
It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

author:Bijia Minami

When I bought the first floor home, I was full of longing, imagining a warm yard and enjoying the birdsong in the morning and the tranquility of the night.

However, a sudden rainstorm completely shattered my illusions about the beautiful residence on the first floor. The moment my new home was flooded, I deeply realized how apt the advice of "stupid don't buy the first floor" is.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

01, the trouble on the first floor: the tragic lesson of flooding

In today's accelerating urbanization, high-rise buildings have sprung up, but the city's drainage system has not kept up with the times.

During the rainy season, low-lying first-floor dwellings bear the brunt of the flooding.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

I have witnessed the rain pouring into my home like a beast, and the well-furnished homes and appliances have been destroyed by the devastation. At that moment, my heart ached and I deeply felt the pain of flooding.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

To make matters worse, the entire city could be waterlogged during the continuous heavy rainfall.

Ground floor dwellings are often the first to be affected.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

No matter how beautifully renovated and how spacious and tidy the yard is, everything will come to naught under the flood. The loss of property and the heartache are indescribable.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

02. The disadvantages of the first floor: count the seven defects

In addition to the hidden danger of flooding, there are many disadvantages of first-floor residences, which make people miserable.

(1) Property rights disputes, backyard is unsafe

When buying a house, the salesperson's "gift yard" is like a sweet bait, but there is a huge risk hidden behind it. The so-called "gift" is often just a good promise in words, and is not clearly marked on the real estate certificate.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

Therefore, the "back garden" you have worked so hard to build is likely to fall into disputes due to property rights issues. Once a neighbor files an objection, you will face a legal dilemma and may even lose this beloved land.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

(2) Sewer backwater, home into a "water world"

Ground floor dwellings are often plagued by sewer backwater.

Due to the low-lying terrain, once the sewer pipes are blocked, the sewage will flow back into the home without mercy.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

The scene of sewage flowing and stinking is enough to make people collapse.

Even if you take precautions, such as installing a check valve, it is difficult to completely avoid such embarrassing situations. Because if there is a backwater on other floors, the sewage can still seep into your home, leaving you with nowhere to escape.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

(3) In summer, mosquitoes are rampant, and it is miserable

Houses with yards on the first floor often become a playground for mosquitoes during the summer months.

No matter how you spray mosquito repellent, light mosquito coils, or use mosquito repellent lamps, these stubborn mosquitoes are always with you.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

Being bitten by a mosquito not only brings pain and discomfort to your skin, but it can also spread diseases and seriously affect your quality of life. You can't even enjoy a moment of tranquility in the yard during the hot summer months.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

(4) High-altitude throwing objects, safety is difficult to guarantee

For the residents on the first floor, throwing objects from high altitudes is undoubtedly an unpredictable disaster.

At worst, you may be bothered by small objects such as confetti and cigarette butts, and at worst, you may be subjected to "air raids" by heavy objects such as flower pots and garbage bags.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

This invisible threat makes people live in constant fear and fear. Even if you install a protective net or camera, it's hard to completely prevent this from happening.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

(5) The elevator is embarrassing, and the cost and disputes are constant

Whether it is an elevator room or a step room, the residents on the first floor are always particularly embarrassed about the elevator. If it is an elevator room, the elevator maintenance costs paid by the owner on the first floor often make people feel wronged.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

If the elevator is installed in the later stage of the step room, the residents on the first floor cannot use the elevator, but they often need to bear the relevant costs and disputes. This unfair treatment has made the residents on the first floor miserable.

(6) Noise intrusion, tranquility is hard to find

Another drawback of a ground floor home that is hard to ignore is the noise problem.

Due to its proximity to the ground and community roads, residents on the first floor are often disturbed by various noises.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

The sound of people coming and going, the sound of traffic, the voices of neighbors, and the sounds of children can break the peace of your home.

Even if you install soundproofed windows and doors, it can be difficult to completely isolate these annoying noises. In the hustle and bustle of the city, seeking a place of tranquility becomes out of reach.

(7) Renovation is costly and burdensome

Although the price of a first-floor home may be relatively affordable, it requires more effort and money to be refurbished.

Since the first floor is susceptible to dampness, mildew and other problems, special attention needs to be paid to waterproof, moisture-proof and other measures when decorating.

It wasn't until the new home was flooded that I realized how painful it was to "stupidly not buy the first floor".

At the same time, in order to create a comfortable and livable environment, you also need to work on sound insulation, warmth, etc.

These additional investments often make the renovation cost of the first floor home much higher than the other floors, and put a heavy financial burden on the family.

Final Summary:

Looking back on the experience of being flooded and the troubles and inconveniences caused by the first-floor residence, I am deeply aware that it was not a wise choice for the first-floor residence.

Unless you're well prepared and willing to take on the risks and drawbacks you may face.