
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

author:Little birds love to eat melons

As mentioned above, one day in September 2010, Wang Xiaofei and Da S had a good impression of this Taiwanese girl when they met for the first time.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (above)

(If you are interested, you can click on the above to see)

At that time, Big S was filming "Under the Bubble", and the whole person was thin like a paper man. The first impression left on Wang Xiaofei was that she was very polite and spoke softly, which made Wang Xiaofei very kind and good.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

In fact, the tone of everyone's speech is relatively slow, and the tone rises, giving people a feeling of swooping, coupled with rich tone particles:

"Ah, really? It turned out to be sauce! That's amazing! This one is really delicious! ”

Wang Xiaofei just broke up with her last girlfriend who slapped each other, the hot pepper Zhang Yuqi, and her mother, Ms. Zhang Lan, is the heroine of the battle.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

When encountering the "soft and glutinous" Taiwanese paper man S, it is really difficult not to be moved.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

Wang Xiaofei and the "miserable" An Yixuan

On September 29, at An Yixuan's birthday party, Wang Xiaofei met Big S for the second time. It was on the second side that their relationship took a big step forward.

Wang Xiaofei said that the first time she met Big S, it was An Yixuan who brought her to the Lan Club. The second time I met Big S was An Yixuan's birthday party. According to this reason, An Yixuan can be regarded as the matchmaker of Big S and Wang Xiaofei.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

But the strange thing is that they didn't interact much with An Yixuan after they got married. Even when Wang Xiaofei and Big S got married, An Yixuan was chased and asked how he helped Wang Xiaofei and Big S pull this red line, An Yixuan was annoyed by the question, and fired directly on the show:

From matchmaker to abandoned bridesmaid, I didn't know what my identity was, and I was confused myself, but I really didn't get an invitation to be her bridesmaid. I don't know if she finally put me in the position of the matchmaker or the position of the rival.
After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

Later, when Xiao S hosted "Kangxi is Coming", An Yixuan was also chased and asked: Do you really never have a spark for Wang Xiaofei?

An Yixuan said with a bitter face: You see I've known him for five years, and I don't know how to talk to my friends, just buddies, just buddies......

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

From many clues, it can be seen that An Yixuan was somewhat interesting to Wang Xiaofei back then. (In 2010, Wang Xiaofei was 29 years old, An Yixuan was 30 years old, and Da S was 34 years old)

Therefore, the first time Big S came to Beijing, An Yixuan would take her to the Lan Club, and specially sent a text message to ask Wang Xiaofei to come over to say hello. (It's a bit of a meaning to take your little Taiwanese sister to meet your favorite boy)

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

How could An Yixuan have thought that Big S's actions were so fast, he would take down Wang Xiaofei just by seeing each other, and he would be able to get married after a few months of acquaintance.

In other words, An Yixuan's emotional road is somewhat miserable, Wang Xiaofei on the front foot was "pried away" by Big S, and Li Chengxuan on the back foot was "pried away" by Qi Wei.

In 2010, An Yixuan and Lee Seung-hyun filmed "Marriage Rhapsody" to spark love and secretly fell in love. In order to support her boyfriend's career, An Yixuan "promoted" Lee Seung-hyun everywhere: took him to various activities, introduced his agent to him, and was even willing to reduce his salary to fight for a role for Lee Seung-hyun.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

Unexpectedly, in 2012, Lee Seung-hyun met Qi Wei when he was filming "Another Me in the World".

In 2013, Lee Seung-hyun and Qi Wei were exposed because of the hand-holding photos at the airport in Thailand.

At that time, the entry of "Qi Wei intervened in An Yixuan's love" was directly rushed to the hot search. Then Lee Seung-hyun posted a long article, clarifying that he did not split his legs, and broke up with An Yixuan at the end of 2012, and was with Qi Wei after the breakup.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

After talking about An Yixuan, let's return to the main line between Wang Xiaofei and Big S, and continue to talk about how Big S holds Wang Xiaofei steady.

Wang Xiaofei and Big S's second meeting

An Yixuan's birthday party invited a lot of people, and the scene was very lively. Wang Xiaofei saw Big S from a distance in the bustling crowd. She sat quietly in a corner alone with a wine glass, looking thoughtful.

Wang Xiaofei wrote in the book:

She was so thin that her figure looked very thin.

Wang Xiaofei happily bypassed a few people and walked to Da S's side to greet her. Big S only knew two people in this party, one was An Yixuan, and the other was Wang Xiaofei.

