
Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

author:Quack quack to see the world

In the bustling metropolis of Shanghai, the young Yao Anlian has a dream that seems unattainable. From an early age, he had an indescribable love for theatre, and the feeling of standing on stage fascinated him.

However, reality gave him a slap in the face. In that special era, Yao Anlian's parents arranged a job for him in a piston factory in Shanghai. For many people, this is an enviable "iron rice bowl".

But Yao Anlian's heart couldn't be calm for a long time, and his eyes always revealed his desire for the stage. The opportunity has finally arrived. The drama class of the Shanghai Workers' Cultural Palace recruited students, and Yao Anlian's eyes lit up instantly.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

He did not hesitate to sign up, as if he saw the dawn of his dream. However, the road to chasing your dreams is never easy. In order to be able to participate in the drama class, Yao Anlian began to secretly skip class.

His heart is both nervous and excited, for fear of being discovered by the factory, and he is full of anticipation for his upcoming career as an actor. However, the matter was revealed. The call from the factory reached home, and Yao Anlian's parents learned that their son had not gone to work for more than half a month.

Facing the questioning of his parents, Yao Anlian's voice trembled a little, but his eyes were extremely firm. He struggled to explain his love of acting to his parents, hoping to gain their understanding and support.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

At that moment, Yao Anlian felt as if he was standing at a crossroads in his life, both nervous and determined. In this way, amid the incomprehension and worries of his family, Yao Anlian embarked on a long road of chasing his dream of acting.

He knows that the road ahead may be full of thorns, but he is willing to fight and struggle for the love in his heart. This young man from Shanghai, with an infinite love for theater, began his acting journey.

The transformation from a worker to a literary and artistic worker was a huge challenge for Yao Anlian. When he first entered the entertainment industry, he faced a strange and competitive world.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

has no resources and no connections, compared with the actors of a professional troupe, Yao Anlian's competitiveness can be said to be minimal. But he was not discouraged by this, but chose to start from behind-the-scenes work and silently accumulate experience.

In 1989, the opportunity finally came. Yao Anlian has starred in dramas such as "The Big Bang in the Mall", "Huang Jinrong and Lu Lanchun", "Sixteen-year-old Flower Season" and so on. He poured all his heart and soul into each role, hoping to take this opportunity to become an instant hit.

However, the reality is harsh. These roles did not make him get widespread attention, and the fact that the drama celebrities were not popular made Yao Anlian feel a little lost. But what he has in his eyes is more of a dedication to acting, and he knows that success will not be achieved overnight, and it takes time to precipitate and hone.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

The turning point came during the filming of "The Story of the Police Station". Director Shi Shujun has a discerning eye and gives Yao Anlian an important role. This became an important turning point in his acting career.

Years of behind-the-scenes work and role accumulation finally came in handy, Yao Anlian's performance was delicate and nuanced, every look and every movement was just right, showing his deep understanding of the role.

However, what really brought Yao Anlian into the audience's field of vision was "Flawless Life". After the broadcast of this drama, Yao Anlian's gentle temperament and excellent acting skills were finally recognized by the audience.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

He always has a suave temperament on him, which makes the villain role he plays always make the audience love and hate. From "Shi Dawei" in "Pink Girl" to "Leng Changli" in "Invisible General", and then to "Liu Wenxuan" in "Brothers", Yao Anlian used his unique temperament and superb acting skills to create one role after another that impressed the audience.

Despite this, Yao Anlian remains humble. He knows that this is just a starting point on the long road of acting. In the following days, he continued to work hard to study his acting skills and constantly break through himself.

The contrast between his appearance and the character's personality, coupled with his in-depth understanding and accurate grasp of each role, made Yao Anlian gradually stand out among the powerful actors. This period of obscure growth, although difficult, laid a solid foundation for Yao Anlian's future acting career.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

It witnessed the growth of an actor, and also showed Yao Anlian's dedication and love for acting that never gave up. With the gradual start of his acting career, Yao Anlian's life has ushered in a major turning point.

He experienced a failed marriage and had to live alone with his young daughter. Whenever in the dead of night, looking at her sleeping daughter, Yao Anlian's heart is always full of guilt and reluctance.

With the weight of life on her shoulders, Yao Anlian has to find a balance between career and family. While filming, he has to take care of his daughter, and he often feels that he is lacking in skills.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

Yao Anlian's brows were always locked, and his eyes revealed tiredness and helplessness. In order to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, he had to film outside all year round, and he had very little time to spend with his daughter.

This situation has led to Yao Anlian's relationship with her daughter becoming increasingly estranged. Once the school held a parent-teacher conference, Yao Anlian hurried to the school, but stood blankly in the corridor, unable to find her daughter's class and seat.

At that moment, his heart felt like it had been hit with a hammer, and deep self-blame and guilt filled his heart. He realizes that while he is chasing his career, he is unknowingly drifting away from his daughter.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

This contradiction and struggle has become an eternal pain in Yao Anlian's heart. He longs to be successful in his career, but he doesn't want to neglect his responsibilities to his daughter.

Every time she sees other parents and children talking and laughing, Yao Anlian feels sad. The house leak happened to rain overnight, and although the development of his career was slowly improving, it was not satisfactory.

Yao Anlian often feels that she doesn't have enough time, so she has to devote herself to the role and take care of her daughter's life. This inner torment has become the driving force for him to continue to progress in his acting career, and it has also become the driving force behind his efforts to repair his relationship with his daughter in the future.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

Despite all the difficulties, Yao Anlian still did not give up. He struggles to find time for his daughter in his busy work schedule, even if it's just a simple greeting or a hug.

