
Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

author:The sea is lonely


Do you still remember Nie Xiaoqian in "A Chinese Ghost Story"? That's right, it's her original owner, the haunting goddess Wang Zuxian! It's been a long time since I've heard her name! Don't worry, I'm going to bring you some exciting news! Just recently, this generation of goddesses appeared at the festival of Lingyan Mountain Temple in Vancouver, and her temperament and demeanor are simply eye-catching! At the age of 57, she is still in such a good state, which is really amazing!

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

1. Vancouver met by chance, and the goddess of time flies is still the same

Vancouver, this beautiful city, attracts countless tourists with its pleasant climate and unique culture. And this time, Wang Zuxian's appearance has added a touch of color to the city. It is reported that Wang Zuxian was met by netizens when he was attending the festival of Lingyan Mountain Temple.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

In the photo, her high ponytail hairstyle is simple but elegant, and her thick hair volume is enviable.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

After taking off the mask, although there are some traces of time on his face, those bright eyes are still as clear as ever, revealing endless wisdom and charm.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

Wang Zuxian, born in Taiwan in 1967, is a bright star in the Chinese film and television industry. Time is Ren Ran, the goddess of the year is now 57 years old. In 1984, she officially entered the film and television industry with her first film "This Year's Lakeside Will Be Cold".

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

Only three years later, in 1987, Wang Zuxian became a classic in the hearts of countless audiences with his role as Nie Xiaoqian in "A Chinese Ghost Story", and was nominated for the Hong Kong Film Awards.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

Her representative works also include "Green Snake" and "Dream in the Garden". However, in 2005, Wang Zuxian announced her retirement from filming, which drew a perfect end to her acting career and became a legend in the Chinese film industry.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

The appearance of Wang Zuxian made netizens sigh that time has flown by, but the demeanor of the goddess is still the same. Her graceful figure and beautiful eyes seem to make people return to the era of "A Chinese Ghost Story".

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

Her beauty lies not only in her appearance, but also in her inner calmness and elegance. This temperament is indelible over the years, and it is also an important reason why she can become a generation of goddesses.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

Second, the details of the hands are exposed, and the quality of life of the goddess is revealed

In addition to his outstanding temperament and beauty, Wang Zuxian's hand details have also attracted the attention of netizens. As you can see from the photo, her fingers are slender and fair, and her nails are neatly trimmed without a single blemish. This can't help but make people think that her usual life must be very exquisite. A person who knows how to take care of his hands must be a person who knows how to enjoy life.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

At the festival, Wang Zuxian held an everlasting lamp and prayed sincerely, which made people feel the fullness and happiness of her heart.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

That kind of temperament and charm that exudes from the inside out makes people fall in love with it. Netizens have expressed that they are also happy and relieved to see the goddess so happy and satisfied.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

3. The goddess's living state is revealed, and her vitality is enviable

Wang Zuxian's living conditions have always been the focus of netizens' attention. As you can see from her performance at the puja, she is not only a beautiful and moving goddess, but also a full of energy. She not only volunteers and participates in various activities, but also interacts with everyone frequently, showing her friendly and friendly side.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

During the Dragon Boat Festival, Wang Zuxian also posted a selfie of himself. In the photo, she has a better temperament after makeup, and there is no trace of time at all. Those bright eyes seem to be able to speak, revealing endless charm and confidence. Netizens said that they were amazed by the beauty of the goddess!

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

Take a selfie during the Dragon Boat Festival

Fourth, netizens are constantly hotly discussed, and the charm of the goddess has not diminished back then

As soon as this set of photos was exposed, it caused heated discussions among netizens. Everyone expressed their appreciation and nostalgia for Wang Zuxian's recent photos. Some netizens said: "Wang Zuxian's beauty is unique, even if the years go by, her temperament and beauty are still undiminished." Another netizen said: "I am relieved to see her live so fully and happily." Some netizens ridiculed: "What kind of elixir did the goddess eat?" How to live younger and younger! ”

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

Wang Zuxian's charm lies not only in her appearance and temperament, but also in her calm, elegant and generous demeanor. This kind of demeanor cannot be deprived of by the years, and it is also an important reason why she can become a generation of goddesses. Her appearance makes people feel the tenderness and beauty of the years, and also makes people cherish and be grateful for the current life more.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

5. The goddess's maintenance secrets and life wisdom

Seeing Wang Zuxian so beautiful and moving, everyone must be curious about how she is maintained? In fact, there is nothing special about Wang Zuxian's maintenance secrets, she focuses on inner fulfillment and happiness. She once said: "A person's mentality is very important, and only when the mentality is good can he exude true charm." That's right!

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

In addition to his mentality, Wang Zuxian also pays great attention to a healthy diet and moderate exercise. She usually likes to eat some light foods and fruits and vegetables to keep her body healthy; At the same time, I will also do some exercise regularly to maintain my figure and vitality. It's amazing that these seemingly simple habits allow her to maintain such a good state!

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

In addition, Wang Zuxian also attaches great importance to inner cultivation and learning. She believes that only by constantly learning and improving herself can she become better and more attractive. This enterprising spirit is also one of the important reasons why she was able to become a goddess of a generation.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!


Time flies, time flies, but Wang Zuxian's beauty and charm seem to be frozen in that beautiful era. Her appearance makes people feel the tenderness and beauty of the years, and also makes people cherish and be grateful for the current life more.

Wang Zuxian appeared in Vancouver, although the skin is old and the bones are still very young! Nie Xiaoqian's demeanor is still the same!

Although we can't have such a perfect appearance and temperament like her, we can learn a lot of life wisdom and maintenance secrets from her. Let's work together to become a better version of ourselves! At the same time, I also wish Wang Zuxian can always maintain this elegant and calm demeanor and beautiful charm!

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