
The list of 12 members of "Sister Lang 5" was released, Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei won the captain of the year

author:ANC talks about sports

Ladies and gentlemen, I want to talk to you about the group list of "Sister Lang 5" today! This is a frequent visitor on the hot search list, so everyone must have been unable to suppress their curiosity, right? Then let's gossip about these 12 sisters who have successfully come out of the circle!

, let's call crazy for the champion Chen Haoyu! This post-90s young lady has both strength and appearance, and her performance on the stage is simply amazing. Her success is not only a personal victory, but also a shot in the arm for all young people who are chasing their dreams. The moment I saw her win the championship, I was so excited that I almost threw my phone out!

The list of 12 members of "Sister Lang 5" was released, Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei won the captain of the year

She was followed by Chen Lijun, the person of the year. As a master of Yue opera, she not only demonstrated the charm of traditional opera in the show, but also tried popular songs and dance performances. Although it is a little uncomfortable, this spirit of courage to try is really admirable. Isn't this what we often say "live and learn"?

Let's talk about the captain of the year, Qi Wei. This sister's leadership is truly impressive! In the show, she not only excels on her own, but also often encourages and helps her other sisters. This kind of team spirit is simply a compulsory course for newcomers in the workplace!

The list of 12 members of "Sister Lang 5" was released, Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei won the captain of the year

Speaking of which, I have to mention Xie Jinyan, who failed to form a group. Although she didn't make it to the final list, her performance on the show was still impressive. This can't help but remind me of the old saying: "One minute on stage, ten years off stage". Even if she doesn't make it, I believe this experience will become a valuable asset in her life.

, what surprised me the most was that Guo Biting failed to form a group. You must know that in order to participate in this show, she gave up her comfortable family life and devoted herself to intense training. Starting from the fourth prince, her figure has been significantly emaciated, which shows how much effort she has put in. Although she forgot the movement once during the live broadcast, considering that she only practiced for one day, this performance is already quite good. Not to mention how many hot searches she has contributed to the show!

The list of 12 members of "Sister Lang 5" was released, Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei won the captain of the year

Speaking of which, I can't help but think of a famous saying: "Success is not the end, failure is not the end, the most important thing is the courage to keep moving forward." "Whether it is the sisters who successfully formed the group or the contestants who unfortunately failed to make the selection, I believe that this experience will become an important lesson in their lives.

Looking back on the whole show, I have to sigh: Where is this talent show, it's simply an inspirational drama! Watching these 30+ sisters sweat on the stage and show their talents, I can't help but want to sign up for the next season! (Although I may not even be able to pass the audition...) )

The list of 12 members of "Sister Lang 5" was released, Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei won the captain of the year

What I want to say is that everyone may have a different opinion on this group list. Some people are happy and some are sad, this is normal. But no matter what, we should respect the dedication and efforts of every participant. After all, being able to show yourself on this stage is already a success.

So the question is, what do you think of this group list? Do you have a sister who you particularly like or regret not being able to form a group? Come to the comment area and discuss with the editor! Let's look forward to what wonderful performances these 12 sisters will bring in the future!

The list of 12 members of "Sister Lang 5" was released, Chen Haoyu won the championship, and Qi Wei won the captain of the year

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