An Yixuan was busy greeting others, and Big S could only chat with Wang Xiaofei. What exactly to talk about Wang Xiaofei said that she couldn't remember, she didn't pay attention to the content of the chat at all, and only noticed that Da S "has long black hair, very white skin, looks very quiet, but is very talkative when chatting".

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

At the same time, Da S showed her weak side just right, she occasionally showed tiredness, and told Wang Xiaofei that she often only slept two or three hours a day during filming, so she looked a little tired and was used to it.

After the party, Wang Xiaofei drove Da S back to the hotel with a very gentlemanly demeanor.

At that time, Beijing had entered late autumn, and a thin layer of yellowed fallen leaves was paved on both sides of the road, and Big S said that the night view of Taipei was also very beautiful, but autumn was not like Beijing.

Then the love hunter Big S began to send out an offensive signal:

Big S said to Wang Xiaofei that although he was very tired, he sometimes had insomnia, and he couldn't sleep when he was lying in bed and turning over and over. I was very happy to chat with Wang Xiaofei tonight, but I felt very energetic and not sleepy at all.

Wang Xiaofei immediately got the meaning of Big S, drove the car and took Big S around Beijing to watch the night view, and introduced the long history of old Beijing to Big S.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

Stopping the car by the river, Wang Xiaofei and Da S got out of the car to watch the night scene for a while, Da S took a few photos of the night scene of Beijing, Wang Xiaofei wanted to take a photo with Da S at that time, because she was about to go back to Taiwan, I don't know when we will be able to meet, and I feel a little uncomfortable. But Wang Xiaofei finally relented and did not ask for a group photo.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

Night view of the Guanzi River in Beijing

Parting that night, Big S sent an invitation to Wang Xiaofei: You can come to Taiwan to play with me, it's my birthday in two days!

Wang Xiaofei was so happy that she agreed on the spot.

Third meeting: Wang Xiaofei flew to Taiwan to celebrate Big S's birthday

On September 29, An Yixuan's birthday, it was the second time that Wang Xiaofei and Da S met.

October 6th is Da S's birthday, and on October 5th, Wang Xiaofei made a special trip to Taiwan, which is the third time that Wang Xiaofei and Da S have met.

That will fly to Taiwan must transfer from Hong Kong, the whole journey takes 4 hours, and it is already 8 o'clock in the evening when I arrive in Taipei.

This is Wang Xiaofei's second trip to Taiwan. The first time he went to Taiwan was in early 2009, he went to Taiwan to research the catering market, and met Wang Weizhong, the producer of "Kangxi is Coming", under the recommendation of a friend.

(Wang Weizhong is the godfather of Taiwan's variety show industry, it is the big and small S he discovered, and brought the two sisters into the entertainment industry to fight for them to perform.) So Big S regards Wang Weizhong as a godfather. )

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

Wang Xiaofei already knew her godfather before she met Big S, so many things really have their own providence.

Wang Xiaofei said that she fell in love with this treasure island when she went to Taiwan for the first time, and thought that she must come to Taiwan again if she had the opportunity. So after returning to Beijing, he immediately applied for another Taiwan entry permit.

This entry permit came in handy on October 5, 2010. When Big S invited Wang Xiaofei to Taiwan to play on the evening of September 29, Wang Xiaofei was able to fly on May 19.

Wang Xiaofei didn't tell Big S in advance when he would fly to Taiwan, so that when he appeared in front of Big S, Big S was taken aback, Wang Xiaofei was snickering in her heart, and their conversation at that time was:

"Are you really here?"

"I promised to come!"

In fact, Da S always thought that Wang Xiaofei was joking that night, but he couldn't help but look forward to it silently, so he had been waiting for Wang Xiaofei to come over after returning to Taiwan.

The two friends brought by Big S have been helping their sisters "assist" after seeing Wang Xiaofei appear, and joked that Wang Xiaofei: If you don't see each other for a day, it's like three autumns.

At that time, Wang Xiaofei and Da S were just friends, and when they heard their friend say this, Da S was silent and did not explain, Wang Xiaofei said that she was a little embarrassed.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

If the first meeting is the beginning of good feelings, then the second meeting is the beginning of Wang Xiaofei's being manipulated. So on this trip to Taiwan, Wang Xiaofei was completely pinched to death by Big S.

After reading Wang Xiaofei's autobiography, I realized that it was really not because of the big S that I was pinched at the beginning (medium)

Because of the space, let's tell how Wang Xiaofei was pinched by Da S and her family in just a few days in Taiwan. Wang Xiaofei wrote:

It was probably at that moment, in my drunken and groggy moments, that my instinct told myself that this was the girl, and that was the girl I was going to marry.

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