
The soldier went to the founding lieutenant general to redress his grievances, and the lieutenant general said: Even if you lose your life, I will also help you

author:The autumn wind speaks of history

Everyone knows the great exploits of the founding generals, but few people know that they care for ordinary soldiers. In that stormy era, an ordinary soldier encountered injustice and had nowhere to redress his grievances, so he had to find the old commander of the past, a famous founding lieutenant general. The lieutenant general was furious when he heard the news, and he took the case and vowed to seek justice for the soldier. He said: "Even if you lose your life, I will help you!" "Who is this lieutenant general? Why was he so indignant? What injustice did the soldier suffer? What's the story behind this? Let's walk into this little-known history.

Wei Jie: From a peasant boy to the founding lieutenant general

Speaking of Wei Jie, many people in the world are not familiar with him, but when it comes to his achievements, he is no less than those thunderous founding generals. Wei Jie, a young man from a poor peasant family in Donglan County, Guangxi, grew step by step into a famous founding lieutenant general in the wave of the Chinese revolution.

Wei Jie's childhood was not a happy one. He was born in 1914 into a family of sharecroppers. In the countryside at that time, the landlords were rampant and domineering, and the tenant farmers were miserable. Wei Jie's father and brother were brutally murdered by the landlord and beaten to death. This cruel reality planted the seeds of hatred in Wei Jie's young heart. He secretly vowed that one day he would avenge his father and brother and make the bullies who oppressed the people pay the price.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. In 1929, 15-year-old Wei Jie heard that the Red Army was a team specializing in fighting landlords, and without saying a word, he joined the Red Army without hesitation. Since then, he has embarked on the journey of revolution and started his legendary life.

Who would have thought that this skinny peasant boy would become the founding lieutenant general of the Quartet in the future? But Wei Jie's growth path has not been easy. When he first joined the Red Army, he was still an ignorant teenager, and his understanding of the revolution was limited to "fighting local tyrants and dividing the land." However, in the crucible of revolution, Wei Jie was soon reborn.

In 1931, something happened that made everyone look at Wei Jie with admiration. That year, the Red Seventh Army was attacking Qingliu City in western Fujian. The enemy fire on the city was fierce, and it was difficult for the Red Army to attack it for a while. Many of the warriors began to cower and prepare to retreat.

At this moment, Wei Jie, who was only 17 years old, stepped forward. His eyes widened angrily, and he scolded loudly: "You cowards who are afraid of death, have you forgotten how the landlord bullies bullied you? This roar was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, shaking everyone in place.

Wei Jie struck while the iron was hot, and shouted again: "If you are afraid of death, leave, if you are not afraid of death, make meritorious service to me Wei Jie!" These words were impassioned, but only a few people actually followed him.

In the face of such a situation, I am afraid that ordinary people would have been discouraged a long time ago. But Wei Jie remembered the story of Gan Ning, a famous general of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, who led a hundred horses to step on Cao Ying, and suddenly became bold. He took these ten warriors and quietly ambushed them under the city. When the large army attacked again, Wei Jie gave the order and took the lead in setting up a ladder to climb up.

This scene stunned everyone. Eleven young Red Army generals who are not afraid of death dare to take such a risk! They rushed to the top of the city, and the sound of guns and swords intertwined, and the enemy was caught off guard. A miracle happened, hundreds of enemy soldiers were frightened by these eleven people, and finally captured more than 200 people alive.

This battle not only terrified the enemy, but also amazed Wei Jie's Red Army comrades. Everyone said that this kid was not a mortal, but must be a heavenly Vajra. Since then, Veyger's name has spread among the Red Army and has become synonymous with courage and wisdom.

After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Wei Jie's bravery was even more powerful. In the face of the ferocious Japanese invaders, Wei Jie was eager to eat their flesh and sleep on their skin. In the Xiangchenggu ambush in southern Hebei, the 688th Regiment of the 344th Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army led by Wei Jie created a miracle of winning more with less.

The excitement of this battle has been sung by the local people for decades. They made up a ballad: "The Oriental bandits are so rampant that they want to swallow the sky." I didn't want to run into the old Eighth Regiment, a squadron is all over! This catchy ballad not only records the heroic deeds of Wei Jie and his soldiers, but also serves as spiritual food for future generations.

