
It's so realistic! I finally understand why the current 985,211 graduates are not admitted to public institutions

author:The old paste looks at the world

In today's society, education and career choices are one of the hotly debated topics. Especially for top college graduates such as 985 and 211, their career paths are even more watched. However, it is interesting to note that many of these graduates do not choose traditional business institutions and devote themselves to the corporate world. What is the reason behind this phenomenon? Can't they pass the exam? Or is there something else going on?

It's so realistic! I finally understand why the current 985,211 graduates are not admitted to public institutions

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of having an in-depth exchange with a new colleague who graduated from 985. From him, I learned some specific reasons. He told me that none of the four people in their dormitory chose to work in the examination system, but chose to work in a company. This made me very curious, so I asked him, "You are all the pride of the sky, there shouldn't be any difficulty in the system, right?" ”

He smiled and replied, "None of us want to take the test." I then asked, "How good is stability, why don't you take the test?" He explained: "After so many years of hard study, who wouldn't want to find a job with a good salary? He further explained that in a big city like Shanghai, in order to get a high salary, it is often necessary to work in the private sector.

I smiled and said, "Yes, indeed." Then you can consider going back to your hometown for a public institution, where life is comfortable and stress-free. He replied with a smile: "My hometown is a fifth-tier city, and the salary in the hometown system is not high, only more than 5,000 yuan." Moreover, young people still have to work hard in big cities. ”

It's so realistic! I finally understand why the current 985,211 graduates are not admitted to public institutions

This conversation got me thinking. Why are these top graduates reluctant to choose a public institution? Did they really fail the test? Apparently not. The reason why they make such a choice is more out of consideration for personal career development and economic income. In their view, although the business unit is stable, it may not be able to meet their expectations for high income and career development.

First of all, we need to recognize that graduates of 985 and 211 colleges and universities usually have high academic ability and professional quality. They received systematic education and training during their university years, and they have strong competitiveness. As a result, they have reason to expect to find a job after graduation that is both challenging and brings in a high income.

It's so realistic! I finally understand why the current 985,211 graduates are not admitted to public institutions

Secondly, with the development of society and the transformation of the economy, the demand for high-quality talents in the business world is increasing. Many businesses are willing to offer excellent graduates high salaries and good career development opportunities. This is undoubtedly a huge attraction for graduates who are eager to make a breakthrough in their careers.

In addition, we should also note that although public institutions provide a relatively stable working environment, their salary level and career development space may be insufficient compared with some excellent enterprises. Especially in some large cities, the cost of living is high, and the salary of public institutions may not be able to meet the living needs and career expectations of graduates.

In addition, we should also realize that everyone's values and career plans are different. For some graduates, they may value personal freedom and innovation more than just stability. In this case, choosing to work in a company may provide them with more development opportunities and challenges.

To sum up, 985 and 211 graduates do not choose public institutions, not because they can't pass the exam, but because they have higher career pursuits and economic expectations. They hope that through their own efforts, they can get better development opportunities and higher income in the highly competitive market. This choice is not only a self-confidence in one's ability, but also a positive response to social development.

Of course, we should also realize that everyone's choice has its own rationality. Whether you choose to work in a public institution or an enterprise, you should be respected and understood. We should encourage young people to make the most suitable career choices according to their interests and abilities, so as to achieve both personal and social values.