
How to end the war against Russia? Zelensky stated

author:Handsome science kite


While Western countries that have helped Ukraine survive the bullets have supported Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, he has also said that he is drafting an instrument called a "comprehensive plan" that aims to allow most countries around the world to see how Ukraine can end the war with Russia.

However, in the past two years, the war has continued, despite the repeated "peace talks" between Ukraine and Russia, and several agreements have been signed on the peace talks.

This shows that there are still some differences between Ukraine and Russia on how to end this conflict, and neither side seems to have made any substantive changes to this conflict, whether during the peace talks or after the meeting.

But now, Ukraine, as one of the parties involved, intends to put aside Russia and put forward a separate plan to end the conflict, so what exactly is Zelensky's "comprehensive plan"?

What are the differences between the Ukrainian proposal and how it was presented in what and in what way?

Ukrainian "comprehensive plan".

Russia's presence at the peace talks and the withdrawal of a large number of military forces and civilians from the border area between eastern Ukraine show that Ukraine has played a certain role to a certain extent, and Russia's attitude towards this can be eased a lot.

However, what kind of unpleasant moves did Ukraine make, especially the ones that Russia criticized the most, and made Ukraine a "sin country" all of a sudden?

According to Russian and Ukrainian media reports, Russia has charged Ukraine with a total of seven counts, one of which is Ukraine's aggression against Russia and attacks on people in the Crimea region and the eastern region.

He believes that Russia has taken out the number of deaths and injuries of thousands of Ukrainian people and injured people to blame Ukraine, and its purpose can only be said to be to sow discord among itself and escalate this conflict even more, so as to make things happen in the future.

Which of these seven accusations did Ukraine fight back, especially Ukraine's defense of Russia's accusations in court, what exactly did Ukraine do, and what can it "rehabilitate"?

In fact, Ukraine's series of international accusations against Russia include counterattacking Ukrainian soldiers who are currently smuggling in the Ukrainian army, and even illegally carrying arms, equipment and other weapons, so that Ukraine has been "rehabilitated" in the international community.

In 2015, Ukraine has already made "weapons" flow from the army into the organized arms market, and in 2017, it has affected the national level, destroying weapons with military backgrounds, destroying weapons of other large standards in 2018, and destroying weapons of large military standards in 2020.

Even if Ukraine has "rehabilitated" these actions, in fact there is such a phenomenon in Ukraine.

After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, all the ammunition and weapons in the warehouses and weapons depots in the country were destroyed, resulting in a so-called "ammunition shortage" in the Ukrainian army.

In Kherson Oblast alone, there are more than 3,000 rocket launchers, more than 4,000 missiles, more than 2,000 tanks, as well as 9 armored combat vehicles and more than 2,000 vehicles, but in less than a month, all the weapons in these arsenals have been transferred and withdrawn.

It can be seen that the "smuggling and smuggling phenomenon" in the Ukrainian army is still relatively serious, but it is worth mentioning that in the past month, Western countries have supplied a large number of arms and materials to Ukraine, of which the main arms materials come from Poland, the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries, so it can be seen that the main user group of the materials is Ukraine.

Even if Ukraine has refuted a series of accusations against Russia in the international community, it has confirmed the phenomenon of "arms smuggling", and the phenomenon of "smuggling and smuggling" is still relatively serious in the army, so it can be clearly judged that this phenomenon is widespread in the Ukrainian army, so what is this phenomenon that enhances the "innocence" of the Ukrainian state on the "crime" of "arms smuggling" in court?

Will the Ukrainian state be able to give a reasonable explanation for this?

End the war.

Ukraine is drafting an instrument called the "Comprehensive Plan", which is mainly aimed at ending the war with Russia by letting most countries around the world see the "innocence" of the Ukrainian army.

Of course, there are also analysts who believe that Ukraine hopes to give this plan to Russia to sign, and even more hopes that Russia can sign this instrument within a few months, which means that once Russia does not sign this instrument within these months, then Ukraine will take certain measures to threaten.

Although in the process of drafting this document, Ukraine also invited two national leaders, French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to review and ensure the reliability of this instrument.

However, if Ukraine, as one of the parties concerned, unilaterally proposes this instrument, then it is clear that Russia will be suspicious, and they will think that Ukraine is setting a trap to trap Russia.

However, if there is an initiative from the Ukrainian side to propose a peaceful solution, and at the same time it is supported by the majority of other countries, then Ukraine's initiative will become stronger, and it will also have a certain deterrent effect on Russia.

But what exactly is this instrument, and on what basis is it possible for Ukraine to propose and sign it?

In fact, the main reason is Ukraine's meritorious move on the "Crimea issue" in 2014, and most of the countries supported Ukraine's approach.

Therefore, the Ukrainian side did not directly send troops and resist Russia, but adopted more "soft" means, ostensibly did not make Ukraine a threat to Russia, but secretly began to make a layout.

However, Ukraine has rejected this, and it has been proposed that if Ukraine wants a peaceful settlement, it must be more tolerant of some minorities in Ukraine and local autonomy, and another is that the relationship between Ukraine and Ukraine has also been verified, so the Ukrainian army is also opposed to this proposal.


So how can the Ukrainian state make this comprehensive plan more convincing and extensive while proposing this comprehensive plan, which is also an issue that the Ukrainian state should take into account when drafting this instrument, and there are two important contents of this comprehensive plan proposed by Ukraine.

The first is to demand collective consultations among Russia, Ukraine, and Crimea, so as to find a reasonable way out of the Crimea issue.

The second is to demand that Russia resolve the real problems with Ukraine, that is, the disputes between the two countries.

Both of these aspects are of the highest priority, and both reflect the position of the Ukrainian state in the process of drafting this instrument, and at the same time, for the sake of peace, but both of these contents belong to the dispute between sovereign states, respectively, from the aspect of relations between one country and another, and in the two contents proposed by Ukraine, they are both aimed at ending the current conflict between the two countries, but the major Ukrainian military departments, armies, etc. do not agree.

Therefore, during his visit to the United States, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also persuaded him, hoping to get the support of the United States.

For this global proposal, the Secretariat will take a critical look at the peace settlement proposed by Ukraine in two main aspects, and believes that the peace solution proposed by Zelensky is different from the previous "peace line".

How to end the war against Russia? Zelensky stated

Although the final plan is still in the stage of study and discussion, and Ukraine issued a plan that everyone is not satisfied with during the peaceful settlement, it can be seen that Ukraine has expressed its sincerity to the international community, in fact, it hopes to win everyone to seek wider support from the international community.

In the process of ending the Ukrainian-Russian war, Ukrainian national leader Volodymyr Zelensky is also working hard for this, and it is not yet known what the content of the whole plan drafted by Zelensky is, but the document drafted by Zelensky must be satisfactory to everyone and take into account the interests of both sides.


The problem between Ukraine and Russia cannot be clearly explained in one or two sentences, but needs to be resolved through peaceful means, so they need the support of more countries and neutral mediation.

The current motivation for Western military assistance to Ukraine may be to put Ukraine in a more advantageous position so that it can continue to negotiate a final resolution, but at the same time, it will also exert extreme pressure on Russia, which may have adverse effects on neighboring countries and regions.

We are not involved in the conflict between these two countries, but we also hope that the conflict between these two countries will be resolved as soon as possible, after all, only a country that maintains peace can allow its people to live and work in peace and contentment.