
Master Hongyi: Don't care if it's important or not, it's broken if you are reluctant to give up, and it's better to give up than to be persistent

author:Good luck keeps coming

In the chaotic world, we are always running around for all kinds of "important" things, and sometimes we are even lost in endless attachments. However, when we look back, is there a moment when we feel that something is not as important as we think?

Master Hongyi once said: "It doesn't matter whether it's important or not, it's reluctant to break it, and rational abandonment is better than blind attachment." This sentence is like a clear spring stone, which instantly awakens the confusion and persistence in our hearts.

Master Hongyi: Don't care if it's important or not, it's broken if you are reluctant to give up, and it's better to give up than to be persistent

1. Let go of obsessions and embrace freedom

We live in an era of rampant materialism, where everyone seems to be bound by invisible shackles, pursuing so-called "success" and "perfection". However, in the process, we often ignore the true needs of our hearts and imprison ourselves in endless desires. Venerable Hongyi tells us that sometimes, giving up is not a failure, but a kind of wisdom, a kind of courage. Only when we learn to let go of our attachments can we truly embrace freedom and find our own happiness.

Master Hongyi: Don't care if it's important or not, it's broken if you are reluctant to give up, and it's better to give up than to be persistent

Second, rational renunciation is better than blind attachment

On the road of life, we will always encounter a variety of choices and difficulties. Sometimes, we choose the wrong path because of impulsiveness or stubbornness. However, when we realize our mistakes, we often have already paid a huge price. Gen-la Hongyi's words remind us that when faced with choices, we must learn to judge with reason and give up with courage. Because the renunciation of reason is often wiser and more worthy of our pursuit than blind attachment.

Master Hongyi: Don't care if it's important or not, it's broken if you are reluctant to give up, and it's better to give up than to be persistent

Third, it doesn't matter whether it's important or not, and it's broken if you are reluctant to do so

We are often haunted by someone or something that we can't let go. However, when we calm down and think about it, we will find that the things that once made us struggle are not as important as we think. Venerable Hongyi's words make us understand that sometimes, we need to be brave enough to look at our hearts and judge what is truly worth cherishing and pursuing. And those people and things that are no longer important, we must learn to let go and let them go with the wind.

Master Hongyi: Don't care if it's important or not, it's broken if you are reluctant to give up, and it's better to give up than to be persistent

Fourth, cherish the people in front of you, don't wait for no flowers and empty branches

On the road to pursuing our dreams, we tend to ignore the people and things around us. However, when we look back, we will find that those who have accompanied us through ups and downs are our most valuable treasures. Venerable Hongyi's words remind us to cherish the people around us and cherish the fate of every encounter. Because in this world, nothing is eternal, only those people and things that have accompanied us are the most worthy of our cherishment.

Master Hongyi: Don't care if it's important or not, it's broken if you are reluctant to give up, and it's better to give up than to be persistent

5. Return to your heart and find your true self

In our busy lives, we tend to lose ourselves and don't know what we really want. However, when we calm down and return to our original hearts, we will find that our true selves have been waiting for us all along. Venerable Hongyi's words make us understand that only when we let go of our obsessions and return to our original hearts can we find our true selves and live a truly wonderful life.

Master Hongyi: Don't care if it's important or not, it's broken if you are reluctant to give up, and it's better to give up than to be persistent

6. Conclusion: Life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills

Life is like a play, and we are all actors in the play. Sometimes we put in a lot of effort and time for certain roles, but when we realize that the role is not for us, we have to learn to be brave enough to let go.

Because on this stage, nothing lasts forever, and only those who can constantly challenge themselves and surpass themselves can become real winners. Therefore, let us take the words of Venerable Hongyi as a guide and continue to move forward on the road of life, looking for our own wonderful and happiness.