
Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

author:Bijia Minami

"The window shines late during the day, and the deep courtyard doesn't know how much spring it is."

In this hustle and bustle of the world, how many people have fantasized about having a quiet courtyard to comfort their tired souls.

With the acceleration of the pace of modern life, people are yearning for peace and leisure, and the return of Chinese life has made such a dream within reach.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

Fuqin boils tea, savoring the slow life in the courtyard

Imagine caressing the guqin in your own yard in the early morning sun, or playing a game with friends.

The sound of the piano is melodious, and the sound of chess falls, as if time has stood still at this moment.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

Subsequently, boiling a pot of tea, in the fragrance of tea, we seem to be able to travel through time and space and have a dialogue with the ancients. Such a life is not only the inheritance of traditional culture, but also the nourishment of the soul.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

In our busy lives, we always yearn to find a peaceful place of our own.

And such a small courtyard is the harbor of our souls. Here, we can let go of the distractions of the world and quietly savor the beauty of life.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

The courtyard is deep, an emotional home

The Chinese's love for the garden is deep in the bone marrow. Whether it is an ancient palace garden or a modern villa courtyard, it carries people's yearning for a better life.

Every grass, tree, stone and water in the courtyard carries the emotions and expectations of the owner.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

For ordinary people, having a small courtyard may not have to be luxurious, but it must be comfortable and pleasant.

Here, we can plant our favorite flowers and plants, listen to the sound of drizzle on the leaves, and feel the gifts of nature. This kind of life is simple and pure, which makes people yearn for it.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

Tea rhyme under the court, the poetry of life

Drinking tea in the courtyard is an art of living. Invite a few friends to sit around the old wooden table, drink a cup of tea, and talk about life.

The tea swirls in the cup, and the fragrance of the tea overflows, as if it can wash away the dust of the soul.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

At this moment, the courtyard seems to have become a flowing painting.

The scene outside the window and the tea in the cup complement each other, forming a beautiful picture. This kind of life is full of poetry and romance, which makes people intoxicated.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

The fragrance of flowers in the courtyard, the expectation of life

The flowers and plants in the courtyard are the embellishment of life and the sustenance of emotions.

In the cycle of the four seasons, we look forward to the blooming of every flower, looking forward to every beautiful moment, "sometimes planting bamboo with rain and closing the door without anything to hoe flowers", which is the true portrayal of courtyard life.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

Under the moisture of spring rain, the illumination of the summer sun, the embellishment of autumn frost and the cover of winter snow, people's hearts have also been tempered and grown with the growth of plants and trees.

Forget the hustle and bustle of the world, and find inner peace and satisfaction in the fragrance of flowers.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle
Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

Dirt in the dust, fragrant and self-inflicted

The courtyard in my memory is always so warm and beautiful.

The simple scenery of green tiled walls and brick and stone floors contains endless joy and memories. Mr. Lin Yutang's wish also expresses our yearning for courtyard life - to be close to the soil, feel nature, and experience the most authentic life.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

Waking up to the sound of roosters in the early morning and spending every leisurely day in the fragrance of birds and flowers, such a life is full of nature and harmony that makes people happy.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

Paradise in the heart, dream home

"Spring is full of peach blossom water, do not distinguish where to find the source of immortals", having a yard is the peach source of our hearts, but also the destination of our dreams, where we can enjoy a leisurely time, feel the beauty and tranquility of life, "even if the times are impermanent, but the heart is as usual".

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

How interesting would it be to find such a place to live in the world?

I hope we can all have a small courtyard to settle down and sustenance for the rest of our lives. In such a yard, we can spend the rest of our lives enjoying the beauty and happiness of life.

Life ideal: have a small yard and spend the rest of your life idle

Finally, I hope that everyone can find their own piece of pure land in the complex world, so that the soul can inhabit and the dream can fly.

In this small courtyard, we can enjoy the fun of life, feel the gift of nature, and taste the wonder and beauty of life!