
In the Asian Championships against Japan, the national youth genius Zhang Zhijie was sent to the hospital for rescue and died! My sister posted a question

author:Yuzu said something


Life is impermanent, and the talents on the badminton court die early

In the field of youth, every drop of sweat carries dreams and persistence, and every swing of the racket embodies countless days and nights of hard training. However, on July 1, 2024, a sudden tragedy shocked the badminton world and made us deeply feel the impermanence and fragility of life.

In the Asian Championships against Japan, the national youth genius Zhang Zhijie was sent to the hospital for rescue and died! My sister posted a question

In the mixed team group stage of the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships held in Indonesia, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old rising star of the Chinese badminton team, suddenly fainted on the court. At that moment, all eyes were on the young athlete and hoping for him to recover quickly and get back on the Circle. However, fate played a cruel joke, and Zhang Zhijie died after being rushed to the hospital.

Zhang Zhijie, a teenager who has made a name for himself in the badminton world, has just begun his life journey, but it came to an abrupt end in this way. Since he joined the national youth team in 2023, he has repeatedly achieved great results in the domestic and international arenas with his outstanding skills and unremitting efforts.

In the Asian Championships against Japan, the national youth genius Zhang Zhijie was sent to the hospital for rescue and died! My sister posted a question

The 2022 National U-Series Badminton Competition U15-17 Finals 15-year-old group men's singles champion, the 2023 National Youth Badminton Championships Group B men's singles champion, men's team champion, and then the 2024 Netherlands Youth Badminton International Men's Singles Champion, his every step is solid and powerful.

However, just when Zhang Zhijie's badminton career was about to take off, fate ruthlessly knocked him down. He suddenly fainted during a fierce match against Japan in the group stage, and although the tournament's doctors and medical team quickly intervened and rushed him to the hospital in less than two minutes, they were unable to save the young man's life.

In the Asian Championships against Japan, the national youth genius Zhang Zhijie was sent to the hospital for rescue and died! My sister posted a question

This incident not only deeply saddened the Chinese badminton team and badminton fans, but also sparked public attention and discussion about the medical emergency measures at the sports event. Judging from the footage at the scene, after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, the medical team at the stadium did not immediately carry out emergency treatment measures such as AED (external defibrillator) or CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). This raises questions about the event's medical coverage.

Some medical staff pointed out that in high-intensity competitive sports competitions, athletes suddenly faint and fall to the ground without contact, and the possibility of cardiac arrest should be considered first.

In this case, the implementation of first aid measures such as AED and CPR is crucial and can be directly related to the life and death of the athlete. Although we cannot be sure whether Zhang Zhijie's death is related to first aid measures, it is undoubtedly a wake-up call that we must take the issue of medical emergency in sports events very seriously.

Life is fragile, but our respect and cherishment of life should not be overlooked. Zhang Zhijie's passing is a profound lesson that tells us that safety always comes first, no matter when and where we are. In the pursuit of competitive performance, we must ensure the safety of athletes.

The Asian Badminton Federation, the BWF and the Organizing Committee expressed their deep condolences on the passing of Zhang Zhijie and expressed their deepest condolences to his parents, family and the Chinese Badminton Association. Zhang Zhijie's death not only deprived the badminton world of an outstanding new star, but also made us deeply feel the impermanence and preciousness of life.

Here, we call on all sports event organizers to pay more attention to medical security to ensure that emergency treatment can be carried out quickly and effectively. At the same time, I also hope that all athletes will pay more attention to their own health and life safety on the way to pursue their dreams.

Zhang Zhijie's death is an irreparable tragedy, but his spirit and achievements will always be remembered in our hearts. May he continue to swing his racket on the green field of heaven, and may we all cherish life, respect sports, and work together to create a safer and healthier sports environment.

Readers, what do you think about medical coverage in sporting events? How can we improve to ensure the safety of athletes? Feel free to leave your views and suggestions in the comment area, and let's work together to provide a better competitive environment for athletes.

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