
The character score of "The Story of Rose" was released, Huang Zhenhua scored the highest, and Rose ranked sixth

author:ANC talks about sports

Friends, today I want to talk to you about the recent super popular TV series "The Story of Rose"! This drama not only has explosive ratings, but even the character ratings have sparked heated discussions. As a drama fanatic, the editor has sorted out the latest character ratings for you for the first time, come and see how many of your favorite characters are ranked!

, what made the editor's jaw drop was that Huang Zhenhua actually topped the list with a high score of 9.4 points! To be honest, this result is really surprising and delightful. The character of Huang Zhenhua is indeed very pleasing, especially the gentle and considerate appearance in the first few episodes, which is simply a representative of the ideal boyfriend! Well, the editor thinks some of his later behaviors are still a little uncomfortable. For example, his attitude towards the Fang Literary Association is a bit of a double standard, looking down on other people's original families, but he has no opinion on his girlfriend Su Gengsheng and Rose's first love Zhuang Guodong, obviously they also have a similar family background. Having said that, in this drama, Huang Zhenhua is one of the few "normal people", plus he is so good to Rose, no wonder the audience gave him high marks.

The character score of "The Story of Rose" was released, Huang Zhenhua scored the highest, and Rose ranked sixth

He was followed by Su Gengsheng, who finished second with a score of 9.2 points. This character is really loved and hated! At first, everyone sympathized with her and thought it was not easy for her. But later, after being with Huang Zhenhua, new secrets were revealed at every critical moment, which made people tremble. The editor couldn't help but want to complain: Didn't you say that you should be honest with each other? How do you feel that your secrets are deeper than the sea!

The third place was Jiang Xueqiong, with 8.8 points. This character is really interesting and lives a very free and easy life. Although her attitude towards marriage and love is a little confusing, it is inexplicably enviable. I think it would be interesting if there was such a friend in real life.

The character score of "The Story of Rose" was released, Huang Zhenhua scored the highest, and Rose ranked sixth

Kwan Chi-chi also scored 8.8 points, tied for third. To be honest, it's really hard for me to understand her. What did she think of Zhou Shihui? With her conditions, what kind of boyfriend is she looking for can't find it? Why did you give up on Zhou Shihui? What a mystery for the ages!

The fifth place is Huang Jianzhi, 8.6 points. The character design of this character is really great, a high-level intellectual, an enlightened father, and the Gu family is a little afraid of his wife's husband. Xiaobian thinks that only people like him can cultivate children like Huang Yimei and Huang Zhenhua.

The character score of "The Story of Rose" was released, Huang Zhenhua scored the highest, and Rose ranked sixth

Speaking of Huang Yimei, that is, our heroine "Rose", she is only ranked sixth, also with a score of 8.6. To be honest, this ranking was a bit of a surprise to the editor. The controversy about this role on the Internet is indeed quite big, but the editor thinks that if it wasn't played by Liu Yifei, the score might be even lower. I have to say that Liu Yifei's appearance and temperament are really suitable for this role.

I won't go into detail about the rankings in the back, but the editor would like to mention Zhuang Guodong, who ranked fourteenth, with only 2.9 points. Among Huang Yimei's four boyfriends, he is definitely the most disgusting. The other three men can still see some love for Huang Yimei, but he is almost all beastly to Huang Yimei. Every time I see a scene where they are together, I can't help but want to fast forward. He looks like he's venting, and he doesn't care if Huang Yimei lives or dies after venting. What made the editor speechless the most was that after their first intimacy, it was two o'clock in the night, and he actually lay on the bed and watched Huang Yimei drag the big suitcase out by herself, and let the family take a taxi home by herself with peace of mind. This kind of man is really a scumbag!

The character score of "The Story of Rose" was released, Huang Zhenhua scored the highest, and Rose ranked sixth

After reading these character ratings, the editor suddenly had an idea: in fact, these scores also reflect our attitudes towards different types of people in real life to some extent. We like kind and upright people like Huang Zhenhua, and hate selfish people like Zhuang Guodong. But in real life, everyone is complex and has their own advantages and disadvantages. Maybe we should learn to look at the people around us with a more inclusive eye, just as we appreciate a good TV series, appreciating the uniqueness of each character.

, the editor wants to say that "The Story of Rose" is really a good drama worth watching. Not only does it have a wonderful plot, but it also creates a lot of interesting characters, allowing us to see the multifaceted nature of love and human nature. If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend you check it out!

The character score of "The Story of Rose" was released, Huang Zhenhua scored the highest, and Rose ranked sixth

Well, that's all for today's sharing. Do you think these characters are reasonably rated? What's your favorite character? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area and discuss with the editor!

The character score of "The Story of Rose" was released, Huang Zhenhua scored the highest, and Rose ranked sixth