
After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

author:Bijia Minami

Five years ago, a small group in Shandong planted the first Yueji plant in their own yard with great expectations.

He hopes that through these beautiful flowers, his yard will be like spring all year round, and the fragrance of flowers will overflow. That unique love for flowers and plants led him to continue to add a variety of seasonal flowers and take care of them in the following years, just to see the beauty of the bloom.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

However, in just five years, the small courtyard that was once quiet has become overwhelming for him.

Yueji, which has always been a flowering model worker in people's minds, has tenacious vitality, symbolizing beauty and tenacity. But why, in the courtyard of the young man, has it changed from a darling to a burden?

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

01, why is Yueji, who has been raised for 5 years, overwhelmed?

(1), Yueji has become a "medicine jar"

Although the moon flower is beautiful, the maintenance process is not simple. It seems to be a natural "medicine jar", which is highly susceptible to the invasion of various germs.

Frequent visitors such as black spot and powdery mildew cause the flowers and leaves to spot, wilt and even die.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

In order to prevent these diseases, the guy had to spray frequently with various drugs.

And with the increase in the variety of moon seasons, this work becomes more and more onerous. Every time the drug is sprayed, it is accompanied by a pungent smell that is unbearable.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

(2) The messy "beauty" is unbearable

The sheer number of flowers and the delicate blooms of the moon season are truly impressive.

But behind this beauty, there are a lot of troubles. If left untended, the branches of the moon will spread rapidly, and the flowers will become messy and lose their original beauty.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

In order to maintain this beauty, the guy had to spend a lot of time and energy on trimming and supporting. But even then, the results were not as good as they could have been.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

(3), the "squeamishness" of the moon season is a headache

In addition to the problem of disease and mess, the adaptability of the moon season to the environment is also worrying.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed
After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

It is afraid of the sun and heat, and the slightest carelessness will cause the leaves to dry up and curl. In the hot summer, the guy needs to spray water mist once in the morning and once in the evening to maintain the moisture of the soil and leaves.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

But even with such careful care, Yueji still often shows an unsatisfactory state, and this "squeamishness" is annoying.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

Faced with the troubles brought by the moon season, the guy finally made a difficult decision - to unplug all the moon seasons.

Five years of dedication and perseverance came to naught, but he knew that continuing would only make him more exhausted. So, he chose to let go and let those flowers and plants that are easier to take care of decorate his garden.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

02. What kind of flowers and plants are more suitable for the yard?

After pulling out the moon season, the courtyard seemed to be full of new vitality, and the young man began to try to plant other flowers and plants to decorate his small courtyard.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

(1) Sunflower

Sunflower is a well-known drought-tolerant and light-tolerant plant, it can survive when it touches the soil, and it can burst into gorgeous flowers every year, the tenacity and beauty of the sunflower add a lot of color to the boy's garden.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

Even in the hot summer, the sunflower can still bloom proudly, making people feel the tenacity and beauty of life.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

(2) Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a beautiful and practical plant that not only purifies the air and decorates the environment, but also has the effect of beautifying and hydrating the skin.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

The guy planted a few aloe vera plants in the yard, which are drought-tolerant and easy to feed, and only need proper water control to thrive. And the aloe vera grows cubs every year, making the yard more vibrant.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

(3) Vermilion

Vermilion is the best of the flower bulbs, and it is best for novices to grow. Even if you leave it alone in the green belt, you can grow and bloom every year, and even grow more and more.

The young man planted a few vermilion red plants in the courtyard, and their gorgeous flowers added a different style to the courtyard.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

In addition, the bulbs of vermilion can continuously reproduce new bulbs, so that the number of flowers increases year by year, and brings more lasting beauty to the garden.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

(4) Longevity flowers

Longevity flowers not only mean good, but also very easy to nourish. In winter, when other plants are dying, it produces its most brilliant flowers.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

The guy planted a few longevity flowers in the courtyard, which not only made the courtyard more beautiful, but also implied the good wishes of the family for a long and healthy life.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

In the summer, you only need to put the longevity flower in the shade and control the watering to make it safe. Moreover, the branches of the longevity flower are easy to take root and sprout, so that the green life in the young man's courtyard continues to increase.

After 5 years of raising the moon season, I unplugged it all! Guy: The years were quiet at the beginning, but now they are overwhelmed

Write at the end

We cultivate flowers and plants in search of pleasure and solace for the soul, but when this pleasure becomes a burden, we should learn to adjust and let go.

Choose the flowers and plants that suit you to decorate your life, so that your leisure time can become better.