
Carry forward the revolutionary spirit and continue the red blood - Gaowan Town organized party members to go to the Yulongshan Red Revolution Education Base to carry out theme party day education activities

author:Jingyuan financial media
Carry forward the revolutionary spirit and continue the red blood - Gaowan Town organized party members to go to the Yulongshan Red Revolution Education Base to carry out theme party day education activities

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further enhance the awareness of party members, encourage the majority of party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and better play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, on the morning of June 30, Gaowan Town organized party members to go to the Yulongshan Red Revolution Education Base to carry out the theme party day activity of "Celebrating July 1st, Learning Party Discipline, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Practicing the Original Heart".

Carry forward the revolutionary spirit and continue the red blood - Gaowan Town organized party members to go to the Yulongshan Red Revolution Education Base to carry out theme party day education activities

To commemorate the revolutionary martyrs, present a flower basket ribbon

In front of the Monument to the Battle of the Red Fourth Front Army in Yulongshan, all party members wore the party emblem on their chests, stood in solemn formation, presented flower baskets to the revolutionary martyrs, and bowed three times to express their deep nostalgia and high respect for the revolutionary martyrs.

Carry forward the revolutionary spirit and continue the red blood - Gaowan Town organized party members to go to the Yulongshan Red Revolution Education Base to carry out theme party day education activities

Bear in mind the original intention of party members and review the oath of joining the party

In the activity, all the party members raised their right fists under the bright red party flag, revisiting the sonorous oath of joining the party, word by word, sacred and heroic, and the party members and comrades swore unlimited loyalty to the Communist Party of China with the Zheng Zheng oath, and continued the spiritual blood of the Chinese Communists.

Carry forward the revolutionary spirit and continue the red blood - Gaowan Town organized party members to go to the Yulongshan Red Revolution Education Base to carry out theme party day education activities

Review the history of red and inherit the red faith

Under the guidance of the commentator, everyone visited the old site, monument and memorial tower of the headquarters of the Red Fourth Front Army in an orderly manner, and listened to the red stories of the 12 propaganda walls. Through the narrator's explanation and watching historical photos, all the staff had a deep understanding of the heroic feat of the Red Army forcibly crossing the Yellow River and the touching military and civilian fish and water conditions, personally felt the great national spirit of our party, deeply felt that today's beautiful life was not easy to come by, and further educated all party members and cadres to cherish today's happy life and make their own contributions to the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Carry forward the revolutionary spirit and continue the red blood - Gaowan Town organized party members to go to the Yulongshan Red Revolution Education Base to carry out theme party day education activities

Through this activity, the majority of party members and cadres were encouraged to always maintain the political nature of loyalty to the party, and effectively lay a solid ideological foundation for holding high the banner, obeying the party's command, and being loyal to the mission. Everyone said that they should never forget their original intention, keep in mind their duties and missions, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, be a qualified party member in the new era, turn their admiration for revolutionary martyrs into the driving force for their work, and take on new missions, show new achievements, and write a new chapter in the new era!

Source: Humanities Gaowan

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