
Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

author:13 lectures on literature

Zhang Jianing's childhood is a picture of missing father's love but full of mother's love. In her young memories, the figure of her father was always vague, like a looming shadow that only occasionally appeared in her mother's words.

It was a bitter memory of the mother who once went to ask her father for child support, but was ruthlessly kicked out. When she returned home, her mother had red eyes and gritted her teeth and said to Zhang Jianing: "In the future, you will have no father, you will treat him as a dead man!" This sentence was like a sharp knife, deeply engraved on Zhang Jianing's young heart, and from that moment on, she really began to treat her father as a non-existent person.

Faced with the burdens of life, Zhang Jianing's mother showed remarkable strength and resilience. In order to maintain the life of the mother and daughter, she did not hesitate to wear many hats: working as a tour guide, setting up a stall to sell fruits, and even renting a store to sell dumplings.

Working every day is to let her daughter live a worry-free life. Zhang Jianing often sees her mother's tired figure, but she shows a warm smile when she sees herself.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

This picture was deeply imprinted in Zhang Jianing's mind and became the driving force that inspired her to move forward. However, such a struggle regardless of the body has also buried hidden health risks in the future.

In Zhang Jianing's eyes, the figure of her mother is not only the strongest fortress, but also the most fragile concern. Whenever she sees her mother's busy figure, Zhang Jianing will have a strong emotion in her heart: she feels sorry for her mother's hard work, and secretly vows to work hard to grow up and be able to pick up the burden of the family as soon as possible.

In such a difficult environment, Zhang Jianing learned to be independent and strong. She deeply understands that in this world, the only people she can really rely on are herself and her mother. This experience also gave her a deeper understanding of "family" and the preciousness and fragility of family affection.

Although the shadow of childhood has always shrouded her, her mother's love and dedication are like a beam of light in the darkness, illuminating Zhang Jianing's way forward and shaping her tenacious character in the future.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

When Zhang Jianing was 14 years old, the burden of life suddenly became heavier. After years of hard work despite her body, her mother finally couldn't support it, and she fell ill. When Zhang Jianing followed her mother to the hospital for examination, the doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: her mother had a tumor in her abdomen, which was surprisingly large and the size of a bowl.

Sitting in the corridor of the hospital, Zhang Jianing felt helpless and frightened like never before. Tears poured out of his eyes uncontrollably and ran down his cheeks. She knew in her heart that tears were the most useless thing at this critical juncture, but she couldn't stop crying.

Her father is long gone, and now even her mother, who has been supporting her, has fallen. What made her even more desperate was that the high medical bills were like a mountain, and she was almost out of breath.

At this time, his uncle Zhang Xiaolong, who was far away in Beijing, learned the news that his sister was sick. Although he is just an unknown young actor in Beijing, and he has not yet played the role of Imperial Doctor Wen in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", which made him famous, he did not hesitate to buy a ticket and rush back.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

Zhang Xiaolong's appearance is like a ray of sunshine shining into Zhang Jianing's gloomy world. When my uncle returned, he immediately set about solving the problem of medical expenses that had plagued the family. Although he is not yet well-known in Beijing, as an actor, Zhang Xiaolong's income is higher than that of ordinary professions.

He easily took out his sister's medical bills, which surprised Zhang Jianing. For the first time, she realized that the profession of an actor could make so much money. At that moment, the profession of actor planted a seed in Zhang Jianing's heart.

Zhang Xiaolong not only paid for the medical expenses, but also decided to bring his sister and niece to Beijing to take care of them. During the care period, he took the time to ask Zhang Jianing about his plans for the future.

When asked what he wanted to do, Zhang Jianing blurted out without hesitation: "Actor! This answer made Zhang Xiaolong a little shocked, but more relieved. When his uncle asked the reason, Zhang Jianing's answer was distressing and moving: "The money comes quickly, I want to earn money early and let my mother rest."

