
Iyama Yuta, in the semifinals of the Rotten Ke Cup, faced a big test, against the Chinese bully Gu Zihao, and the winning rate was super low

author:Lesser God King

Iyama Yuta, in the semifinals of the Rotten Ke Cup, faced a big test, against the Chinese bully Gu Zihao, and the winning rate was super low

The pinnacle of chess! Yuta Iyama rises to the crucial challenge of the semi-finals

In the chess world, being able to advance to the semi-finals of the World Series is undoubtedly a high-profile event. In this year's Ranco Cup World Go Open, Japanese player Yuta Iyama Kudan successfully completed this feat and reached the semi-finals, which is undoubtedly exciting news for Japanese chess fans. However, Iyama will face a tougher test next - he will face a semi-final against Chinese bully Koo Zihao Kudan. This is undoubtedly a pinnacle showdown in the chess world, which has aroused widespread attention and discussion.

Iyama's overall performance has attracted much attention

In this year's Ranco Cup World Go Open, Iyama Yuta 9th dan can be said to shine. Since the first round, he has defeated many Chinese and South Korean celebrities, including Bian Xiangyi, Xu Haohong and others, which is enough to show that his strength and condition are really good. At this point in the semi-finals, Iyama Yuta has proven his strength and is a well-deserved leader of Japanese chess players.

However, it was surprising that Iyama was able to reach the semi-finals, which was still quite unexpected in the eyes of Japanese chess fans. In recent years, Japanese players have not performed well in international tournaments, and it has been difficult to make breakthroughs at the top tournaments. But Iyama Yuta's stunning appearance has undoubtedly injected new vitality and confidence into the Japanese chess world.

You must know that in this Ranco Cup event, the participants are all the world's top chess players, and it is not easy to reach the semi-finals. Itama Yuta was able to accomplish this feat, which is a well-deserved feat that proves his strength and potential. As one of the best players in Japan, Yuta Iyama's performance this time has excited Japanese chess fans, and I believe that he will definitely achieve another brilliant performance in the next semi-finals.

Can the "bully" Gu Zihao stop Jingshan's footsteps?

While Iyama's semi-final run was already remarkable, the challenge ahead was just as daunting. In the semi-finals, he will face the famous Chinese chess player Gu Zihao Jiudan. The strength of this Chinese chess player, known as the "bully", should not be underestimated.

Iyama Yuta, in the semifinals of the Rotten Ke Cup, faced a big test, against the Chinese bully Gu Zihao, and the winning rate was super low

As the "lucky general" of the Rotten Ke Cup, Gu Zihao Jiuduan is ready to defend his title. He has been in excellent form in this tournament, beating strong opponents on several occasions. As a representative of Chinese chess players, Gu Zihao will definitely give full play to his strength and vow to defend the dignity of Chinese chess players.

Judging from the record, Gu Zihao is indeed a tough chess player. He has won many international competitions, which is enough to prove his quality. And in this Ranco Cup event, he is also gaining momentum and performing well. Therefore, it is well deserved to reach the semi-finals.

Such a strong "bully" level opponent will undoubtedly bring a huge test to Iyama Yuta. With Jingshan's current chess strength, whether he can defeat Gu Zihao in the semifinals and successfully advance to the finals, I am afraid there is still a certain amount of suspense.

After all, the Chinese chess players represented by Gu Zihao are strong and have won many international competitions, and it is not easy to win even against Japanese chess player Iyama. This semi-final is undoubtedly a masterful move that will test the wisdom and strength of both sides.

A difficult road to a decisive battle

Regardless of the final victory, this semi-final will be a crucial test for Iyama Yuta. As one of the best Japanese chess players, Iyama's ability to reach the semi-finals of the World Series this time has created a historic breakthrough for Japanese chess players. But if he can defeat the powerful Chinese "bully" Gu Zihao in the next semi-finals, it will undoubtedly be an even more remarkable achievement.

You must know that Gu Zihao Jiudan is an extraordinary Chinese chess player who has repeatedly achieved great results in international competitions, and it is not for nothing that he is known as a "bully". Therefore, if Iyama wants to defeat his opponent in the semi-finals, he will inevitably need to show his peak chess ability. It will undoubtedly be a tough and fierce contest, and the two sides will have a thrilling battle.

Regardless of the outcome, this semi-final will be an important page in Iyama's career. He has already proven his quality and being able to reach the semi-finals in such a top tournament is a great achievement for a Japanese player. Even if he lost to Gu Zihao in the semi-finals, Jingshan can still build on this and continue to pursue higher goals in future international competitions.

Iyama Yuta, in the semifinals of the Rotten Ke Cup, faced a big test, against the Chinese bully Gu Zihao, and the winning rate was super low

The battle of the strongest in the chess world will surely attract widespread attention. Regardless of the final victory, this semi-final will be an extremely important part of Iyama's career. I believe that no matter what the result is, he will continue to create brilliance in the future and add glory to the Japanese chess world.

Exciting chess matchups

The semi-final challenge for Iyama is arguably a major test of his career. As a leading figure among Japanese players, he has already achieved remarkable results by reaching the semi-finals of the World Series. But to defeat Gu Zihao, a "bully" chess player from China, it will undoubtedly take hard work here.

We know that Gu Zihao Jiudan has repeatedly won international competitions and is known as a "bully" figure in the Chinese chess world. His performance in this Ranco Cup tournament was also excellent, which was enough to prove his strength. As the "lucky general" of this event, he is bound to give it his all and try to defend his throne.

Therefore, if Iyama Yuta wants to defeat Koo Zihao in the upcoming semi-finals, he will inevitably need to show his peak chess power. This contest will undoubtedly be the pinnacle of the chess world, and the two sides will have a thrilling battle.

It's not hard to imagine that this semi-final will be exciting. On the one hand, Iyama Yuta will do his best to create a historic breakthrough; On the other hand, Koo Zihao will definitely do his best to defend his position. The clash between two top chess players will undoubtedly bring a fierce battle and attract widespread attention.

Regardless of the final victory, this semi-final will be a pivotal moment in his career for Iyama. Whether or not he can defeat a formidable opponent here will not only affect his personal achievements, but also affect the status of Japanese chess players on the international stage.

We are looking forward to this exciting matchup at the pinnacle of chess, and we believe that no matter what the outcome, this battle will be an unforgettable page in Iyama's career." He has already proven his quality, and he just needs to continue to work hard to achieve more brilliant achievements in the future.

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