
Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

author:A little entertainment

Teresa Teng, a name, a legend. Her singing, like a clear spring, flows through time and space, and still reverberates in the Chinese world today.

Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

However, the popular singer has an unfulfilled dream - to hold a concert in Chinese mainland. What kind of story and helplessness are hidden behind this?

Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

In Teresa Teng's singing career, she has won the hearts of countless fans with her fresh and refined voice and soulful interpretation. But such a superstar in the music world, but for various reasons, failed to step on the stage of a concert in Chinese mainland. The reasons for this are both cultural misunderstandings and political sensitivities.

Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

First of all, Teresa Teng's songs, in a specific historical period, were once regarded as "yellow songs". This label is undoubtedly a misunderstanding and distortion of her musical talent. Taking "He Rijun Comes Again" as an example, this song originally expressed the remembrance and remembrance of lost love, but under the interpretation of some people, the lyrics were given a bad meaning, which was incompatible with the social atmosphere at the time. This kind of cultural prejudice has undoubtedly set up obstacles for Teresa Teng's development in the mainland.

Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

Moreover, political factors are also an important reason why Teresa Teng failed to come to the mainland to hold a concert. According to reports, Teresa Teng's remarks at a concert were interpreted as a challenge to the political environment at the time. The "day when the Three People's Principles were implemented on the mainland" mentioned by her were extremely sensitive and out of place in the political atmosphere at that time. In addition, the "Labor Army" charity performance she participated in also involved her in unnecessary political turmoil.

Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

It is interesting to note that although Teresa Teng received a cold reception at the official level, her songs are widely circulated among the people and are deeply loved by people. This difference in attitudes between the people and the government also reflects the complexity and diversity of society and culture at that time.

Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

It is said that in the late 80s, Teresa Teng had plans to return to the mainland to hold a concert. She longs to stand on the stage that belongs to her and communicate with fans in the mainland with her singing. However, these plans were eventually put on hold for a variety of reasons. The regret and helplessness in this may only Teresa Teng herself can best understand.

Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

What is touching is that after Teresa Teng's death in 1995, the mainland media began to "lift the ban" on her. CCTV and other mainstream media have produced commemorative programs to review her music career and contributions. This transformation is undoubtedly an affirmation of Teresa Teng's musical talent and a remembrance of her unfulfilled dreams during her lifetime.

Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

Teresa Teng's mother once recalled that her daughter had always cared about the mainland and longed to go back to see it. This attachment and longing for her homeland has become Teresa Teng's eternal regret. And we, as future generations, can't help but feel sorry for the unfulfilled dream of this music superstar when we look back on this history.

Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

Teresa Teng's story is not only a legend about music and dreams, but also a complex memory of the interweaving of culture and politics in a specific historical period. Her regret and helplessness also make us cherish the prosperity and diversity of current culture and art even more.

Why Teresa Teng failed to return to the mainland of the motherland, one is yellow, and the other is reactionary

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