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

This sentence expresses the truest desire of her heart. After Zhang Xiaolong heard this, a trace of distress flashed in his eyes, and he gently stroked his niece's head and said, "Okay, then learn to be an actor."

This turning point not only changed the trajectory of Zhang Jianing's life, but also made her more determined to become an excellent actor. The timely assistance and support of her uncle became a bright light on the road of Zhang Jianing's life, guiding her to the broad road of her acting career.

With the support of his uncle Zhang Xiaolong, Zhang Jianing's acting career officially kicked off. As a teacher at the Central Academy of Drama, Zhang Xiaolong is well versed in the hardships and challenges of the profession of actor.

He is determined to lay a solid foundation for this sensible niece, so that she will have fewer detours on the road of acting in the future. Zhang Xiaolong began to systematically and strictly train Zhang Jianing.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

He prepared a large number of targeted learning materials for Zhang Jianing, from the foundation of acting to the foundation of lines, from physical training to character building, all of which are meticulous. Every day after school, Zhang Jianing practiced hard under the guidance of his uncle to prepare for the future art exam.

Hard work pays off. Under the strict and meticulous guidance of his uncle, Zhang Jianing was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with excellent results, realizing his first step to becoming a professional actor.

However, getting into college doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing. Zhang Xiaolong knew the importance of basic skills, and insisted that Zhang Jianing not be allowed to go outside to take on dramas for two years before college. This decision made Zhang Jianing, who was eager to make money, feel a little anxious.

She understands her uncle's good intentions, but she still can't help but want to start her acting career as soon as possible. Once, Zhang Jianing couldn't resist the temptation and chose to skip class and go out with his classmates.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

Unfortunately, she received a call from her uncle: "Jianing, where are you?" Zhang Jianing, who was weak-hearted, lied in a panic, saying that he was in a certain classroom. She thought she had gotten through the tricks, but she didn't know that her uncle had already found out.

That night, when she returned home, she met her uncle with a serious face at the gate of the community. Zhang Xiaolong asked bluntly: "Where did you just go?" Zhang Jianing replied with confidence: "Go to class."

Hearing that his niece was still lying, Zhang Xiaolong was suddenly furious and slapped him. Zhang Jianing was stunned, raised his eyes and stared at his uncle, speechless for a while. Zhang Xiaolong said angrily: "What do you see, you skipped class, don't you know?" This experience made Zhang Jianing deeply realize that her uncle's strict requirements for her stem from deep love.

She understands that there is no shortcut on the road of acting, and only solid basic skills can make her stand out in the future competition. Since then, Zhang Jianing has devoted herself to learning harder and cherished every opportunity to practice.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

Although Zhang Xiaolong is strict with Zhang Jianing, the relationship between the two is getting closer and closer, not father and daughter, but better than father and daughter. In later interviews, Zhang Jianing also said many times: "My uncle is my father!" This sentence not only expresses her gratitude to her uncle, but also reflects the important position of her uncle in her life.

Under the careful cultivation of her uncle, Zhang Jianing's acting skills have become increasingly sophisticated, laying a solid foundation for her future development in the entertainment industry. This learning experience not only allowed her to gain professional skills, but also cultivated her spirit of hard work and never giving up, which planted the seeds for her future success.

After systematic study at the Central Academy of Drama and careful cultivation by his uncle Zhang Xiaolong, Zhang Jianing's acting skills have become more and more sophisticated. After graduating, she began to step into the entertainment industry, received some small roles, and slowly accumulated experience and contacts.

Although it didn't go well at first, and she often faced the dilemma of fewer roles and fewer scenes, she never forgot her original intention of becoming an actress - to make her mother live a good life.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

This belief sustained her perseverance during a difficult start. As time passed, Zhang Jianing's efforts finally paid off. Her acting skills and dedication have gradually been recognized by directors and peers, and she has begun to win some more important roles.

She has emerged in many popular TV series: played Qiu Yan in "Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky", played Concubine Ying in "The Legend of Ruyi", played Sheng Rulan in "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin", and played Zhu Zhe in "Ode to Joy".

