
After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

author:Ice on entertainment


In the boundless sea of stars of medicine, the collision of academics is like the brightest star in the night sky, which is both dazzling and thought-provoking.

Now, in Southern Medical University, the "academic showdown" staged between President Zhang and Professor Yu Li is like a sudden "Super Bowl" in the medical field, which makes the whole circle look sideways.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of medical version of the "martial arts conference" this is.

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

The "Resurgence" of the Temple of Medicine

Southern Medical University, a name that is well-known in the medical community, is not only the cradle of cultivating angels in white, but also the "Silicon Valley" of medical research.

Principal Zhang, the "protector" of traditional medicine, his life is like a living textbook of traditional Chinese medicine, and every chapter and page is soaked with respect and inheritance of classical wisdom.

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

Professor Yu Li, on the other hand, is the "trendsetter" of medical exploration, always brave the "no man's land" of scientific research with infinite curiosity about the unknown, and every breakthrough she makes is like lighting up a new star in the medical universe.

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

Act I: Academic Arena, Sabre-rattling

The boiling point of the story focuses on the treatment options against the coronavirus.

Principal Zhang, like an ancient knight in armor, adheres to the classic therapy that "stands the test of time", using a series of conclusive clinical data as a shield to resist all doubts, and his every word is loud, as if to say: "The wisdom of history should not be underestimated." ”

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

Professor Yu Li is the future warrior with a laser sword in hand, and her new treatment ideas are like a spaceship through time and space, full of the latest scientific research results, trying to open up an unprecedented path in the labyrinth of the virus.

Her words are full of unwavering belief in scientific progress: "The future is here, let's embrace change." ”

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

Act II: The tsunami of public opinion, the attention of the whole people

This academic "Mars collides with the earth" quickly spread from the seminar room of the college to every mobile phone screen.

On social media, "traditionalists" and "reformists" have their own opinions, and the topic is hot enough to catch up with popular TV series.

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

Major media outlets have also come down, commentaries, interviews, and feature reports have followed, and the management of Southern Medical University seems to have been pushed to the forefront and felt unprecedented public pressure.

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

Act III: School "Tai Chi", overcoming rigidity with softness

In the face of this turmoil, Southern Medical University showed the wisdom of "four or two thousand pounds".

On the one hand, it adheres to the dignity of academics, like an old tree with its roots, deeply rooted in the soil of history. On the other hand, it is also flexible, using open and transparent communication, like a delicate psychological massage, trying to alleviate the anxiety of the outside world.

Whether this "good public relations prescription" can stabilize its course in the wind and rain will take time to give an answer.

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

Act IV: In-depth analysis, distinguishing between right and wrong

In this boiling controversy, the medical profession seems to have been pulled under a big "think about it" sign, which makes people scratch their heads and mutter: "While we treat diseases and save people, how can we not step on the little flowers and plants of morality?" "This is like a problem for every little friend in a white coat, not only to be a good explorer of the mysteries of the human body, but also to be a guardian of morality and ethics, grasping with both hands, both hands should be hard.

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

Medicine, it's like a tea party between an old friend of science and humanities, you have to learn to walk a tightrope between cold data and warm hearts, impartially, with both the rigor of a scientist and the gentleness of a poet.

It's not easy! It's like holding a scalpel in your hand, seeing six ways and hearing all directions, not only to be highly skilled and ensure that every knife is accurate, but also to have a sense of reverence for life in your heart, thinking "Do this is worthy of the boat of conscience?"

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

On the scale of "can do" and "should do", medical workers have become the ones who carefully put their weights.

Sometimes, technology advances and we can do more, but that doesn't mean we should do it all.

You have to knock on it like picking a watermelon, listen to the echo in your heart, and ask yourself: "Is this really good for the patient?" Socially beneficial? ”

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

Act V: The Dawn of the Future, Illuminating the Way Forward

Every time the academic community "Huashan Sword" is like fertilizing the big tree of medicine, although the soil is a little churning when fertilizing, but this tree absorbs nutrients and will be able to bear sweeter fruits in the future.

The "academic debate competition" of our president Zhang and Professor Yu Li is simply a "PK on the tip of the tongue" in the medical field, although it was full of gunpowder at the beginning, which made the onlookers sweat a little bit, but if you think about it carefully, isn't this the best demonstration of the sparks of knowledge?

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

As the old saying goes, sharpening a knife is not a mistake for a woodcutter, and although this debate is short-lived, it is like a timely rain before spring ploughing, sowing the seeds of hope for future medical research.

These seeds have grown into towering trees under the nourishment of time, and the forest of medicine is not even more lush?

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

In the future, the boat of our medical exploration will continue to ride the wind and waves, and the reefs and whirlpools on the road will naturally be an indispensable challenge.

But as long as we can learn something from the "Jianghu exchange" of "President Zhang and Professor Yu Li", such as how to cooperate better and how to embrace different points of view with a more open mind, then our small ship can become an aircraft carrier, and the sea of medicine will be even more magnificent.

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

In the final analysis, the progress of medicine is not for the physical and mental health of our people.

If we can learn a thing or two from the debate between these two bigwigs, and go to the hospital in the future, maybe we can enjoy more high-level and down-to-earth medical services.

In this way, our bodies are better, our smiles are brighter, and our days will naturally be more and more beautiful!

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple

This academic "martial arts conference", although there were a few twists and turns at the beginning, the ending was bright.

Let's just wait and see, the spring of medicine will definitely become warmer and more vibrant because of such a "feast of debate".

At that time, each of us will be a witness to this medical revolution and the biggest beneficiary!

After further investigation, it turned out that the president of Southern Medical University and Professor Yu Li had an academic dispute, and the matter was not so simple


The academic "game" between President Zhang and Professor Yu Li is like a spring rain, which has brought temporary coolness, but nourished the fertile soil for medical innovation.

Each and every one of us is a brave navigator in the journey of medical exploration, whether we are navigating the protected seas or exploring the uncharted waters of innovation, our goal is always the same – to find a wider sea route for human health.

Let us welcome the arrival of every dawn of medicine with a more inclusive and rational attitude, and believe that in the near future, the light of medicine will be able to shine in every corner and warm every heart that longs for health.

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