
The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

author:Li Honggang

Wang Zuxian, who is known as the "No. 1 beauty in the film industry", is now old, her state is not as good as that of passers-by, and the state of fortune is distressing, what has she experienced over the years?

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

On June 25th, some netizens met Wang Zuxian abroad, it is reported that this time she is participating in a festival, what is surprising is that the goddess is no longer like before, her face is swollen, not to mention, her figure is also a little fat, and she does not look like she was back then.

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

If you don't mention that this woman is Wang Zuxian, I believe that few netizens can recognize it.

On that day, Wang Zuxian was wearing a black and red layman suit, a simple ponytail, and a mask, looking very low-key. Wang Zuxian was very focused throughout the whole process, holding the booklet in her hand, her eyes closed, standing straight and full of sincerity.

After a short time for the festival to end, Wang Zuxian took off her mask, and her recent status was exposed, which shocked netizens.

Although the elegance is elegant, the face of the goddess of the past is long gone, the skin is a little saggy, and the eyes are slender.

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

Not only that, Wang Zuxian's figure is also seriously out of shape, her body is no longer light, her figure is swollen, and she has long lost her demeanor.

Interestingly, while Wang Zuxian was praying, a young man stood beside her, the man had a good temperament, and the two seemed to be acquaintances.

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

In this regard, some netizens said that Wang Zuxian has been single for many years, and the man is just a passerby.

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

is different from those artists who are still developing in the entertainment industry, they all wear exquisite makeup when they appear on the camera, Wang Zuxian always appears without makeup, showing people in her true state.

In fact, it's not that everyone can't accept Wang Zuxian, but they can't accept that the goddess in their minds is getting older.

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

Think about it, the youngest batch of post-80s generations are about to enter the 40th mark, can Wang Zuxian not be old? Don't use the standards of celebrities to measure ordinary people, Wang Zuxian is an ordinary person now.

Nowadays, she doesn't listen to things outside the window, doesn't bend her waist for fame and fortune, and does what she likes, I don't know how many people envy this kind of life.

Back then, with "A Chinese Ghost Story", which became popular all over Southeast Asia, Wang Zuxian ushered in his own highlights, and he was in the limelight for a while.

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

After that, she starred in many classic works, such as "Green Snake", "God of Gamblers" and so on.

It's hard to imagine that such a talented person with acting talent leaves the entertainment industry, if it weren't for the damage to his career development, something big must have happened.

Wang Zuxian and Qi Qin's relationship has been separated for 15 years, and in 2001, the two joined hands to participate in the Golden Melody Awards ceremony, and soon after, the two fell out again. Only this time is the last time, they only have points, not together.

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

After breaking up with Qi Qin, Wang Zuxian and Lin Jianyue started a relationship, but the other party already had a home, and the man also went through separation procedures with his wife Xie Lingling because of Wang Zuxian.

This made Wang Zuxian fall into a great condemnation.

The most terrible thing is that Lin Jianyue's mother threw all the unpleasant words to Wang Zuxian, which was the most fatal blow to Wang Zuxian.

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

After two emotional wounds, Wang Zuxian was disheartened and left Hong Kong alone for Canada, even though many people persuaded her, she never looked back.

Unlike those actresses who are bent on marrying into wealthy families, Wang Zuxian is a woman who "puts love first", and she is very serious about every relationship.

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

But to her surprise, beauty actually became the original sin, and her beauty made people jealous, so that many people blamed her for their sins.

In the huge voice of public opinion, Wang Zuxian chose to leave, for so many years, she has never explained, shopping alone, watching movies alone, chic and free.

Perhaps for the current Wang Zuxian, men and love are the least worth mentioning.

The beauty is no more, 57-year-old Wang Zuxian appeared abroad to participate in the festival, his face was swollen and his body was bloated and unrecognizable

When he heard someone say, "Wang Zuxian, I like you very much", Wang Zuxian smiled, because this sentence is enough......

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