
Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

author:Bijia Minami
The two major problems in summer are high temperature and infestation.

In the face of high temperatures, we can use fans and air conditioners to cool down and create a cool living environment. For mosquitoes, mosquito coils have become the choice of many people.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

However, when mosquito coils are burned out, the ashes left behind are often discarded as waste.

In fact, these neglected mosquito coil ashes actually contain unexpected and wonderful uses, and can even solve many small troubles in your life.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

1. What are the ingredients in mosquito coil ash?

Mosquito coil ash is the ash left after the mosquito coil is burned.

These seemingly inconspicuous ashes are mainly composed of burned charcoal ash and incomplete burning mosquito coil fragments.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

Surprisingly, these ashes are rich in mineral elements such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, etc. These elements are released during the burning of mosquito coils and remain in the form of ashes after the burning is over.

2. What are the magical properties of mosquito coil ash?

Don't underestimate these mosquito coil ashes, they are not only alkaline, but also have excellent adsorption and sterilization capabilities.

The alkaline nature of mosquito coil ash allows it to neutralize acids, so it excels in decontamination and deodorization.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

At the same time, its strong adsorption allows it to easily adsorb and remove odors and moisture from the air, making your home environment drier and more pleasant.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

What's even more amazing is that the pyrethroid compounds contained in mosquito coil ash show significant bactericidal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

This means that mosquito coil ash can not only effectively kill bacteria and viruses, but also alleviate the symptoms of infection caused by bacteria to a certain extent.

Third, the wonderful use of mosquito coil ash is endless

1. Alleviate athlete's foot and athlete's foot

Beriberi is especially common in summer, when hot weather and sweaty feet can lead to the growth of bacteria, causing athlete's foot and athlete's foot. At this point, you can try using mosquito coil ash to relieve symptoms.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

Since mosquito coil ash has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, you only need to wash your feet, apply a layer of mosquito coil ash to the affected area, let it stand for 5-10 minutes and then wash it off, and you can feel the obvious relief of athlete's foot within a few days.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

2. Scrubbing glass is more translucent

Limescale and stains on the glass always affect the visual effect, and mosquito coil ash is the right hand man for scrubbing the glass.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

Add a small handful of mosquito coil ash to the clean water used to clean the glass, and then wipe the glass with a rag dipped in the mixture.

You will find that the minerals in mosquito coil ash can effectively absorb dirt, grease and dust on the surface of the glass, so that the glass can quickly return to its smooth and new appearance.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

3. A good helper to remove odors

The adsorption of mosquito coil ash allows it to easily remove odor molecules from the air.

You can place mosquito coil ash in a container such as a dish in a place where odors tend to occur, such as the bathroom, kitchen, or shoe cabinet.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

Mosquito coil ash will automatically absorb and neutralize odors, making your home environment more fresh and pleasant.

In addition, sprinkling a handful of mosquito coil ash on the insole can also effectively absorb moisture and odors in the shoes, keeping your feet dry and comfortable.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

4. Clean the tile gaps

Tile crevices are a hiding place for dirt and bacteria and are often difficult to reach during daily cleaning. At this time, you can use the cleaning power of mosquito coil ash to solve the problem.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

Just use a damp cloth to dip an appropriate amount of mosquito coil ash and gently wipe the cracks of the tile, and those stubborn dirt and dust will be easily removed, so that the tile will return to its original cleanliness and brightness.

5. Make stainless steel kitchenware look new

Stainless steel utensils in the kitchen are prone to dirt and rust stains after long use, and mosquito coil ash is an excellent choice for cleaning these utensils.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

Use the rough side of the scouring pad to dip an appropriate amount of mosquito coil ash and scrub the rust stains on the surface of the stainless steel kitchenware.

The fine particles of mosquito coil ash enhance friction, while its adsorption helps to remove stubborn stains and restore the shine of your stainless steel appliances.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

6. Sharpen the knife

Whether it's a kitchen knife, scissors, or fruit knife, it will become dull after a long period of use. Adding some mosquito coil ash when sharpening the knife can significantly improve the sharpening effect.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

Apply the mosquito coil ash to the bottom of the bowl and the blade of the knife, then rub the bottom of the bowl with the knife. The delicate texture of mosquito coil ash can help the knife to be more delicate and smooth, so that your knife can quickly return to sharpness.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

7. There are high tricks to repel mosquitoes

Although mosquito coil ash is a product of burning mosquito coils, it still contains certain mosquito repellent ingredients.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

You can mix mosquito coil ash with white vinegar and toilet water, and place it on the windowsill, doorway, and other places where mosquitoes are frequented. The smell emitted by this mixture will deter mosquitoes, thus effectively repelling them.

8. Sterilization and disinfection expert

The pyrethroid compounds contained in mosquito coil ash have a powerful bactericidal and disinfecting effect.

You can sprinkle mosquito coil ash on the bathroom, kitchen and other places where bacteria can easily grow, effectively killing bacteria and viruses and protecting the health of you and your family.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

9. Natural fertilizers help plant growth

Surprisingly, mosquito coil ash is also a high-quality natural fertilizer. It is rich in minerals and is able to provide the necessary nutritional support for plants.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

At the same time, mosquito coil ash can also neutralize the acidity and alkalinity of the soil, regulate the soil environment, and allow plants to thrive more.

You can sprinkle mosquito coil ash directly inside the pot or around the roots of the plant, or you can mix it with the soil to provide a constant supply of nutrients to your greenery.

Don't throw away the burned "mosquito coil ash", apply it to your feet, it is infinitely useful, and it really increases your knowledge!

Write at the end:

These seemingly inconspicuous mosquito coil ashes actually contain great practical value, as long as we carefully discover and skillfully use, we can turn waste into treasure.

Of course, we should also pay attention to safety when using mosquito coil ash and avoid accidental ingestion or excessive use to ensure the health and safety of us and our families.