president, made a comprehensive summary of the work of the spring semester of 2024 from nine aspects: party building, governing the school according to law, teaching and scientific research, student education, enrollment and employment, team building, foreign exchanges, people's livelihood security, security and stability. At the same time, the summer work has been comprehensively deployed from four aspects: focusing on high-quality development, highlighting the central task of "double-high construction", focusing on enrollment and employment, achieving the goal of recruiting and delivering, focusing on the opening of the new semester, fully preparing for the start of school, focusing on the final finishing work, and successfully completing the tasks and other key tasks deployed by the school.

Our school held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference and Spring Semester Work Summary Meeting

At the meeting, Hei Xiaosen, deputy secretary of the Party committee, read out the "Decision on Commending Outstanding Communist Party Members, Outstanding Party Workers and "Model Branches". The leaders of the school awarded honors to the commended advanced collectives and outstanding individuals.

Our school held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference and Spring Semester Work Summary Meeting
Our school held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference and Spring Semester Work Summary Meeting

Representative of outstanding Communist Party members

Our school held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference and Spring Semester Work Summary Meeting

Representative of outstanding party workers

Our school held the 2024 "July 1st" Commendation Conference and Spring Semester Work Summary Meeting

Model Party Branch


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