
Zeng Shiqiang: A truly awakened family only changes itself, not its children

author:Good luck keeps coming

In this fast-paced era, education always seems to be closely linked to "demand" and "change". However, Mr. Zeng Shiqiang, a master of Chinese culture, put forward a subversive view: "A truly awakened family only changes itself, not its children." ”

This statement was like an earth-shattering reckon, and it instantly detonated our rethinking of the nature of education. So, why did Mr. Tsang make such a point? What kind of educational wisdom is contained in this?

Zeng Shiqiang: A truly awakened family only changes itself, not its children

First of all, we need to understand what is the essence of education? Is it cramming, or is it forced change? Apparently neither. Real education should be a subtle influence, a process of self-growth and self-improvement. In this process, the influence of the family, as the initial growth environment of children, is undoubtedly huge. Therefore, the growth and change of parents themselves is of vital significance to their children's education.

Zeng Shiqiang: A truly awakened family only changes itself, not its children

Imagine how a tired parent who is busy with work all day can convey positive energy to his child. On the contrary, if parents can constantly enrich themselves and maintain an optimistic and cheerful attitude, then in daily life, children will naturally be infected by this positive atmosphere, so as to actively imitate their parents' behaviors and attitudes. This effect is natural and does not require any coercion or requirement, but it can have far-reaching and long-lasting effects.

Zeng Shiqiang: A truly awakened family only changes itself, not its children

In addition to fulfillment and happiness, parents also need to have a sense of responsibility and emotional management skills. A responsible parent will always pay attention to the growth and development of their children and provide them with necessary support and assistance.

At the same time, a parent who can manage his emotions well can also remain calm and rational in the face of his child's various problems, so as to give his child correct guidance and advice. Such parents can not only make their children feel safe and warm, but also become a solid backing for their growth.

Zeng Shiqiang: A truly awakened family only changes itself, not its children

So, how do you change only yourself and not your children? This does not mean that children are allowed to develop freely and unchecked. On the contrary, parents need to influence their children through their own words and actions while respecting their children's personality and needs.

For example, parents can enrich their lives through reading, studying, sports, etc., so that children can see an example of continuous pursuit of progress and growth; At the same time, parents can also show their sense of responsibility and emotional management skills in daily life, so that children can learn these important qualities subtly.

Zeng Shiqiang: A truly awakened family only changes itself, not its children

In addition, parents need to learn to listen and understand their children. Every child is a unique individual with their own thoughts, emotions and needs. Only by truly understanding and respecting children can we give them the right guidance and support. Therefore, parents need to put their bodies down, listen patiently to their children's voices, understand their needs and concerns, and grow together with them.

Zeng Shiqiang: A truly awakened family only changes itself, not its children

Of course, this is not to say that all of a child's behavior should be unconditionally accepted and condoned. When children have bad behaviors, parents also need to correct and correct them in time. However, this kind of correction and correction is not a forced change or suppression, but through the guidance and support of parents, to help children recognize their mistakes and take the initiative to correct them.

Zeng Shiqiang: A truly awakened family only changes itself, not its children

In short, Mr. Zeng Shiqiang's point of view reminds us that the highest level of education is not to ask children to change, but to influence children with themselves. Parents should create a positive and healthy atmosphere for their children through their own growth and changes.

In this process, parents need to constantly enrich themselves, maintain an optimistic and cheerful attitude, have a sense of responsibility and emotional management skills, and learn to listen and understand their children. Only in this way can children be imperceptibly influenced and become an excellent talent.

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