In this way, Wei Jie grew from an ignorant teenager to an outstanding military commander. Every step of his growth is condensed with the baptism of blood and fire, and is soaked with the sincere heart for the country and the people. This poor peasant kid proved with his own practical actions: heroes don't ask where they come from, and the raging fire can forge an iron will.

Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea: Wei Jie led the 60th Army to Korea

In October 1950, shortly after the outbreak of the Korean War, the Chinese government decided to send volunteers to fight in North Korea. At this time, Wei Jie was already a battle-hardened general. He received an order to lead the 60th Army across the Yalu River and to the Korean battlefield.

The formation of the 60th Army can be described as a series of twists and turns. Originally, this unit was reorganized from the main force of the original 19th Corps. However, on the eve of the entry into the DPRK, the higher authorities suddenly ordered two of the divisions to be transferred to other units. This sudden change has brought a lot of challenges to Wei Jie.

Faced with this situation, Wei Jie did not flinch in the slightest. He quickly adjusted his deployment, reorganized the original three infantry divisions into two, and formed an artillery division at the same time. This decision can be described as a precautionary measure, because in the later battles, the role of artillery was brought into full play.

The soldier went to the founding lieutenant general to redress his grievances, and the lieutenant general said: Even if you lose your life, I will also help you

After the formation, Wei Jie immediately began to train intensively. He knew very well that he was about to face a well-equipped American army, and the slightest carelessness could wipe out the entire army. Therefore, he personally supervised the training, from tactical movements to the use of weapons, everything was required to be perfect.

During the training, Wei Jie particularly emphasized the need to carry forward the tactic of "following the same pace". This is the experience he summed up in the War of Resistance Against Japan. The so-called "follow the trend in the same step" means to follow the enemy closely and not give the other side a chance to breathe. He told the fighters: "The U.S. military has great firepower, but poor melee capabilities. We have to fight close to the enemy and turn their advantages into disadvantages. "

In November 1950, the 60th Army finally set foot on Korean soil. As soon as they entered the DPRK, they encountered a thorny problem: the air superiority of the US military. U.S. planes hovered overhead almost all the time, making the march extremely difficult.

Wei Jie had an idea and came up with a clever plan. He ordered the troops to hide during the day and march at night. In order to avoid being discovered by enemy planes, he also asked the soldiers not to light a fire for cooking, but only to eat dry food. Although this decision made the fighters suffer a lot, it ensured the safety of the troops.

In late November, the 60th Army took part in the famous Battle of Changjin Lake. This is a battle fought in an extremely hostile environment. The temperature at that time was as low as minus 40 degrees, and many soldiers could not even hold their guns steadily.

Faced with this situation, Wei Jie came up with a solution. He ordered the fighters to put their hands in their crotches to warm up, and then quickly took them out and pulled the trigger. This seemingly vulgar method has worked wonders in actual combat.

In the Battle of Changjin Lake, the 60th Army performed well. They not only withstood the fierce attack of the American troops, but also dealt a heavy blow to the enemy. In particular, in the battle to block the "Polar Bear" regiment of the US army, the 60 Army created a miracle of infantry against armored forces.

After the battle, the commander of the US army once lamented: "The combat effectiveness of the Chinese army is far beyond our imagination. Not only can they fight in extreme cold conditions, but they can also create incredible results. "

At the beginning of 1951, the Volunteer Army launched the fourth campaign. In this campaign, the 60th Army once again made great achievements. They broke through the "United Nations Army" line and fought all the way south of Seoul (present-day Seoul).

In this campaign, Wei Jie's command art was fully developed. He adopted the tactic of "breaking the whole into pieces and fighting the big with the small", dividing the troops into a number of small units and interspersing them into the enemy's rear, so that the enemy was taken by surprise.

Once, a battalion of the 60 Army turned out to capture the command of an American regiment. This result not only disrupted the enemy's chain of command, but also gained a lot of important information. The U.S. commander later wrote in his memoirs: "The tactics of the Chinese army are so flexible and changeable that we are overwhelmed. "

On the Korean battlefield, Wei Jie and his 60th Army created many incredible achievements. Not only did they defeat the well-armed American army, but they also won the respect and love of the Korean people.

