
What industry insider do you know? Netizens broke the news anonymously

author:Optimism in life

What industry insider do you know? Netizens broke the news anonymously

Secrets in the industry: exposing consumer traps

In modern society, information is highly developed, and there is undoubtedly a wealth of consumption choices compared to the past. But at the same time, it also exposes many greasy and black-box operations in the industry, making it difficult for consumers to see through them one by one. This article will dismantle the secrets behind the hot industries for you one by one, hoping to provide a reference for your consumption choices.

Hair Revolution: Dyeing and perming hides mysteries

Industry insiders who have been engaged in the hairdressing industry for many years admit that the price difference between dyed and permed hair is not large. Expensive dyeing and perming services are often just a gimmick and don't mean they will lead to better hair. The cost of basic materials for hair dyeing and perming is actually not high, but stores tend to price according to the customer's spending power. However, stores also need to consider operating costs, such as rent, labor, etc., so the price is not completely arbitrary. It is recommended that consumers can consult multiple stores for comparison and make a choice according to their budget.

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Meat trading: buffer market status

Many consumers choose ready-made meat fillings when buying meat. However, professionals warn that consumers can be reassured by the scarcity of ready-made meat fillings, because they are most likely processed from some "unknown" ingredients. In order to ensure food safety, it is best for consumers to watch the salesperson grind the meat for themselves in person at the store. This not only ensures the freshness of the meat, but also avoids the adulteration of some additives.

Coffee foam: temporarily operating at a loss

Many people think that coffee shops are very profitable, but this is not the case. According to industry insiders, the cost of raw materials for a cup of coffee is generally only between 3-5 yuan, but the final price is much higher. The reason for this is that most coffee shops are operating at a loss and need to rely on the sale of other goods to maintain their operations. So consumers don't need to be surprised by the price of coffee, the purpose of the store is just to try to control the loss.

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Fruit Trap: The flood of short catties and less than two

Many people think that fruit shops have little profit margins, but this is not the case. Industry insiders admit that fruits are often "weighed less" when weighing, which undoubtedly increases the profit margins of stores. In addition, many types of fruit are not very expensive, but the final price is much higher. Therefore, consumers should pay special attention to the accuracy of weighing and bargain appropriately when purchasing fruits to avoid being deceived.

Car Defense: Beware of "Cheating Daddy"

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In terms of car beauty maintenance, there are also many consumer traps. For example, when pasting car window film, the store often recommends a brand with a higher price, but in fact, the brand is not important, the key is the process of the film. For example, when replacing tires, consumers should pay special attention to the production date of the tires, because there is not much difference in the price of new and old tires. In addition, the installation of dash cams and modified stereos are also easy to be fooled by the store. Therefore, when maintaining and repairing cars, consumers must be vigilant and not easily believe the store's flickering.

The quality of mobile phones varies

In the field of smartphones, the quality of the products of the major brands also varies. Some industry insiders revealed that the quality of Xiaomi phones may not be as good as copycats, while Huawei is recognized as a benchmark for domestic mobile phones. The quality of Lenovo phones is also not bad, second only to Huawei. As for Samsung, sometimes there is a tendency to "swing the score", but the overall quality is relatively high. Apple, on the other hand, may also have sweatshop problems behind its suppliers' poor performance.

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Bank wealth management: sales flickering

Many people think that a bank's professional wealth managers and relationship managers are professionals who can provide professional financial advice. But in fact, on the contrary, most of them are just ordinary salespeople who do not have professional financial knowledge. Therefore, consumers must think twice before managing their money in the bank, and not be easily confused by their rhetoric.

Tea shoddy chaos: beware of false touting

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There is also a lot of chaos in the tea industry. Some merchants often exaggerate the efficacy of tea, claiming that it has various miraculous health functions. And the so-called "tea masters" are mostly businessmen, and there are few professionals. Therefore, consumers must remain rational when buying tea and not easily believe those exaggerated propaganda.

The decoration is "luxurious".

When decorating a house, many people often prefer to choose fine decoration. But professionals warn that fine decoration is not the best choice. Although in the short term, fine decoration is more elegant and beautiful, but in long-term use, a little self-decoration is more practical and worry-free.

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The unspoken rule of "upgrading" car sales

When choosing a model, there are also some unspoken rules to pay attention to. Generally speaking, a brand new model that has just been launched may have some undiscovered issues, so it is not recommended to buy it. But at the same time, don't delay too much, because many parts will be downshifted, which is not good for consumers. Therefore, experts suggest that the most suitable time to buy a car is within 3-6 months after the model is launched.

In general, in today's society, there are endless consumer traps, and we must always be vigilant and not easily confused by the tricks of merchants. Only by fully understanding the internal operation mechanism of various industries can we better protect our own rights and interests and avoid being deceived. Hopefully, the content in this article will help you in your spending decisions.

What industry insider do you know? Netizens broke the news anonymously

Ok, I'll go ahead and add to the article.

In addition to the above-mentioned industry secrets, what other aspects should we pay attention to in our daily consumption?

When shopping online, be extra wary of items that are too underpriced, as they are likely to be knockoffs or second-hand. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the evaluation information of the merchant to avoid being deceived. In order to increase sales, some merchants will deliberately exaggerate the performance of their products and even fabricate false information, so consumers must keep their eyes open and carefully compare before placing an order to buy.

What industry insider do you know? Netizens broke the news anonymously

In addition, it is also necessary to be extra cautious when buying health supplements and medicines. Some unscrupulous merchants will use various marketing methods to exaggerate the efficacy of products and fool consumers into making impulse purchases. We should carefully verify the product ingredients and the qualifications of the manufacturer, and try to choose formal channels to buy to avoid being deceived.

In addition, when choosing a renovation company, it is also necessary to compare multiple parties. Some renovation companies will deliberately conceal some construction details and wait until the renovation is completed to charge additional fees, so that consumers feel that they have been "trapped". Therefore, before signing the decoration contract, you must carefully understand the company's credibility and past cases to ensure that your rights and interests are not violated.

In conclusion, we should all be vigilant and cautious enough in our daily lives. Only by truly understanding the inside story of various industries can we better avoid various consumer traps and safeguard our own interests. I hope you find the above inspiring and helpful.

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