
The more noisy it became, the father was unconscious by the baby holding his neck from behind, and the netizen comment area exploded

author:Iwai today
The more noisy it became, the father was unconscious by the baby holding his neck from behind, and the netizen comment area exploded

A father's love is like a mountain

On June 26, when Mr. Tao from Mianyang, Sichuan Province, was closing the door curtain, the child put his arms around his neck from behind, and when he got up, the child did not let go, and a few seconds later, Mr. Tao lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

The more noisy it became, the father was unconscious by the baby holding his neck from behind, and the netizen comment area exploded

Mr. Tao said that he may have strangled the artery, and he reacted for a long time after waking up. The doctor said that this is the same principle as hanging.

The more noisy it became, the father was unconscious by the baby holding his neck from behind, and the netizen comment area exploded

Both had CTs, had bags on their heads, and are fine. Mr. Tao reminded everyone not to imitate dangerous movements.


Netizens are hotly discussed

This sentence is full of joy in the eyes of Chongqing people: two people have bags on their heads.

The buddy is good, he didn't get angry, and he comforted the child, this quality is really high. It's just naked in childhood

The more noisy it became, the father was unconscious by the baby holding his neck from behind, and the netizen comment area exploded

There was no price in my childhood, but the experience of submitting my dad by naked choke was amazing.

Child's resume: I conquered Lao Dou in my childhood, and the doctor said: This is a kind of hanging principle, which really makes people laugh and cry.

The more noisy it became, the father was unconscious by the baby holding his neck from behind, and the netizen comment area exploded
The more noisy it became, the father was unconscious by the baby holding his neck from behind, and the netizen comment area exploded

Child: Take a deep breath and feel dizzy. Because you're squatting, the moment you stand up, the blood rushes up, but you're strangled again.

You person, don't practice more, you can't protect anyone. I squatted for a long time and felt dizzy for a while before I could leave, are you the same as me.

The more noisy it became, the father was unconscious by the baby holding his neck from behind, and the netizen comment area exploded

Today I only know what rear-naked strand is! It turned out to be so powerful, I was also strangled by the doll and fainted once, but fortunately it was at home.

Popular science, naked stranding compresses the carotid artery, which is different from the suffocation of the neck, it will take a few minutes to faint from lack of oxygen, and the carotid artery can make the brain die if it is pinched for a few seconds, and the person will suddenly faint with black eyes.

Such a dangerous action is really worrying for children to play, so it is better to pay attention to safety.

The more noisy it became, the father was unconscious by the baby holding his neck from behind, and the netizen comment area exploded
