
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!


The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!

The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!
The husband questioned his wife, the ending was unexpected, and the hilarious joke was freshly baked!

"Wife, why is there an extra amount of money on this bill?" The husband frowned and questioned with the credit card bill.

I put down the book in my hand, walked over and looked at the bill: "Are you talking about this one?" I pointed to the numbers above.

"yes, what's going on?" My husband asked with some dissatisfaction, "What is this money used for?" ”

"Oh, that's the skincare I bought." I explained with a smile.

"Skincare? Didn't you just buy it? How to buy again? My husband looked a little confused.

"There's never too much skincare for a woman." I quipped, trying to lighten the mood.

"But that's too often, isn't it?" My husband was still puzzled, "Are you hiding something from me lately?" ”

I felt helpless for a while, so I quipped, "You don't suspect that I have something outside, do you?" ”

When my husband heard this, his face became serious: "I didn't say that, but this money really has to be explained." ”

"Well, actually, I'm doing an experiment." I said mysteriously.

"What experiment?" The husband looked even more confused.

"I'm testing the effects of different skincare products to see which one works best for me." I smiled, "After all, you have to stay young and beautiful." ”

When my husband heard this, he immediately cried and laughed: "So that's the case, you really scared me." ”

"Don't worry, it's all about better presenting you with a young and beautiful wife." I said half-jokingly.

"However, money also has to be spent in a planned way." My husband sighed, "We have a limited budget. ”

"Okay, I'll pay attention to it later." I smiled and agreed, "But you also have to understand that women invest in skin care products for the happiness of their families." ”

The husband shook his head helplessly: "I really can't help you." ”

Just then, the doorbell rang. I walked over to open the door, and the courier guy handed me a package. When I opened it, it was a new bottle of skincare products.

"Bought again?" My husband looked at the package in my hand, his eyes full of helplessness.

"This time it's a free sample, and it doesn't cost anything." I laughed.

My husband breathed a sigh of relief: "That's okay." However, the next time there's something like this, you'll have to tell me in advance. ”

"Okay, okay, I'll report in advance." I gave a mischievous salute.

My husband finally couldn't help laughing: "Your ghostly appearance really caught me off guard." ”

"That's because I love you." I laughed and said, "That's why you're going to be at your best." ”

"Your mouth really leaves me speechless." The husband shook his head helplessly, but his eyes were full of doting.

My husband and I both laughed out loud at the conversation, and although we were a little nervous at first, it turned into a warm and hilarious memory. Although my husband's questioning is a little unexpected, it is this kind of episode that fills our lives with joy and unexpected surprises.

"It's really a freshly baked hilarious joke." I thought to myself that such a slice of life, which is both humorous and warm, is worth cherishing.