These outstanding roles have won Zhang Jianing the recognition and love of the audience. With the popularity of these works, her popularity has gradually increased, and she has gradually become a familiar screen face from an unknown rookie actor.

Each role has given her a new breakthrough and growth, and also allowed her to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry. Zhang Jianing's story, to some extent, is an inspirational tale of an ordinary person who realizes his dreams through his own efforts.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

She proved with practical actions that as long as you have dreams and are down-to-earth, there will be a day when you will harvest. In Zhang Jianing's growth and career, his uncle Zhang Xiaolong played a vital role.

From the initial help to the careful cultivation later, Zhang Xiaolong is not only Zhang Jianing's uncle, but also a mentor and father-like existence in her life. Although Zhang Xiaolong was strict with Zhang Jianing during his studies, and even scolded her for skipping class, these experiences made the relationship between the two deeper.

In an interview, Zhang Jianing said sincerely: "My uncle is my father!" This sentence not only expresses her gratitude to her uncle, but also reflects her inner desire and recognition of her father's love.

Zhang Xiaolong's strictness and care filled the missing father's love in Zhang Jianing's life, allowing her to receive comprehensive care and guidance in the process of growing up. However, compared with the close relationship with his uncle, Zhang Jianing has always maintained a distance from his biological father.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

Even after she became famous, her father seemed to want to reconnect, but Zhang Jianing still couldn't let go of the pain of childhood. "When I grew up, he seemed to love me all of a sudden, but I couldn't convince myself to see him," she admits.

This complex emotion includes both the disappointment of the absence of the father and the instinct for self-preservation. In contrast, Zhang Jianing's love for her mother has never diminished. With the success of her career, she finally has the ability to repay her mother for her hard work and dedication over the years.

Zhang Jianing not only bought a large flat worth 5 million for his mother after his career was successful, but also cared about his mother's quality of life and emotional needs. When she found out that her mother had a new partner, Zhang Jianing showed extraordinary maturity and generosity.

Not only did she not object, but actively matched, hoping that her mother could have a happy second spring. This behavior fully reflects Zhang Jianing's filial piety and also shows her selfless love for her mother.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

Zhang Jianing's care for her mother is not only reflected in the material, but also in the spiritual support and understanding. She hopes that her mother can get rid of the haze of the past and find happiness in life again.

This attitude is not only a reward for the mother's years of dedication, but also a responsibility for the family. Through his intimate relationship with his uncle, his alienation from his father, and his meticulous love for his mother, Zhang Jianing reshaped his family relationship.

Her story tells us that true family affection does not only depend on blood, but also needs to be carefully managed and maintained. Zhang Jianing's story is not only an inspirational history of struggle, but also a profound reflection on family affection and attitude towards life.

The contrast between her filial piety to her mother and her alienation from her father reflects her unique understanding and handling of family affection. Although he has achieved success in his career and is dedicated to his mother, Zhang Jianing is very cautious in his personal emotional life.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

She admits that she doesn't have much idea about marriage, and this attitude probably stems from her family of origin experience. Her father's departure left a deep scar on her young psyche and left her with a complex mindset about marriage and family relationships.

However, this cautious attitude towards her own marriage did not prevent her from wishing her mother a new happiness. Zhang Jianing actively supported her mother's second marriage, showing her sincere wishes for the happiness of her relatives, and also reflecting her inner tolerance and understanding.

At the same time, Zhang Jianing's experience also shows the wisdom and courage of a young man in the face of complex family relationships. She is not bound by the shadow of the past, but chooses to define and maintain family affection in her own way, which is worth pondering.

Zhang Jianing's attitude towards life tells us that true filial piety is not only material support, but also emotional understanding and support. Her story reminds us that when faced with complex family relationships, we need to use wisdom and love to resolve conflicts and rebuild family relationships.

Zhang Jianing didn't recognize his father, but he bought a 5 million flat for his mother, and also matched his mother's second marriage

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