
There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

author:13 lectures on literature

In the star-studded Hong Kong film industry, Chow Yun-fat's rise is legendary. His story began in an obscure career, when he, like countless young people with acting dreams, made a living by playing tricks.

Although this experience was difficult, it laid a solid foundation for Chow Yun-fat's future acting career, and his acting skills were significantly improved at this stage. The turning point of fate came in the drama "Shanghai Tang".

The role of Xu Wenqiang played by Chow Yun-fat made the audience's eyes shine. He interpreted the role vividly, and his unique charm and superb acting skills instantly captured the hearts of countless audiences.

Since then, Chow Yun-fat has gained a large number of fans and opened his own glorious film era. In the years that followed, Chow Yun-fat showed outstanding performance in many movies with his outstanding acting skills and dedicated attitude.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

He handles the details of the characters just right, and brings each character to life. This kind of professionalism and outstanding performance have earned him the reputation of "powerful actor".

However, the aura of success also quietly changed Chow Yun-fat. When he stood at the pinnacle of the film industry and enjoyed the glory brought by the status of "Heavenly King", a subtle change quietly happened.

The once humble actor began to become conceited. His eyes flashed with the light of a successful person, but there were also hidden dangers of various controversies in the future. The rise of Chow Yun-fat explains what is the perfect combination of struggle and talent.

However, his story also reminds us of how important it is to stay true to our original aspirations on the road to success. When arrogance and conceit began to sprout, the qualities that once supported him to glory were also quietly lost.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

This may be the source of Chow Yun-fat's controversy in the future. As Chow Yun-fat's status in the film industry climbed, his behavior began to be despicable. This transformation may stem from his growing self-consciousness, or it may be the pride and prejudice tainted in Vanity Fair.

In any case, his series of controversial behaviors make people wonder if the former "king of the film industry" has lost himself. During the filming of "The Story of Hu Yue", Zhong Chuhong, who was only 19 years old, became a victim of Chow Yun-fat's arrogant behavior.

At that time, Zhong Chuhong saw a group of people chatting, and Chow Yun-fat saw this young and beautiful newcomer who had just entered the society, and he actually had the idea of "bullying" her.

He began to evaluate Zhong Chuhong with vulgar words, these unbearable words made Zhong Chuhong's heart full of rejection, but because of the gap between the two coffee positions, she could only endure it silently.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

However, Chow Yun-fat did not stop there. He came to Zhong Chuhong's side and raised his hand to press her shoulder hard, trying to press her under him. This sudden move frightened Zhong Chuhong, who had never experienced such a scene, and she immediately pushed Chow Yun-fat away.

What's even more chilling is that the people around witnessed all this, but none of them stood up to speak for Zhong Chuhong. We can't imagine Chu Hong's state of mind when she was in this situation, and this experience was enough to become a shadow that shrouded her life.

Chow Yun-fat's misconduct is not an isolated case. While working with Maggie Cheung, he once again showed his disrespect for women. In a talk show, Maggie Cheung bluntly said: "Chow Yun-fat is a very impolite person.

It turned out that during the filming of a kiss scene, even though the director had shouted "click", Chow Yun-fat still hugged Maggie Cheung tightly. Maggie Cheung tried hard to push him away, but couldn't break free.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

This kind of behavior has constituted "sexual harassment" in the workplace. In the face of doubts, Chow Yun-fat's response was even more frivolous and irresponsible. He told the media: "I didn't mean it, and everyone knows that the kiss scene requires investment, and I regard Maggie Cheung as my wife."

This perfunctory attitude not only did not eliminate the controversy, but instead provoked more criticism. However, Chow Yun-fat's most outrageous act was the treatment of Li Zhi. At a party, he and Zeng Zhiwei actually picked up the cake and smashed it on the face of the well-dressed Li Zhi.

In the face of this humiliation, Li Zhi shed tears of humiliation on the spot. Fortunately, Leslie Cheung noticed Li Zhi's discomfort, stood up in time to stop everyone's ridicule, and comforted her afterwards.

