
20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

author:melon small melon

The first: The nine-month-old daughter has a serious illness, and the young father transplants a part of his liver to her, and when the father wakes up from the anesthesia, he turns his head to the side of his daughter's hospital bed, and at that moment, he has forgotten his pain and shows a look of concern

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

The second one: Good boy, let Dad hug you again, you are a man, you must be strong and wait for Dad to come back

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it
20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

The third photo: Every year only during the Chinese New Year, we have a short time to go back to our hometown, this is a photo of my father and my son, or I secretly took it, and later, my son has never been framed with his grandfather again

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Fourth: My ex-boyfriend is getting married, this is a photo I took when I drove to his door in the middle of the night, looking at the happy words posted on the door, and his wedding room on the third floor, my heart is shaking when I think of the two years I spent with him... The girl he married, please be kind to my youth...

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Photo 5: The mother in her nineties has been suffering from chronic gastritis and high blood pressure for almost 20 years, and every time her mother feels physical pain, the man will carry her mother to the health center 5 kilometers away for injections

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Picture 6: The little girl lost her mother at a very young age, and whenever she missed her mother very much, she would draw her mother's appearance on the ground, and then take off her little shoes and curl up in her mother's arms

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Seventh: The shy father made a big determination to take his two daughters to eat the hamburger they had been looking forward to, and when the daughter asked her father why she didn't eat it, he swallowed his saliva and said: Dad is not hungry, you eat...

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Eighth: The son takes his elderly mother for a walk, and when his mother is tired, he lets her sit on his lap, just like his mother held him when he was a child

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Nine: The middle-aged son went to work in the field, his parents sent him all the way to the train station, at the time of parting, the man knelt down to say goodbye to his parents, perhaps in his heart, he could not always be by the side of his elderly parents, has always been the most difficult pain in his heart to speak

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Picture 10: As long as the man has free time, he will come to the grave of his deceased wife and play the favorite song of his wife on the violin, and he uses practical actions to fulfill the promise he made to his wife, "I will always be by your side"

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Picture 11: It makes people's hearts break

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Picture 12: A sudden natural disaster destroys the homes on which people depend, and a young woman cries silently in the face of the devastation

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Thirteenth: Mom will always be watching you in heaven, so be sure to make yourself live well

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Fourteenth: In the subway car, the man took the tired old father in his arms and let him rest for a while

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Picture 15: Although they could no longer stand up due to an accident, with the help of well-wishers, they ran happily again

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Picture 16: Breaking up is a matter for the two of you, but the most uncomfortable is grandma

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Photo 17: For some reason, my grandfather and I only met again after 15 years, and when we met, he showed me a picture I had taken when I was five years old, and it turned out that I had always been with him, even though I had been with him all along, even though I had been there when I was five years old

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Picture 18: The mother camel looks at her long-dead child, and weeps bitterly with great sadness

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Picture 19: When the mother swan came back from a trip, she found that she didn't know who had smashed the swan eggs with a brick, and she was helpless to see everything that happened in front of her, and she was about to die of sadness

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

Photo 20: An old man with Alzheimer's disease wears the same polo shirt wherever he goes, and people are extremely incomprehensible about his behavior, until one day people see a photo of him and his wife when he was young..."Even if I forget everything, I will not forget you"

20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it
20 photos that bring the most touching people, people with low tears should not look at it

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