
The premiere of CCTV's "Dahan Fu" is coming! Director Wang Wei, as soon as this drama is broadcast, the entertainment dramas have to be dispersed

author:Perfume lily window
The premiere of CCTV's "Dahan Fu" is coming! Director Wang Wei, as soon as this drama is broadcast, the entertainment dramas have to be dispersed

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Tencent's new film list releases whether the historical drama "Dahan Fu" can stand out from the encirclement

The release of Tencent's new film list is like a bombshell, once again pushing the audience's enthusiasm to a climax, "Crime Hunting Guide 2", "Da Feng Beat the Guard" and other highly anticipated works have whetted the audience's appetite, and the historical drama "Dahan Fu" is like a dark horse, slowly coming in the limelight, can it fight out of the fierce competition and become this year's hit?

The premiere of CCTV's "Dahan Fu" is coming! Director Wang Wei, as soon as this drama is broadcast, the entertainment dramas have to be dispersed

Looking back at this year's film and television drama market, it can be said that it is full of flowers and wonderful, from the relaxed and pleasant urban love to the exciting suspenseful reasoning, from the family ethics that shows the short family ethics of parents to the ancient costume martial arts of swords and swords, various types and themes of film and television works compete for beauty, dizzying, among many themes, historical dramas have always occupied an indispensable place, and their heavy historical heritage and cultural connotation have attracted batch after batch of loyal audiences, but it is undeniable that Historical dramas are also facing unprecedented challenges, how to maintain the authenticity of history and resonate with modern audiences has become a difficult problem for creators, does the emergence of "Da Han Fu" indicate that historical dramas will usher in a new breakthrough?

Director Wang Wei joined to escort "Dahan Fu".

According to the news, the famous director Wang Wei will join "Dahan Fu", this news is like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, instantly stirring up a thousand waves, on social media, netizens have discussed it, some people cheered, some people have a wait-and-see attitude, director Wang Wei with his unique narrative style and deep understanding of historical themes, has won a good reputation in the industry, he directed "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night", "Hidden and Great" and other works, have achieved good ratings and word of mouth, becoming a leader in domestic dramas in recent years

The premiere of CCTV's "Dahan Fu" is coming! Director Wang Wei, as soon as this drama is broadcast, the entertainment dramas have to be dispersed

The audience is looking forward to the fact that he can integrate his unique understanding and control of history into this work, presenting the audience with a masterpiece that has both a sense of history and ornamentation, and the charm of historical dramas is not only in the magnificent historical events, but also in the portrayal of historical figures and the discussion of human nature and emotions

Focusing on the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, can "The Great Han Fu" reproduce the turning point of history?

"The Great Han Fu" is set in the Western Han Dynasty Wenjing period, and will deeply show the reform and change of the Han Wu Emperor era, which is undoubtedly a very attractive historical entry point, as one of the most legendary emperors in Chinese history, his eloquence, martial arts, and the magnificent historical era in which he lived, provided rich material for film and television creation

The premiere of CCTV's "Dahan Fu" is coming! Director Wang Wei, as soon as this drama is broadcast, the entertainment dramas have to be dispersed

How to interpret this well-known history is both true and credible, and can resonate with the audience, is a difficult problem in front of the creative team of "Da Han Fu", some history lovers and ordinary audiences have expressed the hope that "Da Han Fu" can jump out of the trap of traditional historical dramas, avoid falling into the cliché of "joking about history", they look forward to seeing a work that can truly restore historical events with an attitude of respecting history, and deeply analyze the inner world of historical figures and the background of the times

Huang Xiaoming? Hu? Who can better interpret the majesty of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?

As a TV series centered on historical figures, casting is undoubtedly a crucial link, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty as the soul of "The Great Han Fu", his actor is even more high-profile, according to rumors, Huang Xiaoming and Hu Ge are strong contenders for the role, both actors have rich performance experience and a huge fan base, their strength and popularity are undoubted, who can more accurately interpret the complex inner world of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and deduce the majesty of this emperor through the ages, which has become the focus of heated discussions among the audience and the media

The premiere of CCTV's "Dahan Fu" is coming! Director Wang Wei, as soon as this drama is broadcast, the entertainment dramas have to be dispersed

Huang Xiaoming's performance in the field of historical dramas in recent years is remarkable, and the character image he created is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, while Hu Ge has won a lot of praise in the field of costume dramas with his elegant temperament and superb acting skills. The audience is looking forward to the announcement of the final candidates, and also looking forward to the two powerful actors being able to contribute wonderful performances in "Da Han Fu".

Can director Wang Wei inject a new historical perspective into "The Great Han Fu"?

Director Wang Wei's unique understanding and grasp of historical themes has made the audience full of expectations for "The Great Han Fu", he once said that the creation of historical dramas should not only respect historical facts, but also pay attention to the expression of the characters' emotions and the transmission of the spirit of the times

The premiere of CCTV's "Dahan Fu" is coming! Director Wang Wei, as soon as this drama is broadcast, the entertainment dramas have to be dispersed

Some film and television critics believe that the joining of director Wang Wei is expected to inject a new historical outlook into "Da Han Fu", he is good at using delicate lens language and profound character portrayal, closely linking historical events with the fate of the characters, so as to arouse the audience's resonance and thinking, and the audience is looking forward to the fact that "Da Han Fu" can break the stereotype of traditional historical dramas under the leadership of director Wang Wei, and present the audience with an excellent work that has both a sense of history and humanistic care

The casting dilemma: how to balance the dual needs of the market and art?

The casting problem has always been a major problem in the production of film and television dramas, especially in historical dramas, how to find actors who are not only in line with the image of historical figures, but also acceptable to the audience, is a huge challenge

The premiere of CCTV's "Dahan Fu" is coming! Director Wang Wei, as soon as this drama is broadcast, the entertainment dramas have to be dispersed

Some viewers believe that the selection of actors should not only consider the matching degree of their appearance and temperament with the role, but also pay attention to their acting skills and understanding of the role, and they hope that the cast of "The Great Han Fu" can withstand the audience and lay a solid foundation for the success of the show

Netizens hotly discussed the popularity of "Dahan Fu" before it was broadcast

With the continuous release of news related to "Dahan Fu", this series has sparked heated discussions on social media, and many netizens expressed their expectations for this series, believing that it is expected to become a rare historical drama masterpiece in recent years, and netizens have left messages to express their expectations for the plot, characters and production team

The premiere of CCTV's "Dahan Fu" is coming! Director Wang Wei, as soon as this drama is broadcast, the entertainment dramas have to be dispersed

"I look forward to 'The Great Han Fu' presenting us with a magnificent historical picture of the Han Dynasty and allowing us to have a deeper understanding of the legendary emperor Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty," one netizen wrote on Weibo

"I hope that 'Da Han Fu' can be artistically created on the basis of respecting history, and bring us an excellent work that is both beautiful and thought-provoking," another netizen said

Can "Dahan Fu" become a new benchmark for domestic historical dramas?

The start of filming of "Da Han Fu" has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the domestic historical drama market, and the audience is looking forward to this series reaching a new height in terms of content, production, actors, etc., and becoming a new benchmark for domestic historical dramas

In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the audience's aesthetic level, higher requirements have been put forward for the production level and cultural connotation of historical dramas

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