
In fact, the hegemony of the United States is long gone

author:The old paste looks at the world

In today's world structure, the hegemonic status of the United States has always been a hot topic in the discussion of international relations. However, with the deepening of globalization and the increasingly obvious trend of multipolarization, it seems that the hegemony of the United States is facing unprecedented challenges.

In fact, the hegemony of the United States is long gone

The United States once established its undisputed hegemony on a global scale with its formidable military might. However, in recent years, with the rise of other countries' military power, the military superiority of the United States has gradually been challenged. For example, high military expenditures and production costs, such as a pack of screws of up to $90,000 and the production capacity of only half an aircraft carrier a year, have weakened US military hegemony to a certain extent. In addition, the lack of success rate of mid-course anti-missile technology, as well as the weakness of hypersonic missile defense, also reflect the limitations of US military technology.

In fact, the hegemony of the United States is long gone

In the field of science and technology, the United States once occupied the position of global scientific and technological hegemony with its innovation ability and technological leadership. But today, that advantage is being challenged. Although the United States still maintains a certain lead in chip technology, the dispersion and integration of the industrial chain make the hegemony of the United States in the global chip industry questioned. The chip industry capital of the Netherlands, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan is increasingly competitive with the United States, which undoubtedly poses a challenge to the hegemony of the United States in science and technology.

In the economic sphere, the US dollar has long been the main currency for global trade and financial transactions. However, with OPEC's cooperation with Russia on production cuts, and the weakening of influence in the Middle East on the United States, the hegemony of the dollar has also begun to waver. The dollar's status as a global reserve currency is being challenged by other currencies, which could further weaken the dollar's international standing.

In fact, the hegemony of the United States is long gone

U.S. financial hegemony is based on the global circulation and trust of the dollar. But without the backing of Middle Eastern oil, America's financial hegemony is facing a severe test. If China and Russia, ASEAN, the African Union, the Arab world and other regions announce the adoption of local currency settlement, the international status of the US dollar will be seriously impacted, and it may even face the risk of depreciation.

To sum up, the US hegemony is facing challenges from many aspects, such as military, science and technology, economy, and finance. While the United States remains one of the most powerful countries in the world, the solidity of its hegemony has been questioned. In the future, the United States needs to pay more attention to cooperation and exchanges with other countries while safeguarding its own interests, so as to adapt to an increasingly multipolar world pattern.

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