
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

author:Little birds love to eat melons

As mentioned above, Wang Xiaofei's third meeting with Big S was on October 5, 2010.

Let's fly to Taiwan to help Big S celebrate his birthday after Wang Xiaofei, a warrior who loves to charge, after getting the invitation of Big S.

(The first two meetings are attached below to help melon friends eat whole melons better)

  1. After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)
  2. After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

The nightmare of the first night in Taiwan

Let's just say that Wang Xiaofei is indeed dramatic enough, his experience is also very dramatic, and his inner world is even more dramatic.

On the evening of October 5th, Wang Xiaofei saw that there happened to be a brand hotel nearby, which was quite high-end and hygienic, and immediately decided to live there. At this time, a friend urged him not to stay in this hotel.

Wang Xiaofei asked him why he couldn't live here, and his friend didn't say it directly, hiding his mysterious appearance. Wang Xiaofei said that she was tired after a four-hour flight, and the hotel looked good.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

That night, Wang Xiaofei had to "pay" for her stubborn character of not listening to persuasion.

After checking in, Wang Xiaofei took a shower and fell asleep on the bed, and then had nightmares that night. He dreamed of a woman dressed in red...... Fell into nightmares almost all night and had very poor sleep quality. (The specific horror plot is inconvenient to write here, you can use your imagination for yourself)

Wang Xiaofei fell into a nightmare and couldn't wake up, and her first night in Taiwan was very hard.

Until she was woken up by the sound of "Didi Didi", Wang Xiaofei suddenly opened her eyes, sat up and found herself sweating profusely, as if she had just taken a bath. The voice just now came from the mobile phone, it was 6 o'clock in the morning, and Da S sent a text message to Wang Xiaofei and invited him out for breakfast.

"Are you up? Would you like to go to breakfast together? ”

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

Just looking at the text messages, you can imagine the sweet tone of Big S when he said this. Big S woke Wang Xiaofei up from a nightmare like an "angel". Wang Xiaofei, who already had a good impression of Big S, was even more eager to see her immediately.

After washing, he went out immediately, and Da S had already waited for him at the agreed place in advance. Wang Xiaofei said that the moment he saw Da S, he felt that his whole person was alive.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

Here's how he described Big S in the book:

My wife looks very small, but you don't feel it as soon as you contact her, she talks very maturely, and understands a lot, and you can feel that this is a very smart and intelligent girl after a few words with her.

Fourth Meeting: Confirm the relationship

Wang Xiaofei and Da S's love started a little inexplicably, and no one was pierced by that layer of window paper.

October 6th is the fourth meeting between Da S and Wang Xiaofei.

Big S accompanied Wang Xiaofei to walk around the streets of Taipei for a day. No one confessed, or officially mentioned "let's date", but they just started to fall in love very tacitly.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

At dinner, Da S took Wang Xiaofei to meet many good friends, and everyone celebrated Da S's birthday together.

There are Xiao S, Cai Kangyong, and Wang Weizhong. (As mentioned in the previous article, Wang Xiaofei already knew her godfather Wang Weizhong before she met Big S). After dinner, the group went to Xiao S's house again and met their future brother-in-law: Xiao S's husband Xu Yajun.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

Wang Xiaofei likes the family atmosphere of the big S family very much, and the three sisters in the family have been playing around since childhood, which is lively and warm.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

Wang Xiaofei said that at this moment he fell in love with Taiwan completely, and the big S family gave him the feeling of home he had longed for for a long time, which was something he had been missing since he was a child. The warmth of the family is also one of the reasons why Wang Xiaofei is eager to marry Da S. (Wang Xiaofei's childhood: no brothers and sisters, her parents divorced, her mother Zhang Lan was busy making money, and Wang Xiaofei was very lonely alone)

After Wang Xiaofei and Da S got married, they appeared in "Kangxi is Coming", and was asked by Xiao S and Cai Kangyong if they felt annoyed when they saw Da S's family for the first time?

Wang Xiaofei, who was full of kindness, replied sincerely: I think her friends are so good, how good it is to marry a wife and earn so much family!

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

But when she thought that she would have to go back to the "nightmare" hotel last night, Wang Xiaofei began to coax. mentioned to everyone the nightmare last night, and Big S told him that something happened in the hotel before, and it was not very "clean".

Hearing this, Wang Xiaofei was even more cowardly, and was busy pouring herself wine, thinking that she would simply get drunk and rest, and it would be fine if she was drunk.

On the verge of being drunk and sober, Wang Xiaofei, who was drunk and cowardly, plucked up her courage and asked Da S tentatively: Can you send me?

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

Unexpectedly, Da S didn't hesitate for a second, and promised very heroically: It's okay, I'll send you back.

About that night, Wang Xiaofei wrote:

It was probably at that moment, in my drunken and groggy moments, that my instinct told myself that this was the girl, and that was the girl I was going to marry.