Once, when the 60th Army passed through a North Korean village, the villagers spontaneously organized themselves and brought food and water to the Chinese army. An old lady took Wei Jie's hand and said excitedly: "Chinese comrades, thank you for coming to defend our country. "

This simple sentence deeply moved Wei Jie. He understood that everything he and his fighters had done was worth it. On the battlefield in a foreign land, the 60th Army was not only fighting to defend peace, but also fighting for the friendship between the two peoples.

Wei Jie was falsely accused: ten years in prison, demoted from army commander to soldier

After the war, Wei Jie returned to his homeland with great enthusiasm, ready to contribute to the construction of the country. However, fate played a cruel joke on him. In 1955, a sudden political storm swept the highly decorated general into the mix.

That year, Wei Jie was falsely accused of being a "counter-revolutionary". This accusation was like a bolt from the blue, shocking not only Wei Jie himself, but also everyone who knew him in disbelief. Those comrades-in-arms who once fought side by side with him knew that Wei Jie was a person loyal to the party and the country, how could he be a "counter-revolutionary"?

However, in that particular era, once labeled as a "counter-revolutionary", it meant that there was no return. Wei Jie was deprived of his military rank and was demoted from a military commander to an ordinary soldier at once. To make matters worse, he was also imprisoned and began a decade-long prison life.

In prison, Wei Jie experienced unimaginable hardships. As a former high-ranking officer, he was treated more harshly than ordinary prisoners. It seems that the prison guards want to prove their "revolutionary" nature by torturing him.

At one point, Wei Jie was assigned to do heavy physical labor. He was old and in poor health, but the prison guards ignored him and forced him to carry the boulder. Wei Jie gritted his teeth and completed the task without saying a word. This scene moved many prisoners in the same prison.

On another occasion, there was a riot in the prison. A group of prisoners took the opportunity to escape, and the situation was very critical. At this moment, Wei Jie stepped forward and persuaded the prisoners to give up the idea of escaping. He said: "Although we are prisoners, we are still Chinese. The country needs us, and we can't do anything that hurts nature and reason. These words made those prisoners who were originally preparing to escape lay down their weapons one after another.

The soldier went to the founding lieutenant general to redress his grievances, and the lieutenant general said: Even if you lose your life, I will also help you

Wei Jie's actions caught the attention of the prison management. They began to take a fresh look at the former general. One prison guard later recalled: "Although Wei Jie lost his freedom, he never lost his loyalty to the country. His words and deeds show us what a real revolutionary is. "

In prison, Wei Jie did not give up his pursuit of knowledge. Using limited resources, he taught himself English and Russian. He used to say, "Even in prison, keep your mind active." This thirst for knowledge made his fellow inmates admire him even more.

However, the long prison life still took a serious toll on Wei Jie's body. His eyesight had deteriorated dramatically, and he had lost most of his teeth. But even so, he remains optimistic. He often told his fellow inmates, "As long as you live, there is hope." I believe that one day, the truth will be revealed. "

In 1965, Wei Jie finally waited for the opportunity to be rehabilitated. When He Long, the then Minister of National Defense, learned of Wei Jie's experience, he immediately sent people to investigate. After detailed verification, Wei Jie's innocence was finally confirmed.

The moment Wei Jie walked out of the prison gate, he was no longer the high-spirited general he was back then. Ten years in prison made his hair turn white and his body became rickety. But his eyes remained resolute, as if speaking of his indomitable soul.

After Wei Jie was released, he was immediately reinstated to his military status and position. The state also compensated him to make up for the loss of the past ten years. But Wei Jie politely refused, saying: "What happened to me was just a misunderstanding. Now that the truth is out, I'm satisfied. I don't need compensation, I just want to continue to serve my country. "

These words moved everyone present. An official involved in the investigation later recalled: "We were ashamed of Wei Jie's heart. He has gone through so much suffering, but he still cares about his country. This is the real Communist Party member. "

After Wei Jie regained his freedom, he was not depressed by what happened to him. Instead, he threw himself into his work with greater enthusiasm. "I lost ten years, but the construction of the Motherland cannot wait for me," he said. I'm going to redouble my efforts to make up for lost time. "

In the years that followed, Wei Jie continued to contribute to the country's military modernization. He summed up his experiences on the battlefield and in prison in writing, leaving a valuable spiritual legacy for future generations.

