
The truth behind the traffic: Jiang Ping incident, who is manipulating the wind direction of public opinion?

author:Xiao Baowen content chain

As soon as Professor Yuan made a move, a bigger storm of public opinion immediately followed, and as I predicted, the signs were directed at the little girl Jiang Ping, Teacher Wang Yanqiu, and Ali Dharma Academy.

But in my opinion, the happiest person is the initiator of the Jiang Ping incident, the Fang devil who is far away in the beautiful country. He just threw a bone out like this, and then added fuel to the fire, a group of so-called elites, so-called families, ordinary locusts, ants, and elites all rushed out;

I estimate that Fang devil will wake up laughing when he dreams, not only does he have money to collect, but now everyone doesn't remember him at all, he is invisible.

Therefore, here, I have to remind all friends who are hi that there are rat feces in any era, including the highest universities Peking University and Tsinghua University.

However, we still have to believe that the highest university is still the highest university, and it is still very strong.

Whether it is scientific research ability or academic level, or the great contribution made to the country and society, the real backbone of this is undoubted.

Don't put the fire of war on others, and you can't just because of a grain of rat feces that it will offset the major contributions made by others.

The truth behind the traffic: Jiang Ping incident, who is manipulating the wind direction of public opinion?

Like, who is the winner of the highest national scientific award this time? Academician Li Deren of Wuhan University, and Academician Xie Qikun of Tsinghua University, right?

They are the truly respectable representatives worthy of our admiration. Academician Li Deren and his wife, a college classmate, have been together for more than 60 years, and they don't have any sensational words.

At that time when she won the award, the old lady's words were so simple and simple, that is, she wanted to do more for the country, and people didn't have anything to say.

He is not like those who want to return a pure land to the mathematical world, and talk those, so that people can call him a real great virtue.

Academician Xie Qikun, he suggested choosing a major in the college entrance examination, nothing else, just choose what you like.

In fact, this represents a direction, as long as you have love and internal drive, you can really get good results, right?

Where is it like the others? It's not questioning, it's reporting, and even at the expense of illegal slander, it's dirty in your heart, it's like this, right?

The truth behind the traffic: Jiang Ping incident, who is manipulating the wind direction of public opinion?

Of course, perhaps in their minds, there is no such word slander as beyond the boundaries of his knowledge.

As for whether to go to them for compensation? I think it depends on the decision of the person concerned.

The Jiang Ping incident is actually a super phenomenal incident, which is both a bad thing and a good thing. We have to look in two;

He can not only let the little girl Jiang Ping and Teacher Wang Runqiu see this diverse world more truly and comprehensively. I know that in addition to the beautiful world of mathematics, there is also a more insidious and ugly world of the human heart.

What is really good for you, there are your family, your relatives, the people around you, and countless people who you can't see, but who have been supporting you;

There are also people who don't want you well, and there are also those who want to ruthlessly suppress you.

Otherwise, you only won the twelfth place in a global mathematics competition, so what's the matter, it's about their wool, the prize money is not issued by him, and the competition is not held by him, and you still make a bet of millions of dollars, right? You still have to make yourself three inches shorter, I really don't know what kind of head comes from.

The truth behind the traffic: Jiang Ping incident, who is manipulating the wind direction of public opinion?

You still have to prove your innocence, what do you mean, you still have to raise this to give the mathematical world a pure land, a piece of fairness, and directly kill people, a bunch of messy banners.

In an open open-book competition, you actually raised these questions, which really let people know what is called the crime of desire, and there is no excuse.

We don't just have to ask, why are you doing this?

Now it's a society where everyone is doing business, why are you doing this? Is it really good for math? Is it to return the mathematical world to a pure land? Just for the little bit of sinful thought in your own heart, that's all.

In fact, the real value of the traffic carnival reflected in the Jiang Ping incident is that it can make people really reflect on what is wrong with this society? What's going on?

No matter what, I will support the little girl, I will support Wang Yanqiu, and I will support Ali Dharma Academy;

Because, he doesn't have any restrictions, you can be a mathematician, you can be a professor, you can be all kinds of people, he is not limited to nationality, occupation, status, age, anything.

The truth behind the traffic: Jiang Ping incident, who is manipulating the wind direction of public opinion?

As long as you are full of love in your heart, as long as you feel that you have the material, you can stand up bravely and participate in the competition, isn't that the greatest fairness?

What is Counterfeiting? Why question?

In fact, what you should really question is whether your heart is red or black, whether your world lacks some conscience, and whether you yourself have no conscience.

In the end, all reactionaries are paper tigers, and all conspirators are not destined to end well.

Here, I firmly support Jiang Ping, support Teacher Wang Yanqiu, and look forward to you getting really good results, giving them these WBD slaps in the face, slap in the face, and slap in the face!

In fact, the reason why Jiang Ping was questioned is that in the eyes of these so-called elites, the essence is that they are all weak, poverty is the original sin, and they are from a poor family with such a high ranking, and they can't get these honors!

Therefore, if the poor want to counterattack, the only way is to be strong enough, focus and love enough, and work hard, not afraid of any difficulties, and they will definitely have a chance to succeed! #泛中国牛仔文化内容供应链#