Fifth Meeting: Engagement

Wang Xiaofei said that he was a clumsy person who could express himself, but he didn't expect that the first words he said to Da S to express his love would be: Otherwise, let's get married.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

After helping Big S celebrate his birthday, Wang Xiaofei returned to Beijing alone, and this time he completely experienced the feeling of "thinking about the morning".

"Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely", Wang Xiaofei, who met Da S for the first time in early autumn, returned to Beijing and missed his Taiwanese girl Da S frantically every minute and every second. (I said why there are such brands everywhere now: I miss you very much in XX City, it turns out that Wang Xiaofei felt it more than ten years ago)

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

At this time, Da S suddenly told him that he was going to Beijing to film, and by the way, he continued to treat his hand injury, and Wang Xiaofei was ecstatic.

So Wang Xiaofei and Big S ushered in their fifth meeting.

On the streets of Beijing, Wang Xiaofei looked at Big S and blurted out: Or, let's get married, right?

After two seconds of silence, Big S replied: Okay!

Big S agreed too happily, which made Wang Xiaofei feel unreal, as if she was dreaming. He reiterated with a serious expression: I'm not joking, I take it seriously.

Big S nodded, his expression was very firm: Well, I know, I'm not joking.

Wang Xiaofei said that she was so excited that she was about to cry, and Tiffany, who ran into Wangfujing with Big S, bought a pair of diamond rings. After exchanging rings with each other, Wang Xiaofei invited a few good friends to have a meal of shabu mutton in Houhai, officially announcing that this shabu mutton was his engagement banquet with Da S.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

(It's really like life, I don't know if you can get this kind of casual dramatization on Wang Xiaofei, he is the same as Ma Xiaomei, and suddenly one day he announced his engagement with a big diamond ring of 700,000 yuan)

Wang Xiaofei wrote in the book:

The day of the engagement was so sudden, I thought that the wedding after that would have to be done well. I want her to marry me in style without losing to any bride.

About the wedding

The wedding was requested by Wang Xiaofei, a love brain, on her own initiative.

That's right, it's Wang Xiaofei and Da S's wedding on the beach in Sanya, every time you revisit it, you have to laugh off your head every time.

Wang Xiaofei said that she had never met a girl like Da S, and she had no illusions about weddings.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

Wang Xiaofeishu wrote in the book that his conversation with Da S at that time was as follows:

Love brain Wang Xiaofei: "You just married me like this, don't you think it's sloppy?" ”

Iron Lady Big S: "I don't think so." ”

Love brain Wang Xiaofei: "But I don't want to be like this, at least hold a decent wedding and let my family and friends come." ”

Big S was silent for a while, and then nodded: Okay, listen to you.

So our love brain Mr. Wang began to brainstorm wildly and drew a blueprint for the wedding: on the romantic seaside, I held my beloved girl and formed a happy family under the witness of everyone, and my family and friends gathered together.

Looking at how miserable our Mr. Wang cried at the wedding, you can know how much he loved back then.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

Wang Xiaofei wrote in the book:

I thought that this wedding was also her expectation, but I later realized that the wedding was actually more of a fulfillment of her wish for me.

Wang Xiaofei and Big S's wedding "big war"

I don't know if there are any friends who "surfed" together back then who remember the grand occasion of Wang Xiaofei and Da S's wedding on the Internet.

Back then, a group of netizens held gossip posts and discussions in the Douban Kangxi group, but the traffic was too big, and the content of the original group was washed away, so they opened another "gossip is coming" group. This is the predecessor of the famous "Goose Group" and "Eight Group". (now deactivated)

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

In the heyday of the eight groups, a bunch of celebrity agents dived in it, contributing a lot of gossip news. Because only group members were allowed to post, I remember that the account that joined the group at that time was still able to sell for money.

So don't look at Big S now that she is "cheap and old", she has the taste of retiring from the rivers and lakes, she was really the queen of traffic back then.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

According to the current words, the combination of Da S and Wang Xiaofei is a natural flow holy body.

The things they did seriously were really, very humorous and funny, and even Stephen Chow couldn't shoot such a funny and messy porridge at that seaside wedding.

In addition to Wang Xiaofei and Da S who want to get married seriously,

The other guests at the wedding were all alive and wanted to show off their style, including Wang Xiaofei's mother, Ms. Zhang Lan.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched (II)

Because of space issues, I decided to write a side story about the romantic wedding of Da S and Wang Xiaofei.

If Big S is unwilling to be calm and deliberately engages in the plot, then Wang Xiaofei's dramatization is his own life. So much so that every time I saw Wang Xiaofei's serious appearance, I couldn't help but want to laugh.

Wang Xiaofei's life is really more exciting than drama.

After reading it, you will get what is serious and funny.

If you are interested, you must continue to pay attention.

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I wish you all a happy day, eat well, and do it well!