Wei Jie's experience is not only his personal joys and sorrows, but also the epitome of that special era. It tells us that even in the darkest of moments, as long as we hold on to our faith, we will surely see the dawn of hope.

Follow-up to rehabilitation: Wei Jie regained his military position and served the country until the last moment of his life

In 1965, Wei Jie finally cleared the grievances of the "counter-revolutionaries" and regained his freedom. However, ten years in prison have left an indelible mark on the former general. His hair was all white, and his body was far less robust than before. However, Wei Jie's spirit is still as strong as iron, and he is desperate to get back to serving his country.

After Wei Jie regained his freedom, the state immediately restored his military status and position. This decision was warmly welcomed by the top and bottom of the army. Many old comrades-in-arms who had worked with Wei Jie came to visit him to express their support and respect.

Once, a veteran who had served in the 60th Army made a special trip from the northeast to visit Wei Jie. The veteran brought with him a military flag that had been used on the battlefields of Korea, and this flag still had bullet holes and blood stains on it. With tears in his eyes, the veteran said, "General, I have kept this flag all the time, just waiting for the day when I can hand it back to you." Wei Jie took the flag and was speechless for a long time, just holding the veteran's hand tightly.

After returning to the army, Wei Jie did not slack off because of his advanced age. On the contrary, he is more diligent than the young man. He often said: "I lost ten years, and now I have to work harder to catch up." "

Wei Jie paid special attention to the modernization of the army. He believes that in the context of the new era, the army must keep pace with the times. He put forward many forward-looking proposals, such as strengthening the building of information technology and enhancing the scientific and technological content of the military. These suggestions may have seemed a little ahead of their time at the time, but over time their value has become apparent.

In 1966, the Cultural Revolution broke out. This political movement brought great turmoil to the country, and the army was not spared. Many officers have once again been the target of criticism. However, Wei Jie played a role in stabilizing the morale of the military during this special period.

On one occasion, a group of "rebels" broke into the compound of the military region and demanded that several high-ranking officers be criticized. When Wei Jie learned about it, he immediately rushed to the scene. Standing in front of the "rebels", he said solemnly: "We are the people's army, the great wall of steel defending the country. If there is a fight within themselves, who will defend the motherland? These words left the "rebels" speechless, and finally walked away.

Wei Jie's actions have earned the respect of many. A young officer at the time later recalled: "In those crazy times, General Wei was like a beacon that showed us the way. He made us understand that no matter how the situation changes, our duty is always to defend the motherland. "

In 1975, Wei Jie was appointed president of the National Defense University. In this position, he made an important contribution to the training of a new generation of military talent. He particularly stressed the need to cultivate interdisciplinary talents, believing that future officers should not only understand military affairs, but also have a broad range of knowledge.

Under Wei Jie's initiative, the National Defense University has opened many new courses, such as international relations, modern science and technology, etc. He also invited many famous scholars to give lectures at the school to broaden the students' horizons. These measures have greatly improved the overall quality of officers and laid a talent foundation for the subsequent modernization of the armed forces.

The soldier went to the founding lieutenant general to redress his grievances, and the lieutenant general said: Even if you lose your life, I will also help you

Wei Jie also attaches great importance to practical teaching. He often led the trainees to various military regions for on-the-spot inspections, allowing them to experience first-hand the actual situation of the troops. On one occasion, while inspecting a certain border guard, Wei Jie, who is already in his 70s, insisted on climbing an observation post at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters with a young officer. This spirit of not being afraid of hardships has deeply infected everyone around us.

In 1980, Wei Jie was hospitalized due to illness. Even in his hospital bed, he still cared about national affairs. He asked his family to read him a newspaper and keep abreast of the latest international situation. "Even if I can't do anything for the country anymore, keep my head up," he said. "

In the last moments of his life, Wei Jie gathered several old comrades. He told them: "Our generation has been through too many ups and downs. However, no matter what difficulties we encounter, we have never forgotten that we are soldiers and fighters to defend our motherland. I hope that you can pass on this spirit and educate the next generation. "

In 1984, Wei Jie died in Beijing at the age of 79. Throughout his life, he experienced the baptism of war and the storm of politics, but he always maintained his loyalty to the country. He used his actions to interpret what is the true military spirit and became a model for future generations to learn.

