
Pay attention to what you are doing, it can have a profound impact on you, on others, and on society

author:Liang Xiansen said

Pay attention to what you are doing, it can have a profound impact on you, on others, and on society

Once on a trip to Detian Waterfall, the tour guide told us an interesting story about the Sino-Vietnamese border during the Qing Dynasty.

It is said that at that time, the Qing government and Vietnam surveyed the national border, and several Qing soldiers carried heavy boundary monuments to the mountains and mountains.

Because the mountains are high and the forests are dense, the roads are rugged, and it gets dark as they walk, and the big soldiers are tired and hungry, so they put down the boundary monument to rest and rest.

They looked around, the wilderness, the night was boundless, and it was eerie, so they decided to erect the boundary monument in its place, and later this became the demarcation point of the Sino-Vietnamese border.

It is said that if they go further south, then our territory will have to go further south......

This story doesn't sound a little serious, the territory is a problem, but it's a big thing related to the country, how can it be so child's play?

However, it also caused me to think about the fact that what we are doing now may have an impact on ourselves, our families, and our country, so please think carefully and treat what you are doing correctly.

If you feel that this thing is not worth doing from the beginning, but you are just coping with it, then please stop immediately, do not do unnecessary efforts, waste energy and life.

But if you think what you're doing is meaningful, and even if you don't see it working right now, then stick with it and do it as well as you can.

One day it will have a huge effect that you didn't expect, affecting yourself, others, society, and even the world.

Pay attention to what you are doing, it can have a profound impact on you, on others, and on society

Everyone's life is made up of a series of seemingly insignificant daily actions.

However, we often underestimate the power and impact of these actions.

For those of you who might think that your work or actions don't matter, I would say, please value what you're doing, maybe it can really impact society, and even the world.

Because even the smallest action can have a profound impact on another person's work and life.

A word of encouragement, a small gesture of help, a loving piece of work can all have the potential to ignite a fire in someone else and push them to make positive changes.

The microscopic movements in the universe will eventually converge into grand changes, just like a drop of water in the ocean will eventually converge into a vast ocean.

An occasional flap of a butterfly in the Amazon rainforest of South America can cause a tornado in Texas two weeks later. This is known as the butterfly effect.

A person's insignificant behavior may be just a tiny seed, but over time, it has the potential to grow into a towering tree that brings shade and fruit to the world around them.

Each of us has the power to make a difference in the world, whether it's in our own communities, workplaces, or through digital platforms to spread the word across the globe.

As long as we are willing to take the first step and show kindness and courage, we can trigger a ripple effect that can bring about positive change.

Just like the text I am writing now, although it is still superficial, naïve, and thin, I believe that it is meaningful, so I have been persevering.

Pay attention to what you are doing, it can have a profound impact on you, on others, and on society

When we realize that our actions have the potential to change the world, we should also encourage and support others.

Don't just rely on successful business people like Elon Musk, each of us deserves to be respected and praised for our efforts, because everyone can be a participant and a change-changer in this world.

Don't underestimate your work, your actions, and your influence.

Whatever you do, remember that you value what you're doing, and maybe it can really make a difference in the world.

May each of us be able to exude positive energy in our daily lives and influence those around us with sincerity and kindness.

At the same time, I also look forward to every action I can take to become a part of the world and make this world a better place.