
Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

author:Old flowers talk about popular science


People's dream of "rejuvenation" has never stopped since ancient times, and after thousands of years, this dream seems to be closer than before, but this is a trap, a trap for the disadvantaged.

Every time this society takes a small step forward, it also kicks the disadvantaged backwards a big step.

There is no fairness in this society, and there is very little to strive for a better future with their own efforts, and there are very few people with confidence and people without confidence, and people with a discerning eye can see at a glance that the gap between the two can be imagined.

In such an environment, many rich people have found an opportunity, but behind this is a monstrous conspiracy, they actually want to drink the blood of young people?

Vulnerable groups.

Since ancient times, the rules of the law of the jungle are unchanged, they can only change themselves, not others, so human beings also follow the rules of this world to fight against this world, from weak to strong, human footprints are getting deeper and deeper, and their fit with this world is getting higher and higher, and now, it can be said that human beings have integrated into this world.

However, problems will still pop up anytime and anywhere, even if the integration of human beings and the world is extremely high, they will still find some unacceptable places, which are like viruses lurking in some corners of society, endangering the normal operation of this society at any time.

You won't be able to change him for a while, and you can't eliminate him in one fell swoop with your own strength, so the only thing you can do is to coexist with it, whether you have me or not, or you have nothing, the world will continue to flourish.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

This society, since ancient times, has been accompanied by the continuous development of human beings, constantly changing, and finally from a village to the current prosperous city, which has experienced ever-changing changes, and at the same time, these changes will also make the disadvantaged groups continue to change, from the law of nature, the weak should be eliminated.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

Because human beings always have a feeling of pity for the weak, so they will not really abandon these weak people, on the contrary, the weak are actually the main part of this society, if there is no weak people, then how can the strong know that they are strong?

The chaotic world needs to be reorganized by the strong, so the weak come with the expectations of the strong, and the strong carry the expectations of the weak, and there is a balance between them, a fragile balance, and therefore a poignant balance.

There have always been disadvantaged groups, however, in today's world, they will be surrounded and suppressed by many rich people, because the rich people have watched a lot of movies and TV series, so they will think that the laws of this world can be changed, but there are no beautiful things in this world, the truth is obvious, their ideas are not realistic, so they often involve some people who should not be involved, because they think that these people and people are equal.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

Therefore, the disadvantaged groups have become weaker and weaker under their control, and the actions of these rich people have made countless people feel angry, and the disadvantaged groups have resisted, just to let these rich people understand that this society is unfair, so these rich people do not deserve the benefits of this society.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

The "blood" of young people.

In this world, from ancient times, human beings have gone through tens of millions of years, until later they have their own consciousness, have their own language, at this time, their living standards have gradually improved, but their understanding of the world is also improving their ability to understand and enter a new stage.

Human beings gradually grasped some of the rules of the world, so they began to seek the way to become stronger, the road ahead is not easy to walk, they need to continue to overcome a certain height, but in the process of moving forward, one thing plays a vital role, that is, to find the "blood" of young people.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

In the process of human exploration, they began to slowly understand the rules of the world, and these rules were basically summarized by themselves, so human beings thought that they could change these rules.

After human beings began to think about this, their world became more colorful, and there was no longer just one possibility in this world as before, and after more human consciousness, the possibilities in this world became more and more abundant.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

Among this thoughts, there is one that is truly valuable and meaningful, and the other is the imaginary, irresponsible thought of human beings, which, when agreed upon, will have an impact on other people, and risks will naturally follow.

This happened a long time ago, when a businessman who sold the blood of young people spread the idea that the essence of the blood can prolong life, and there was a craze in society to eat and eat alive, after all, people have always sought the same thing.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

No one is going to give up on seeking everything in themselves because of their age, but the propagandists of this idea are those who have good conditions for young people, who have enough money to keep themselves young, but in fact, most people are not worthy of these rich people.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

Therefore, there are some greedy people in this world, they buy some people's blood under the initiative of these rich people, and soon have a better quality of life to get the benefits of this blood, these rich people will have a market-oriented mind, they perceive the popularity of this blood, so they began to use various methods, including drawing blood from the poor or something, the price of these blood bought has increased many times, and thus, there is a way of "buying blood".

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

Insiders resisted, they felt that their things were taken advantage of, and after knowing the reason, they were even more angry, people in this world can throw away everything, and as time goes by, this behavior becomes more and more uncontrollable, and this directly leads to the gap between the poor and the rich getting bigger and bigger.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

The gap between the poor and the rich.

The gap between the weak and the strong is actually an insurmountable gap, no matter how extravagant it is, the weak will not be able to cross this gap, however, society is constantly changing, and different people face different problems.

In the face of different people, the society will have different treatment, this set of rules in the society, means the trouble of the weak, but also means the benefits of the strong, this is a very unfair phenomenon, however, in the face of this phenomenon, people can only choose to accept, after all, the world is so unpredictable.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

In this society, the weak want to make a living, a person's strength is always limited, he can't do everything, they will obey the control of the rich, because the rich have more copper in their hands, they have more power to do more things, and the weak, no matter how hard they try, can not exert their power to the extreme.

Therefore, the weak people in society, they are running for life every day, they don't know whether to continue to fight for everything they have now, or just give it up, however, in the process of giving up, they may have a little unwillingness and regret in their hearts.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen

But today's society is indeed not easy to endure, although there are not many days from poor to rich, but there are, therefore, the weak are on their way, even if there are more difficulties, he will stick to it, they are always looking for the next road.

However, the gap between the rich and the rich is even more insurmountable, they have huge wealth in their hands, which is much easier than the weak, they will no longer be confused about life, and at the same time they will work hard for a better life for their future, despite this phenomenon, but the weak will not be affected, they will still work for their future.

Buying young people's blood to "rejuvenate"? The gap between the rich and the poor is likely to widen


Although the rich can only be said to be rich people who are not personified, in this wrong phenomenon, whether there are rich people or not, they are promoting the oppression of the weak, so we should live in harmony with mankind.