He secretly made up his mind that while he had a successful career, he would not let his daughter feel neglected and lonely. This decision has also become an important guide for Yao Anlian on the road of life in the future.

Despite his inner contradictions and struggles, Yao Anlian still insisted on his acting career. His efforts finally paid off in 2005. 's outstanding performance in the movie "Qinghong" won Yao Anlian the Best Supporting Actor Award in a Chinese Film.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

This award is like a ray of light, illuminating Yao Anlian's 30-year acting career. When he learned the news of the award, Yao Anlian's eyes flashed with tears. This is not only an affirmation of his acting skills, but also a recognition of his persistence for many years.

Although this drama was not released nationwide, for Yao Anlian, it was already satisfying for him to receive such recognition. He knows that this is just the beginning and that there is still a long way to go.

Yao Anlian is not complacent because of this award. He still maintains that normal heart and continues to focus on the creation of each role. This ordinary heart is not shared by everyone, and this may be the main reason why it can become an old drama bone.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

From "Shi Dawei" in "Pink Girl" to "Leng Changli" in "Invisible General", and then to "Liu Wenxuan" in "Brothers", Yao Anlian used his unique temperament and superb acting skills to create one role after another that impressed the audience.

In 2014, 57-year-old Yao Anlian ushered in another peak in his acting career. He won the Montreal Best Actor Award for "Working Boss", becoming the first Chinese actor in this award.

This award is not only an affirmation of his personal acting skills, but also a recognition of the entire Chinese film industry. Yao Anlian stood on the podium, his heart full of gratitude and touch.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

In the following years, Yao Anlian ushered in a bumper harvest in his acting career. He has appeared in works such as "Why Sheng Xiaomo", "Sister Peach", "Gunsmoke Clears", "Animal World", "Jiang Ye" and other works.

For every role, Yao Anlian has poured his heart and soul into interpretation, allowing the audience to see an actor who is constantly improving and making breakthroughs. is different from some old actors who are limited by roles, every role played by Yao Anlian can leave a very deep impression on the audience.

His acting skills have become more and more proficient, and his character creation has become more three-dimensional and full. From the youth to the sophistication of today, Yao Anlian has interpreted one vivid role after another with his acting skills.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

This experience of silent hard work and finally harvesting not only witnessed Yao Anlian's growth and success in his acting career, but also showed his dedication and love for acting.

From tepid to recognition from various awards, Yao Anlian has proved with his own experience that as long as he sticks to his dreams, there will be a day when he will blossom and bear fruit. As she grew older, Yao Anlian felt more and more the importance of family.

He began to realize that no amount of achievement and applause could compare to a smile from his daughter. This realization made him determined to work hard to repair his relationship with his daughter.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

Yao Anlian began to take the initiative to spend more time with her daughter. He learned to listen to his daughter and care about her life. Although this process is not easy, after all, years of alienation have created an invisible gap between them, but Yao Anlian enjoys it.

There was more softness in his eyes, and more smiles on his face. This effort did not happen overnight, but Yao's persistence paid off in the end. The relationship with his daughter gradually improved, and the sense of alienation that he once felt slowly disappeared.

Yao Anlian found that she began to understand her daughter's thoughts, and her daughter was more willing to share the bits and pieces of life with him. In 2022, when Yao Anlian watched his grown daughter get married, he couldn't help but cry.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

At that moment, all the guilt and regret turned into relief and blessings. He hugged his daughter tightly, his eyes full of fatherly love. This once estranged father and daughter have finally regained the distance in the baptism of the years.

This hard-won family affection has become the most precious wealth in Yao Anlian's life. He understands that his career is important, but the love of his family is the biggest motivation to support him.

This kind of recognition has allowed Yao Anlian to find a balance between career and family, and has also made his life more fulfilling. Looking at her daughter's happy smile, Yao Anlian felt that all the efforts were worth it.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

He realized that true success is not only about career success, but also about being able to have a happy family. This realization made Yao Anlian's life more fulfilling, and also allowed him to find new motivation and inspiration in his acting career.

Today, 67-year-old Yao Anlian is still active on the screen. The years have left marks on his face, but they have made his acting skills more mellow. In the recent hit "The Legend of Cheng Huan", Yao Anlian once again won the love and recognition of the audience, showing his charm and strength as an old actor.

From the "military commander spy" to the "old father of the nation" today, Yao Anlian has interpreted one vivid role after another with his acting skills. Every time he appears, he can leave a deep impression on the audience.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

This consistent professional attitude and love for performance is Yao Anlian's greatest charm. Despite his success, Yao still maintains a passion and humility towards acting.

He often said: "There is no end to the profession of an actor, there is always room for improvement." This spirit of constantly breaking through oneself and striving for excellence has won Yao Anlian wide respect and praise in the entertainment industry.

Yao Anlian's success lies not only in his acting skills, but also in his understanding and interpretation of the role. Whether it's a positive character or a villain, he can show the charm of the character in his own unique way.

Yao Anlian has been tepid for 30 years since her debut, and she lives alone with her daughter after the divorce, what is happening now

This ability makes him stand out among many actors and become an "old drama bone" in the hearts of the audience. In the 30 years since his debut, Yao Anlian has proved with his own experience that as long as he sticks to his dreams and maintains his love, he will definitely be able to go further on the road of acting.

His story is not only an affirmation of himself, but also brings hope and inspiration to many people who are chasing their dreams.

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