However, Chow Yun-fat did not make any apology to Li Zhi. What's more serious is that when the two filmed "Tiger Guard" together, Chow Yun-fat's behavior had touched a dangerous boundary.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

There are fighting scenes in the play, and the inexperienced Li Zhi wanted to use a stand-in, but Chow Yun-fat insisted that she go into battle in person. During the filming, Chow Yun-fat not only slapped Li Zhi in public, but also slammed her on the coffee table made of glass.

The impact caused the coffee table to shatter, and the glass slag was even embedded in Lizhi's flesh. As a consequence of this scene, Li Zhi recuperated for several months before he was able to recover. According to insiders, the reason why Chow Yun-fat is so targeted at Li Zhi is because she is from the mainland.

This kind of regional discrimination highlights Chow Yun-fat's inner prejudice and narrow-mindedness. Chow Yun-fat's behavior not only reflects his disrespect for women, but also exposes his inner pride and prejudice.

This attitude laid a deep hidden danger for the collapse of his image in the future. As Chow Yun-fat's status in the film industry continues to rise, his big-name behavior has become more and more obvious, showing jaw-dropping arrogance and extravagance.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

This behavior reached its peak during the filming of "A City Full of Golden Armor" and "Confucius", which caused strong dissatisfaction among industry insiders and the public. In 2007, Zhang Yimou invited Zhou Yunfa to perform in "The City is Full of Golden Armor".

At first, Chow Yun-fat was satisfied with the script, but as the filming progressed, his attitude began to change. Not only did he want to change the characters, but he also expressed his dissatisfaction with the increase in the roles of other actors.

When he learned that Jay Chou's role had added some scenes, Chow Yun-fat's unhappiness reached its peak. Chow Yun-fat began to make a staggering series of demands. He insisted on staying in the most luxurious hotel and demanded that the bathroom not be shared with other actors.

Even more shocking, he threatened to refuse to shoot if he didn't meet these requirements. After the crew was forced to agree, Chow Yun-fat intensified and chose a expensive luxury car as his own special toilet, asking for it to be transformed.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

However, that's not all. Chow Yun-fat proposed to increase the salary, insisting on pricing according to Hollywood standards. It is worth noting that Chow Yun-fat's salary was as high as 400 million at that time, accounting for most of the entire film production cost.

This insatiable attitude made producer Zhang Weiping unbearable, and directly posted these incidents on the Internet, publicly criticizing Chow Yun-fat for "extremely poor character!" is not worthy of being a star! In the filming of "Confucius", Chow Yun-fat's extravagant requirements were even more extreme.

His wife Chen Huilian asked the crew to arrange a presidential suite for Chow Yun-fat, and the room rate was as high as 5,700 yuan per day. Later, he was tired of living in the presidential suite, and asked the crew to rent an apartment with a monthly rent of 30,000 yuan.

However, Chow Yun-fat rarely stays in these expensive rooms. In just three months, the accommodation cost alone cost the crew 400,000 yuan. This kind of extravagant and wasteful behavior is a complete waste of money in the eyes of the crew.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

The director also realized at this time that the rumors about Chow Yun-fat were true. However, Chow Yun-fat does not seem to feel guilty about his actions. In his opinion, as a big-name star, he should enjoy such treatment, and only in this way can he show the particularity of his status.

Chow Yun-fat's big-name behavior not only wasted a lot of resources, but also seriously damaged his public image. He seems to have forgotten how he once went from being an obscure actor step by step to his current status.

This arrogant and extravagant attitude contrasted sharply with the "naked donation" promise he later declared, and also laid a deeper foreshadowing for his future image collapse. At this stage, Chow Yun-fat's behavior has deviated far from the public's expectations of a successful artist.

His arrogance is not only reflected in his unreasonable demands on the crew, but also in his overconfidence in his own status. This attitude not only made him lose the respect of his peers, but also gradually alienated the fans who once supported him.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

Chow Yun-fat's story may be a typical case of "success is also Xiao He, and defeat is also Xiao He" in the entertainment industry. Chow Yun-fat's promise of "naked donation", which should have been an admirable act of kindness, has been reduced to a much-questioned marketing ploy because of its capricious attitude.

