
100 units look up to U8 to cross the "Shenzhong Channel" and pay tribute to the great power project

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On June 30, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor of the Greater Bay Area Super Project was officially opened to traffic. Looking up to the 100 owners of U8, they gathered and organized 100 convoys to cross the Shenzhong Channel, pay tribute to the super project with the ultimate technology, and witness the miracle of the great country together.

100 units look up to U8 to cross the "Shenzhong Channel" and pay tribute to the great power project

The construction difficulty of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is world-class, with a total length of 24 kilometers, which is a world-class cross-sea cluster project integrating "bridges, islands, tunnels and underwater interconnection", and is one of the bridges with the highest technical difficulty and the most complex construction technology in the world. As a new landmark of infrastructure construction in a major country, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor not only crosses the natural dangers of Lingding Ocean in terms of engineering value, but also represents China's engineering to break foreign doubts and technical blockades, and embodies a new breakthrough in China's science and technology. Crossing the ocean under the bridge, looking up at the starry sky on the bridge. The birth of Yangwang also vividly shows the technological leap of China's automobile industry. The meeting of these two pinnacles of China's science and technology not only demonstrates China's strong determination and ability to innovate independently, but also symbolizes China's great progress from "manufacturing" to "creation". Looking up at every step of the U8 through the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is a powerful proof that China's technology is on top of the world. "Extreme Chinese Automobile" has stepped on the "best bridge in China", just as China's new energy technology is opening a new era leading the world.

100 units look up to U8 to cross the "Shenzhong Channel" and pay tribute to the great power project

Hundreds of U8 car owners enthusiastically checked in to the Shenzhong Passage to pay tribute to the super project. Nearly 55% of U8 owners are from first-tier and new first-tier cities, and more than 80% of owners are entrepreneurs, partners or company executives. As users of domestic high-end new energy vehicles and important participants in the rapid development of China's automobile industry, the owners of U8 not only have dreams and feelings, but also are pragmatic, tenacious, pioneering and innovative, and are firm supporters and companions of manufacturing in a big country.

100 units look up to U8 to cross the "Shenzhong Channel" and pay tribute to the great power project

Looking up to the U8 on the "Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel" is the flagship work that represents China's new energy vehicles to break through technical barriers. Yangwang Auto adheres to the original intention of building a high-end brand with extreme technology, brings together the most extreme technology applications and forward-looking technical ideas of BYD Group, and empowers with cross-era top technologies such as Yi Sifang and Yunlin, and achieves the representative of domestic high-end new energy with strength. Behind the "same frame" of U8 and Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel this time, it is the development of Chinese engineers to break the technological monopoly, and it also shows the enterprising determination of China's innovative technology to break through the world level!

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