After the death of Veyjay, the army held a solemn memorial service. In his eulogy, a young officer commented on Wei Jie: "General Wei's life is a living history of revolution. He used his actions to tell us how to be patriotic and how to serve the people as a soldier. His spirit will always inspire us to move forward. "

Far-reaching influence: Wei Jie's spirit inspires future generations, and military thought has been passed down to this day

The death of General Wei Jie has aroused widespread mourning in the military and all walks of life. However, his influence did not disappear with his passing. On the contrary, Wei Jie's military thinking and patriotic spirit continued to ferment in the later years, and became a valuable spiritual wealth to inspire future generations.

In 1985, in order to commemorate General Wei Jie, the army decided to set up the "Wei Jie Military Thought Research Center" at the National Defense University. The establishment of this center marked the official entry of Wei Jie's military thinking into the field of academic research. The first director of the center, a student of Wei Jie before his death, once commented on Wei Jie's military thoughts: "General Wei's thoughts have both profound historical accumulation and distinctive characteristics of the times. He has always stressed the need to integrate the universal truth of Marxism with China's specific reality, and this ideological method is still of important guiding significance for our military theoretical research today. "

Under the impetus of Wei Jie's Center for Military Thought, Wei Jie's military theories have been systematically sorted out and studied. Researchers have found that there are many ideas that are ahead of their time in Weijie's military thinking. For example, as early as the 60s of the 20 th century, he put forward the concept of "information warfare," believing that future wars would be a contest of information. This view did not attract enough attention at the time, but today in the 21st century, it has become a consensus in military circles.

In 1990, the army organized a large-scale military exercise. The commander-in-chief of the exercise was a general who had been taught by Wei Jie at the National Defense University. When formulating the combat plan, he deliberately adopted Wei Jie's tactical idea of "being flexible and maneuvering, defeating the strong with the weak." The exercise was a great success, which fully verified the practicality and foresight of Wei Jie's military thinking.

Wei Jie's influence is not limited to the military field, and his patriotism and personality charm are also deeply infectious. In 1995, a TV series "Iron General" based on Wei Jie was broadcast nationwide, which caused a strong response. In the play, Wei Jie's image of perseverance, loyalty and patriotism touched countless audiences. One viewer wrote in his impressions: "General Wei's experience made me understand that patriotism is not about shouting slogans, but about silently dedicating yourself to ordinary posts. "

In 2000, to commemorate the 95th anniversary of Wei Jie's birth, the army held a large retrospective exhibition. The exhibition not only displays Wei Jie's relics and photographs, but also an interactive link is originally designed to allow visitors to experience the scene of Wei Jie commanding operations on the Korean battlefield. This innovative exhibition method allows the younger generation to understand Wei Jie's deeds more intuitively and feel the hardships and greatness of that era.

In 2005, on the 21st anniversary of Wei Jie's death, the army decided to include his story in military school textbooks. An instructor who participated in the compilation said: "We hope that through the story of General Wei, young officers can understand that as a soldier, you must not only have excellent military skills, but also have firm beliefs and noble character." "

In 2010, a group of retired soldiers spontaneously organized the "Weijie Spiritual Inheritance Association". The organization regularly organizes events to publicize Wei Jie's deeds and spread his spirit. A retired veteran said: "Although we have left the army, the spirit of 'always ready to sacrifice for the country' taught to us by General Wei will never become obsolete." "

In 2015, in the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Wei Jie was named "Anti-Japanese Heroes and Model Figures". This honor is not only an affirmation of Wei Jie personally, but also a tribute to all the heroes of that era who sacrificed for the country.

In 2020, in the context of the new crown epidemic raging around the world, Wei Jie's deeds were mentioned again. People have found that Wei Jie's spirit of defying hardships and dangers and having the courage to sacrifice on the battlefield in North Korea is very similar to the spirit of today's medical staff fighting on the front line of the epidemic. One doctor said in an interview: "Whenever I feel tired and scared, I think of the story of General Wei. If he can hold out in the midst of a hail of bullets, what reason do we have to back down? "

To this day, Wei Jie's influence continues. His military ideas are still widely studied in military academies, and his patriotic spirit continues to inspire generations of Chinese. Wei Jie used his life to interpret what is true patriotism and what is the responsibility of a soldier. His story has become an indispensable part of modern Chinese history.