This incident not only exposed Chow Yun-fat's hypocrisy, but also seriously damaged his public image. The beginning of the matter originated from a Korean variety show that Chow Yun-fat participated in. In the program, Chow Yun-fat generously stated: "The current society needs everyone to work together, and I am willing to contribute in the future."

He said that he and his wife, Chen Huilian, have decided to donate all their assets to charity after their death. This statement coincides with the fact that "Children of Yellowstone" starring him is being screened, and many viewers have walked into theaters to support the film in order to support his good deeds.

However, as time went on, Chow Yun-fat's promise of "naked donation" began to look more and more suspicious. According to statistics, he has reiterated this idea as many as 8 times in public, but each time it coincides with the promotional period of his new film.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

This coincidence has raised questions among the public: Is this just a propaganda ploy? In the face of more and more doubts, Chow Yun-fat began to cry poor in front of the media, claiming that he was now struggling to even make a basic living.

This is in stark contrast to his previously high-profile announcement of a huge donation, which makes one wonder about his sincerity. When asked when he would fulfill his promise of "naked donation", Chow Yun-fat's answer was even more disappointing.

At a press conference, he replied vaguely: "In 40 years." This perfunctory attitude made many fans who once trusted him feel angry and disappointed. Chow Yun-fat's capricious attitude has seriously damaged his credibility.

His act of exploiting the public's trust in him for his own benefit not only violated the original purpose of charity, but also cast doubt on his character. This hypocritical behavior became the last straw that crushed his public image.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

From the "naked donation" pledge to the eventual perfunctory, Chow Yun-fat's actions show how a public figure can fall from the moral high ground to the bottom. This incident not only made people see his true face, but also laid a deeper hidden danger for his future image collapse.

Chow Yun-fat's story may become a cautionary tale of integrity and responsibility in the entertainment industry. In recent years, Chow Yun-fat, who once dominated the film industry, seems to have gradually lost his former brilliance.

His career began to decline, and the works he starred in no longer resonated with the audience. The two movies "Dragon Horse Spirit" and "Don't Call Me the God of Gamblers" were satirized by netizens as "fried cold rice", and the former king of the film industry seems to have exhausted his talents.

This decline in his career, intertwined with the negative image he had accumulated in the past, provoked a strong public revulsion. Former fans have expressed their disappointment, and some even bluntly said that "they deserve it" and "they should have been retributed a long time ago".

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

These sharp comments reflect the public's long-accumulated dissatisfaction with Chow Yun-fat finally erupted. The collapse of Chow Yun-fat's image is not only because his acting career is declining, but also because his controversial behavior over the years has finally reached a critical point of outbreak.

From the disrespect for the actress, to the big-name behavior on the set, to the repeated promise of "naked donation", everything is eroding the public's favor towards him. Recently, it was reported that Chow Yun-fat was "in a deep coma after a stroke", and there were even rumors that he had no one to take care of him during his illness and was recuperating alone.

This situation, in stark contrast to his former glory, can't help but make people feel the impermanence of fate. However, in addition to sympathy, many people also believe that this is the inevitable result of his past behavior, a kind of "backlash".

Chow Yun-fat's story may become a classic case of success, arrogance and decline in the entertainment industry, warning latecomers to cherish honor and maintain their original intentions. Today, Chow Yun-fat stands at the crossroads of life.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

His public image has been severely damaged, but is there any chance of a re-establishment in the future? This requires him to sincerely reflect on his past mistakes and make up for them with practical actions.

The public is full of anticipation and wait-and-see for Chow Yun-fat's future. Can he realize that what he has done in the past is wrong? Will it be able to regain the trust and respect of the audience? All of this will take time to verify.

Chow Yun-fat's story may become a classic case of arrogance and redemption in the entertainment industry. From an unknown dragon trick to a king in the film industry, and then to the collapse of his current image, his experience is undoubtedly ups and downs.

Now, it's all about how he faces these challenges, whether he chooses to continue to sink or try to reinvent himself. Regardless of the outcome, Chow Yun-fat's future will be the focus of public attention and will also provide valuable lessons for those who come after the entertainment industry.

There is a kind of "backlash" called Chow Yun-fat, who was seriously ill and admitted to the hospital with no one to take care of him, and he deserved it

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