
It's okay to teach children


It's okay to teach children

It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children
It's okay to teach children

"Dad, how do you do this?" Xiao Ming held the math homework book, and his eyes were full of thirst for knowledge.

I put down the newspaper in my hand, walked over to him, and looked at the title: "Oh, it's actually quite simple. You have to find the greatest common divisor of two numbers and then divide them by them. ”

Xiao Ming frowned, looking a little confused: "What is the greatest common divisor?" ”

I smiled and touched his head, "Do you remember the last time we learned about factoring prime factors?" The greatest common divisor is to list the prime factors of two numbers and find the factors they have in common. ”

"Oh, I see." Xiao Ming suddenly realized, "Then I'll give it a try." ”

Watching Xiao Ming calculate seriously on the paper, a warm feeling surged in my heart. Every time I teach my children to do their homework, I always feel a special sense of satisfaction. Although sometimes his problems make it difficult for me, these small challenges have always allowed me to grow with him.

"Dad, do you think I'll be a mathematician in the future?" Xiao Ming suddenly raised his head and asked.

"Of course you can, as long as you work hard." I smiled and encouraged him, "However, being a mathematician is not just about doing problems, you also need to be curious and like to think about problems." ”

Xiao Ming nodded and continued to work on the question. I sat back on the couch with a lot of emotion. When I was a child, my father always taught me this patiently, and although he was busy with work, whenever I had a question, he would always put down what he was doing and patiently answer it.

"Dad, I'm done, you can see if it's right." Xiao Ming handed me the homework book, his face full of anticipation.

I double-checked it and found that he did a good job: "Very good, Xiao Ming, did it right!" You're getting smarter. ”

When Xiao Ming heard this, he jumped up with joy: "Yay! I finally got it! ”

Seeing his happy face, my heart was full of relief. Educating children is not only about teaching them knowledge, but more importantly, about cultivating their self-confidence and curiosity.

"Dad, you can help me take a look at the next question." Xiao Ming handed over another question.

"Okay, let's take a look." I smiled and took the notebook and started working on it with him.

I also learned a lot in the process of educating my children. Each answer is not only a transfer of knowledge, but also a heart-to-heart exchange. In the process of a child's growth, there are many places that need our patient guidance, and the accumulation of these bits and pieces will eventually shape a well-rounded him.

"Dad, you're so nice, you can help me every time I don't understand." Xiao Ming snuggled up to me, full of dependence.

"Because Dad also wants you to be a smart and kind person." I patted him lightly on the back, "Let's work together, okay?" ”

"Good!" Xiao Ming nodded firmly, his eyes shining with determination.

At that moment, I felt extremely happy. Educating children is not only a father's responsibility, but also a process of continuous learning and growth. In the process, I am also constantly getting better. I hope that in the near future, Xiao Ming will be able to face all challenges independently, and I will be proud of his every step of growth.