
Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

author:Laurel muffins


Looking at the works of the old drama bones, the little fresh meat has no connotation, I don't know when it started, and the entertainment industry began to blow a wind of "uncle circle male god". If you want to say that there are many representatives of the "male god of the uncle circle", there are many in the entertainment industry, but there are not many singers, and Li Jian is obviously one of them.

Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

Li Jian is a talented person of Tsinghua University, and his song "On the Shore of Lake Baikal" has attracted countless fans, and now at the age of 49, he is still popular, and his concerts are full. In addition to Li Jian's singing, but also because he is still well maintained at the age of 49. Fans praised Li for his good fitness materials, and wearing a white shirt is a must, which can be called "the god of white shirts in ancient Greece".

Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!
Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

However, Li Jian and his wife were recently met by chance in a high-end restaurant, but the state of the picture exposed Li Jian's true figure, which made many netizens cry out disappointed.

Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!
Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

A fan posted a video of a friend meeting Li Jian in a restaurant, and he was very excited between his words. Judging from the video, Li Jian should have gone to a high-end Western restaurant to eat. Of course, he was not alone, but with his wife Meng Xiaobei.

Although Meng Xiaobei has gained a lot of weight, her temperament is very elegant. She wore a white chiffon blouse with a black skirt, and her long hair was draped down. Although the figure is not as thin as before, it is still very girlish from the back.

Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

Comparatively speaking, Li Jian's body proportions are much more abusive. Li Jian's outfit is very interesting, with a striped shirt on the upper body and five-point pants underneath. Maybe the character's sleeves were too long and a little hot, Li Jian rolled up the long sleeves. Now netizens don't understand again, why don't you just wear short sleeves?

The five-point pants already make Li Jian's figure a little five-five, and he is wearing flat-soled beanie shoes, which makes his calves very thick, and the proportion of his body is even more indescribable.

Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

Li Jian and his wife Meng Xiaobei went to a high-end restaurant to eat together, but the two couldn't see the slightest sweetness, and they walked one after the other without any interaction. Li Jian never forgot to be handsome, followed behind his wife with his hands in his pockets, and frowned even more when he looked at Meng Xiaobei's back, suspiciously disgusted.

Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!
Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

In fact, the relationship between Li Jian and his wife has long been questioned, Meng Xiaobei has gained a lot of weight in the past six months, Li Jian always deliberately keeps a distance from her when she goes out, and is accused of disliking his wife for being too fat.

Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

Speaking of which, this can't be blamed on netizens speculating wildly, after all, during their time in Aranya, Li Jian and his wife were frequently encountered, and there was almost no interaction. The two of them deliberately walked in two directions on the road, like strangers.

Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

When Li Jian was with his friends, Meng Xiaobei could only watch from afar, like a foil for Li Jian. As we all know, Li Jian and Meng Xiaobei Dink, the two have been married for many years and have no children. So although Li Jian went out with his family, Meng Xiaobei was the only one by his side.

Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!
Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

Meng Xiaobei is an outsider, and following Li Jian into his circle has been ignored, and many people are upset about Meng Xiaobei and question Li Jian's beloved wife.

Of course, some people feel that this is just an over-interpretation by the public, and the details of the private lives of celebrities are easy to be magnified and distorted under the camera. Maybe Li Jian and his wife are just used to getting along in a low-key manner and don't like to show affection in public. After all, real feelings don't need to be shown all the time, as long as they feel happy. But in any case, this chance encounter has sparked a lot of discussion.

Li Jian and his wife were met by chance in the restaurant, with a stubby calf ratio of five or five, staring at his wife's back with a face full of disgust!

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